Posts Tagged ‘lobbyist’

Mick Mulvaney: Lobbyist Gives, I’ll Talk

Posted by admin on Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Mick Mulvaney Money Quote saying blatantly what we all fear – money buys access and allows only those who pay to play in politics. Mick Mulvaney said:
Lobbyist who never gave us money, I didn't talk to you. Gave us money, I might talk to you Quote

“If you’re a lobbyist who never gave us money, I didn’t talk to you. If you’re a lobbyist who gave us money, I might talk to you”
— Mick Mulvaney


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In this quote, Mick Mulvaney is openly acknowledging the improper influence that political donations have on access to elected officials. Some key points:

  • He admits that if a lobbyist did not contribute money, he would not speak or meet with them, implying their views would not be heard.
  • However, lobbyists who did financially support his campaigns, according to Mulvaney, would have a chance to convey their agenda directly to him.
  • The quote suggests that campaign contributions directly impact a lobbyist’s ability to advocate for their interests and have their issues considered by public officials.
  • Mulvaney’s transparency about this corrupt quid-pro-quo relationship highlights how pay-to-play politics can undermine democratic representation and policymaking.

Overall, the quote provides candid insight into how political donations are used to gain favoritism and preferential access over constituents’ best interests. It reinforces criticism of an inequitable system that rewards lobbyists who donate the most money.

Elizabeth Warren: We Work for Big Pharma?

Posted by admin on Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Elizabeth Warren Money Quote saying in a floor speech opposing the 21st Century Cures Act, which includes corrupt giveaways for big pharma as well as good legislation. Elizabeth Warren said:
Does the senate work for big pharma that hires lobbyists and people who make giant campaign contributions, or does the senate work for the American people who actually sent us here? Quote

“Does the senate work for big pharma that hires lobbyists and people who make giant campaign contributions, or does the senate work for the American people who actually sent us here?”


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In this quote, Elizabeth Warren is directly challenging who the Senate represents and works for. Some key points:

  • She poses the question of whether the Senate works for “big pharma” companies that employ lobbyists and make large political donations.
  • Or, does the Senate work for “the American people who actually sent us here” through elections.
  • Warren appears to be implying the Senate is more responsive to pharmaceutical industry influence campaigns than the voters who elected Senators.
  • She is calling out the industry’s lobbying and campaign contributions as a way to gain political influence and question whose interests the Senate prioritizes.
  • Overall, the quote frames it as a choice – does the Senate serve big donors and lobby groups, or the American public? Warren suggests the former has more sway currently.


Mansur Gidfar: Congress Anti-Money Rare

Posted by admin on Sunday, June 14, 2015

Mansur Gidfar Money Quotation saying Congressmen rarely vote against organized money interests to ensure reelection funding for campaigns. Mansur Gidfar said:
Mansur Gidfar It’s a rare thing for members of Congress to go against the money these days. They know exactly which special interests they need to keep happy if they want to fund their reelection campaigns or secure a future job as a lobbyist quote

“It’s a rare thing for members of Congress to go against the money these days. They know exactly which special interests they need to keep happy if they want to fund their reelection campaigns or secure a future job as a lobbyist” — Mansur Gidfar


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In this quote, Mansur Gidfar is criticizing the influence of moneyed interests on the actions of members of Congress. He suggests that legislators are usually reluctant to take positions that go against major donors, as they recognize the importance of maintaining support from “special interests” that provide large financial backing.

Gidfar implies this donor maintenance often takes precedence over representing ordinary citizens, as politicians feel they must “keep happy” their biggest campaign financiers in order to secure reelection funds and possibly lobbying careers after leaving office.

His perspective conveys a belief that the policy priorities of affluent corporations and groups now dominate the legislative process due to the power derived from fundraising contributions and the prospect of future employment opportunities after government service.

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