Posts Tagged ‘loss’

Ron Rash: Small Profit Better

Posted by admin on Friday, February 9, 2024

Meaning of Ron Rash Money Quote: saying any profit is better than any loss – large or small for either. Ron Rash said:

 A small profit it better than a big loss Quote

“A small profit it better than a big loss” — Ron Rash


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In this quote, Ron Rash is giving advice about financial decision making and risk management. The best interpretation is:

  • Rash is saying it’s preferable to make a small gain or profit rather than taking a large financial loss on any business or investment endeavor.
  • His point is that accumulating modest wins is better in the long run than taking big risks that could result in severe losses, even if the potential rewards might be greater.
  • Rash advocates prioritizing consistent small profits over gambles that may pay off hugely but could just as easily end in ruinous loss if they don’t pan out.
  • The overall message is one of prudent risk-taking – Rash believes it’s smarter to favor steady accumulation through many minor gains rather than high-risk bets that stand to lose massively, as the former is a surer path to long term prosperity than the latter.

John Bogle: Stock Market Loss

Posted by admin on Sunday, October 2, 2022

Meaning of John Bogle Money Quote: saying it should be expected to see wild swings in the stock market. John Bogle said:
20% loss in the stock market, you shouldn’t be in stocks Quote

“If you have trouble imagining a 20% loss in the stock market, you shouldn’t be in stocks” — John Bogle


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In this quote, John Bogle seems to be advising that individuals should only invest in stocks if they have a sufficiently long investment time horizon and high risk tolerance. Some key points:

  • Bogle notes that anyone who has significant difficulty envisioning or accepting the potential of a 20% drop in the stock market at some point should not be investing in equities.
  • He appears to be saying that only investors who understand short-term volatility is inevitable and have the fortitude to wait out downturns rather than panic-selling belong in the stock market.
  • The quote implies that stocks are inherently risky assets which may experience sharp corrections, so they are not suitable for those who will be overly stressed by such inevitable short-term drawdowns.

Overall, Bogle seems to be cautioning that investing in stocks requires emotional preparedness to withstand sizeable temporary losses, as such fluctuations are a normal part of equity market cycles. His advice is that if the prospect of a 20% decline causes undue anxiety, one’s risk tolerance may be insufficient for the long-term ups and downs of the stock market.

Birthday: May 8, 1929 – Death: January 16, 2019

Marya Mannes: Loss Obsessed

Posted by admin on Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Marya Mannes Money Quote saying our obsessions inspire us to see things in opposite ways. Marya Mannes said:
If American men are obsessed with money, American women are obsessed with weight. The men talk of gain, the women talk of loss Quote

“If American men are obsessed with money, American women are obsessed with weight. The men talk of gain, the women talk of loss, and I do not know which talk is the more boring” — Marya Mannes


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In this quote, Marya Mannes seems to be critiquing preoccupations with money and weight that she perceives as dominant cultural conversations in America along gender lines.

By stating that American men are “obsessed with money” and “talk of gain”, while American women are “obsessed with weight” and “talk of loss”, Mannes implies these topics dominate discussions in a way that she finds tedious. Her comment that she doesn’t know which type of talk is “more boring” conveys Mannes’ perspective that both money and weight serve as overly common conversational focal points in a manner that she views as tiresome.

Overall, the quote portrays Mannes’ viewpoint that American society in her time had an overemphasis on financial discussions among men and dieting/body image dialogues among women that she felt lacked depth or variety, even if understandable social issues. Mannes appears to be advocating for broadening public conversations beyond these narrow preoccupations.

Birthday: November 14, 1904 – Death: September 13, 1990

Frederick Douglass: No God But Wealth

Posted by admin on Saturday, July 15, 2017

Frederick Douglass Money Quote from an 1857 speech reflecting on how slave-holders and profiteers would respond to John the Disciple dismissing angelic visits from God to discuss wealth. Frederick Douglass said:
How will it affect property? In the eyes of such people, there is no God but wealth; no right and wrong but profit and loss Quote

“But brother John, will it pay? Can money be made out of it? Will it make the rich richer, and the strong stronger? How will it affect property? In the eyes of such people, there is no God but wealth; no right and wrong but profit and loss” — Frederick Douglass


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In this quote, Frederick Douglass is criticizing a perspective that only values wealth accumulation and prioritizes financial gain above all else.

He implies that some people see wealth as the sole measure of worth or “God” and judge all things based on whether they can increase property and profits rather than considerations of morality.

The quote suggests these individuals would only support an idea or action if it further enriched the rich and powerful, with no regard for justice, equality or ethics.

Douglass is highlighting how a singular focus on money above other principles can lead people to condone or condemn things solely on their potential financial impacts rather than rightness or wrongness.

Birthday: c. February 1817 – Death: February 20, 1895

S.E. Sever: Dream Profit & Loss Calculation

Posted by admin on Tuesday, May 12, 2015

S.E. Sever Money Quotation saying measure of hope & desire are precisely echoed in our finances and bank ledger. S.E. Sever said:
S.E. Sever You can see the size of people's dreams from their profit and loss calculations quote

“You can see the size of people’s dreams from their profit and loss calculations” — S.E. Sever


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In this quote, S.E. Sever is making the observation that one’s financial calculations and outlook reveal the scale of their ambitions. The implication seems to be that those who consider mainly short-term profits and losses in decisions typically harbor more modest dreams, while individuals who accept risk and sacrifice for potential long-term gain must have grander visions driving them.

Sever’s perspective is that profit-loss analyses provide a window into how “big” people dare to dream – whether timidly aiming for security or boldly pursuing their biggest goals and ideals regardless of potential setbacks or delays.

The quote suggests one can gauge the magnitude of another’s dreams and motivations based on whether their financial perspective emphasizes minimizing loss over maximizing reward and impact over longer stretches of time.

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