Posts Tagged ‘jack dempsey’

Jack Dempsey: A Champion Owes

Posted by admin on Monday, June 24, 2019

Jack Dempsey Money Quote saying he owed a debt of gratitude to those who helped him gain notoriety that cannot be repaid adequately. Jack Dempsey said:
A champion owes everybody something. He can never pay back for all the help he got, for making him an idol Quote

“A champion owes everybody something. He can never pay back for all the help he got, for making him an idol” — Jack Dempsey


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In this quote, former heavyweight boxing champion Jack Dempsey is expressing a sense of gratitude and responsibility. He acknowledges that to become a champion requires help, support and encouragement from many people – coaches, trainers, family, fans and others who contributed to his success. Dempsey suggests that no champion can ever fully “pay back” or repay all that was done for them on their journey.

Even though they achieve glory and status as an “idol”, they will always be indebted to those who helped make their accomplishments possible. The quote conveys Dempsey’s attitude that as a champion, he owes something back to the people who invested in him and his career. It emphasizes how no person achieves on their own, and champions should recognize the role others played in helping them get to the top.

Birthday: June 24, 1895 – Death: May 31, 1983

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