Posts Tagged ‘John le carre’

John le Carre: Ridiculous Amounts

Posted by admin on Sunday, December 13, 2020

John le Carre Money Quote saying movie rights for stories sold to studios sometimes don’t get made and are then hidden away forever. John le Carre said:
I've sold the rights to studios for ridiculous amounts of money and the films have never been made. That's the saddest thing of all, because they're locked up and no-one else can make them Quote

“I made a series of wrong decisions about moderately recent books, and I’ve sold the rights to studios for ridiculous amounts of money and the films have never been made. That’s the saddest thing of all, because they’re locked up and no-one else can make them” — John le Carre


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In this quote, John le Carre seems regretful about some of the choices he made in selling film rights to his works. By saying he made “a series of wrong decisions” and sold the rights to studios for “ridiculous amounts of money” but the films were “never made”, le Carre implies he prioritized large financial payouts over ensuring his stories would actually reach audiences in cinematic form.

His comment that the unproduced works are now “locked up” conveys le Carre’s frustration that his creative works cannot be adapted by other directors hoping to bring them to the screen. Overall, the quote portrays le Carre’s perspective that he should have handled film rights negotiations more judiciously to balance compensation with facilitating realization of the adaptations, rather than allow works to languish unfinished due to business factors alone.

Birthday: October 19, 1931 – Death: 12 December 2020

John le Carre: Care For Losers

Posted by admin on Sunday, December 13, 2020

John le Carre Money Quote saying Good societies care for those in need because the rich have only greed. The poorest must be properly cared for. John le Carre said:
rich have got richer, the poor have got poorer. The rich have become indifferent through a philosophy of greed, and the poorer have become hopeless because they're not properly cared for Quote

“My definition of a decent society is one that first of all takes care of its losers, and protects its weak. What I see in my country, progressively over these years, is that the rich have got richer, the poor have got poorer. The rich have become indifferent through a philosophy of greed, and the poorer have become hopeless because they’re not properly cared for” — John le Carre


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This quote from John le Carre presents a critique of a society that is failing to properly care for its most vulnerable members and growing increasingly unequal. He defines a “decent society” as one that protects the weak and takes care of “losers”, suggesting current society is moving away from this ideal.

Le Carre observes the rich accumulating greater wealth through “a philosophy of greed” while indifference, leaving the poor without adequate support and growing hopelessness. He implies a just society should prioritize equitable treatment and sufficient social protections for all, rather than allowing indifference and a lack of support to exacerbate inequality between the wealthy and disadvantaged.

Overall, the quote conveys le Carre’s view that a moral society is one that does not leave any members behind through indifference, greed or lack of assistance, but instead upholds equal dignity and basic welfare for citizens across all socioeconomic classes.

Birthday: October 19, 1931 – Death: 12 December 2020

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