Posts Tagged ‘Martin Scorsese’

Martin Scorsese: Financial Support

Posted by admin on Sunday, January 9, 2022

Martin Scorsese Money Quote saying only a couple of movies had all the money needed, but most could have used another 10 days of filming. Martin Scorsese said:
I think there's only one or two films where I've had all the financial support I needed. I wish I'd had the money Quote

“I think there’s only one or two films where I’ve had all the financial support I needed. All the rest, I wish I’d had the money to shoot another ten days” — Martin Scorsese


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Martin Scorsese is saying that for most of his films, he felt constrained by the budget and time allotted for filming. Having more time, like an additional 10 days, would have allowed him to film more scenes and take more creative risks. Filmmaking is a collaborative process, so extra time could have given him the opportunity to further develop ideas with his cast and crew or try alternate versions of scenes. The tight schedules and budgets likely meant some of his visions had to be scaled back or compromised. More days would have given Scorsese more flexibility to fully realize his artistic intentions for each project.

Martin Scorsese: Commercial Movie

Posted by admin on Sunday, January 2, 2022

Martin Scorsese Money Quote saying commercialism is worrisome in filmmaking, forcing a choice between personal preferences and targeting Academy Awards to become wealthy. Martin Scorsese said:
winning an Academy Award and becoming a millionaire, or making only the movies you want to make and starving to death? Quote

“The question of commercialism is a source of worry. Must one make a choice, must it be a matter of either setting your sights on winning an Academy Award and becoming a millionaire, or making only the movies you want to make and starving to death?” — Martin Scorsese


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In this quote, Martin Scorsese is discussing the tension that filmmakers often face between commercial success and artistic integrity. He notes that there is a worry that in order to be financially successful in the film industry, one has to choose between prioritizing winning awards and making money, versus solely making the films they are passionate about without concern for commercial factors.

Scorsese suggests this can often feel like an either/or choice between financial reward or potential financial ruin if a film is not commercially viable. He questions whether filmmakers truly have to make this difficult choice or if there could be a middle ground.

Martin Scorsese: Happiness Pursuit

Posted by admin on Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Martin Scorsese Money Quote saying America is not really about getting rich, rather it’s about being able to pursue happiness. Martin Scorsese said:
everyone could get rich. I remember being told it was about opportunity and the pursuit of happiness. Not happiness itself, but the pursuit Quote

“When I was growing up, I don’t remember being told that America was created so that everyone could get rich. I remember being told it was about opportunity and the pursuit of happiness. Not happiness itself, but the pursuit” — Martin Scorsese


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In this quote, Martin Scorsese is reflecting on what he was taught about the founding ideals of America when he was growing up. He says that he does not recall being told that the purpose of America was for everyone to become rich. Rather, he remembers being told that America was created to provide opportunities and allow people to pursue happiness.

He makes a distinction between actually achieving happiness itself, versus having the freedom to pursue it through opportunities. Overall, Scorsese seems to be commenting that America’s founding principles were about enabling its citizens to better their lives and strive for fulfillment, rather than guaranteeing wealth for all.

Martin Scorsese: Finance Superhero

Posted by admin on Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Martin Scorsese Money Quote saying that because the goal capitalism is reaching financial heights above all, there aren’t finance heroes in our culture. Martin Scorsese said:
nature of free-market capitalism - where the rule is to rise to the top at all costs - is it possible to have a financial industry hero Quote

“I would ask: Given the nature of free-market capitalism – where the rule is to rise to the top at all costs – is it possible to have a financial industry hero? And by the way, this is not a pop-culture trend we’re talking about. There aren’t many financial heroes in literature, theater or cinema” — Martin Scorsese


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Scorsese says there aren’t many financial heroes portrayed in literature, theater or cinema because the goal of capitalism is to rise to the top financially above all else, at any cost. This prioritizes profits and wealth accumulation over other values. As a result, stories tend not to glorify or portray bankers, investors, etc. as heroic figures, since their work focuses on making money rather than other noble goals like helping people. Scorsese is pointing out that within a free market capitalist system, achieving financial success alone is generally not seen as a heroic attribute worthy of dramatic portrayal.

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