Posts Tagged ‘madeleine albright’
Madeleine Albright: Economically Empowered
on Wednesday, March 23, 2022Madeleine Albright Money Quote saying making women’s equality important to American economic empowerment. Madeleine Albright said:
“The reason I made women’s issues central to American foreign policy, was not because I was a feminist, but because we know that societies are more stable if women are politically and economically empowered” — Madeleine Albright
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In this quote, Madeleine Albright explains why she prioritized women’s issues in American foreign policy during her tenure as Secretary of State. She states it was not due to her personal identity as a feminist, but rather because experience shows “societies are more stable” when women have political and economic rights and opportunities on equal terms with men.
By emphasizing programs and policies that advance women’s empowerment internationally, Albright believed it would help create conditions of greater social stability in other nations. Her rationale was based on a pragmatic understanding that gender equality and women’s full participation in public life strengthen a country, not just an ideological belief in feminism.
Overall, the quote conveys Albright’s view that promoting women’s empowerment globally serves important strategic interests in addition to humanitarian goals.
Birthday: May 15, 1937 – Death: March 23, 2022
Madeleine Albright: Price Worth It
on Wednesday, March 23, 2022Madeleine Albright Money Quote saying there are many hard choices where it clear that the cost is worth what is paid. Madeleine Albright said:
“I think this is a very hard choice, but the price – we think the price is worth it” — Madeleine Albright
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In this quote, Madeleine Albright is referring to a difficult foreign policy decision where human costs were anticipated but considered necessary to achieve an important strategic goal. While not providing full context, her comments suggest weighing moral and ethical considerations against geopolitical priorities.
The “price” of human losses or suffering was deemed “worth it” from a national security or interests perspective, though Albright acknowledges the choice involved was “very hard” and the costs to human life regrettable but believed unavoidable to protect broader issues of security.
Her message conveys that leadership sometimes requires making least-bad calculations between undesirable options where no outcome is ideal from a humanitarian standpoint.
Birthday: May 15, 1937 – Death: March 23, 2022
Madeleine K. Albright: Penny Profit
on Wednesday, May 15, 2019Madeleine K. Albright Money Quote saying that the president has a world view of competing businesses to maximize profit in every interaction. Madeleine K. Albright said:
“[Trump] conceives of the world as a battlefield in which every country is intent on dominating every other; where nations compete like real estate developers to ruin rivals and squeeze every penny of profit out of deals” — Madeleine K. Albright
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This quote from Madeleine Albright suggests that President Trump views international relations like a competitive real estate market, where each country aims to dominate and one-up its rivals for profit and gain.
She implies that in Trump’s worldview, nations behave more like cutthroat businesspeople always seeking to get the better of deals and extract maximum financial advantage from every transaction or negotiation.
The quote highlights Albright’s assessment that Trump conceives of global politics in a combative, zero-sum way focused more on national profit and dominance rather than cooperation, where every interaction is an opportunity to exploit rivals and “squeeze every penny” for one’s own nation.
Birthday: May 15, 1937 – Death: March 23, 2022