Posts Tagged ‘mary lasker’

Mary Lasker: Money is Frozen Energy

Posted by admin on Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Mary Lasker Money Quotation saying cold hard frozen cash convinces people to work diligently to get tough answers to tough questions. Mary Lasker said:

Mary Lasker People want the answer to cancer, and they're not going to get it without spending money, because money is frozen energy that unfreezes itself when you pay people to work quote

“People want the answer to cancer, and they re not going to get it without spending money, because money is frozen energy that unfreezes itself when you pay people to work” — Mary Lasker


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In this quote, Mary Lasker is making the point that meaningful progress in curing cancer requires significant financial investment. She refers to money as “frozen energy” that can be unlocked by paying researchers, doctors and scientists to devote their time and expertise to tackling this complex health issue.

Lasker is essentially saying that finding solutions for cancer will not happen without large sums of money being spent to fund the important work of medical professionals and support their efforts over many years of study and testing.

By describing money as energy that fuels work when used to compensate people, Lasker emphasizes how monetary backing is necessary to drive forward the search for answers in the fight against cancer.

Mary Lasker: Disease, Research Expensive?

Posted by admin on Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Mary Lasker Money Quotation saying The cost to society of disease is far greater than the cost of research to defeat it. Mary Lasker said:
Mary Lasker If you think research is expensive, try disease! quote

“If you think research is expensive, try disease!” — Mary Lasker


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In this quote, Mary Lasker is making the argument that funding medical research is critically important. She is saying that failing to invest in research would be an even more “expensive” choice, as it could allow diseases to spread and harm public health.

By stating that disease itself is more costly than research, Lasker is emphasizing that money spent on scientific inquiry is an investment that pays off in medical advances, treatments and ultimately savings from improved health outcomes.

The quote suggests that neglecting to support research would have high long-term expenses in terms of human suffering and healthcare costs from preventable illnesses. Overall, Lasker is strongly advocating for continued financial backing of medical studies.

Mary Lasker: Without $ Nothing Gets Done

Posted by admin on Monday, May 25, 2015

Mary Lasker Money Quotation saying that funding facilitates most action toward most large goals. Mary Lasker said:
Mary Lasker Without money, nothing gets done quote

“Without money, nothing gets done — Mary Lasker


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In this quote, Mary Lasker is acknowledging the practical reality that financial resources are required in order to accomplish goals and make progress. She seems to be stating frankly that without funding or money behind efforts, it is very difficult to actually get things done or see initiatives through to completion.

The quote suggests Lasker understood that money acts as a key enabler that allows important work to be supported and carried out. Overall, through this statement, Lasker appears to be recognizing in a matter-of-fact way that monetary backing is often necessary to transform plans and good intentions into realized achievements or results.

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