Posts Tagged ‘jeffrey fry’
Jeffrey Fry: Integrity Too Expensive
on Friday, December 22, 2023Meaning of Jeffrey Fry Money Quote: saying any compromise in your principles makes losing your integrity too expensive. Jeffrey Fry said:
“Anything that costs you your integrity is too expensive” — Jeffrey Fry
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Jeffrey Fry seems to be suggesting that a person’s integrity and strong moral principles are far more valuable than any monetary gain or material benefit that could be obtained by compromising one’s ethics or doing something dishonest. His point is that no amount of money or wealth is worth losing your integrity over, as having strong character and the trust and respect of others is much more important in the long run.
The quote conveys the message that people should avoid any choices or actions that would undermine their reputation for honesty and doing the right thing, even if there is some potential reward, because integrity should not be sacrificed for high costs or trade-offs according to this view.
Jeffrey Fry: Integrity Cost Too Expensive
on Saturday, June 2, 2018Jeffrey Fry Money Quote saying any transaction that requires you give up integrity is too costly. Jeffrey Fry said:
“Anything that costs you your integrity is too expensive” — Jeffrey Fry
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In this quote, Jeffrey Fry is saying that maintaining one’s integrity and strong moral principles should be more important than any material gain or benefit that could be obtained by compromising one’s integrity.
The quote suggests that no reward or prize is worth sacrificing your integrity and doing something unethical. Fry is asserting that any opportunity or transaction that would force you to lose your integrity is too high of a price to pay and not worth the cost.
In essence, the quote emphasizes that a person’s good character and reputation for honesty should always be valued over any worldly possessions or advantages that could only be achieved by acting without integrity.
Jeffrey Fry: Love Is a Coin Given
on Saturday, March 3, 2018Jeffrey Fry Money Quote saying a currency that cannot be appropriated, purchased, auctioned, or in any way profited from is love – it must be awarded. Jeffrey Fry said:
“Love is a coin that cannot be bought or sold but must be given” — Jeffrey Fry
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In this quote, Jeffrey Fry is making a philosophical point about the nature of love. He suggests that love is not a commodity that can be purchased or traded like money or property – it is something that must be freely given without any expectation of compensation or reward in return.
By comparing love to a coin, Fry emphasizes that love holds value, but it is not a tangible asset that can be acquired through financial means.
The quote conveys that love is not for sale and can only truly exist in relationships when it is willingly given from one person to another, not bought or sold as an item of transaction.