Posts Tagged ‘living wage’
Noelle Stout: Poor Living Wage
on Wednesday, July 26, 2023Meaning of Noelle Stout Money Quote: saying The poor suffer from the commodification of debt products and pay ever more for being poor. Noelle Stout said:
“Being poor is not simply a matter of lacking opportunities to convert one’s labor into a wage — or a living wage, for that matter — but rather of becoming indebted and, through the commodification of these debts, paying an ever-higher price for being poor” — Noelle Stout
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In this quote, Noelle Stout is discussing the high costs and financial burdens that poverty can place on people. She argues that being poor is not just about lacking opportunities to earn enough money through work or a living wage. Rather, she says that poverty often results in people becoming indebted or taking on debt, and then having to pay increasingly high costs and interest on that debt over time due to their financial circumstances.
Stout refers to this as the “commodification of debts”, meaning that debts owed by poor people essentially become commodified financial products that are traded and can accumulate more and more costs. So her point is that poverty is not just about low income, but also about the cycle of debt and high costs that the poor often face, which in a sense makes them “pay an ever-higher price for being poor” through the interest and fees attached to their debts over time.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Take Billions
on Sunday, March 1, 2020
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Money Quote saying that nobody actually earns a billion dollars, they pay others to earn if for them by paying them less than they deserve. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said:
“You made that money off of the backs of undocumented people, you made that money off of the backs of black and brown people being paid under a living wage, you made that money off of the backs of single mothers. No one ever makes a billion dollars. You take a billion dollars” — Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
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In this quote, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez seems to be criticizing the accumulation of extreme wealth by arguing that billionaires do not earn such vast fortunes entirely through their own individual efforts and talents alone.
By stating billionaires make money “off the backs of undocumented people” paid substandard wages, “off the backs of black and brown people” in similar circumstances, and “off the backs of single mothers”, Ocasio-Cortez implies that socioeconomic inequities and exploitation of vulnerable workers enable the amassing of such large fortunes.
Her additional comment that “no one ever makes a billion dollars. You take a billion dollars” conveys her perspective that attaining billions requires leveraging uneven systems and circumstances beyond just personal merit, initiative or productivity.
Overall, the quote portrays Ocasio-Cortez’s view that immense wealth concentration depends on broader economic and social conditions of inequality, and questions the narrative of the self-made billionaire achieved solely through individual prowess or innovation.
Nick Hanauer: Pay a Living Wage
on Friday, January 8, 2016Nick Hanauer Money Quotation saying paying employees better means they won’t need public assistance programs to relieve poverty. Nick Hanauer said:
“When businesses pay workers a living wage, taxpayers are relieved of the burden of funding the poverty programs like food stamps and medical assistance and rent assistance that those workers need” — Nick Hanauer
In this quote, Nick Hanauer is arguing that when businesses pay their workers a living wage, it reduces the financial burden on taxpayers who fund various government assistance programs.
Hanauer is saying that if low-wage workers received higher wages from their employers, they would be less reliant on poverty programs like food stamps, Medicaid, rent subsidies and other forms of public assistance that taxpayers fund through their taxes.
Therefore, when the business community pays workers enough to meet basic living expenses, it effectively shifts some of the social costs of poverty from the taxpayer onto businesses themselves through higher wages.
This interpretation suggests Hanauer believes living wages paid by employers can help decrease government spending on anti-poverty programs over the long run.
John Fugelsang on Minimum Wage Capitalism
on Sunday, October 5, 2014John Fugelsang Money Quotation saying we need to #raisethewage so our economic system can rely on people able to afford to spend disposable income. John Fugelsang said:
“Hey, you know what else is good for Capitalism? A living-wage workforce that can afford to, y’know, buy shit” — John Fugelsang
In this quote, John Fugelsang is arguing that paying workers a living wage is good for capitalism. He’s suggesting that if more workers earned higher wages, rather than low wages, they would have more purchasing power and ability to spend money. This increased consumer demand from a workforce that can “afford to buy shit” would be beneficial for businesses and the wider economy.
So Fugelsang is making the point that a thriving consumer economy depends on workers having wages high enough to meaningfully participate in markets as customers, not just as low-paid laborers. His view is that living wages can actually strengthen capitalism by creating a customer base that drives further business and economic growth.
World’s Richest 85 People Have As Much As Bottom Half Of The Population
— Captain Clarion (@citizensrock) September 21, 2014
NY's new $15 minimum wage for fast food workers will impact more than 100 brands doing business in the state. One caveat: They must operate in at least 30 locations nationwide. That suggests only the big guns — like McDonald's and Dunkin' Donuts — would be hit with the wage hike when it fully takes effect in 2021. 💰🍔🍟💰🍩 But since many fast food franchises are operated by individuals, that means it will take a toll on small business owners like Laura Jankowski, who owns three Tropical Smoothie Cafe franchises on Long Island. The brand has 16 locations in New York and more than 400 nationwide. "There's not much more wiggle room [to increase prices without losing customers]," she said. "I'm going to have to cut crew." What do you think of the new minimum wage? Read more by clicking the link in our profile @cnnmoney #minimumwage #wage #money #fastfood #cash @mcdonalds @dunkindonuts #food #job @usdol