Posts Tagged ‘lamar alexander’

Lamar Alexander: Not Enough $

Posted by admin on Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee Chairman Lamar Alexander saying it’s best to open the country for the sake of the economy and jobs. Lamar Alexander said:
Staying at home indefinitely is not the way to end this pandemic. There is not enough money available to help all those hurt by a closed economy Quote

“Staying at home indefinitely is not the way to end this pandemic. There is not enough money available to help all those hurt by a closed economy. All roads back to work and back to school lead through testing, tracking, isolation, treatment, and vaccines” — Lamar Alexander


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In this quote, Lamar Alexander seems to be arguing against indefinite lockdowns as a solution to the COVID-19 pandemic. By stating that staying home indefinitely “is not the way to end this pandemic”, and that there is insufficient funding to sustainably help all those economically impacted by closures, Alexander implies extended shutdowns are not a viable long-term strategy.

His additional comment that “all roads back to work and back to school lead through testing, tracking, isolation, treatment, and vaccines” conveys Alexander’s perspective that safely reopening the economy depends on robust test and trace programs, treatment options, and ultimately vaccines to curb the virus’s spread.

Overall, the quote portrays Alexander’s view that while initial lockdowns were necessary, a prolonged strategy of indefinite closures will cause unsustainable damage and that resuming activities depends on implementing robust public health infrastructure and therapies to suppress COVID-19 through medical means rather than ongoing restrictions alone.

Lamar Alexander on Arresting Wasteful Spenders

Posted by admin on Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Lamar Alexander Money Quotation saying wasteful spending should be a punishable offense in politics during 2000 presidential race. Lamar Alexander said:
If Mr. Bush and Mr. Forbes don't get most of the votes, they should be arrested for wasting money Quote

“If Mr. Bush and Mr. Forbes don’t get most of the votes, they should be arrested for wasting money” — Lamar Alexander


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In this quote, former Tennessee governor and U.S. senator Lamar Alexander seems to be making a tongue-in-cheek comment about the financial costs associated with running for president. At the time this quote was said in 2000, George W. Bush and Steve Forbes were competing for the Republican nomination.

Alexander implies that if neither candidate receives a majority of votes, they should be “arrested” for effectively wasting donorsmoney by continuing their campaigns without a clear path to victory.

His statement humorously conveys the perspective that presidential candidates have an obligation to spend contributions efficiently by dropping out once defeat becomes inevitable, rather than persisting merely to boost their profiles at the expense of further fundraising expenditures.

Overall, Alexander appears to be jokingly suggesting the financial costs of prolonged losing campaigns should carry some legal consequences.

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