Posts Tagged ‘insurance’
Dwight D. Eisenhower: Sound Dollar
on Thursday, November 24, 2022Meaning of Dwight D. Eisenhower Money Quote: saying stability of the dollar keeps prices acceptable and stops dwindling of assets. Dwight D. Eisenhower said:
“For every American this matter of the sound dollar is crucial. Without a sound dollar, every American family would face a renewal of inflation, an ever-increasing cost of living, the withering away of savings and life insurance policies” — Dwight D. Eisenhower
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In this quote, Dwight D. Eisenhower is emphasizing the importance of maintaining a “sound dollar” or stable currency for all Americans. He argues that without a sound dollar with steady value, every family would experience a resurgence of inflation where the cost of living continually rises.
Eisenhower also states that unsound monetary policy would lead to people’s savings and life insurance policies gradually losing value over time due to inflation. His point is that inflation erodes purchasing power and the real value of people’s financial assets.
So in summary, the quote is asserting that a sound, stable dollar with low and predictable inflation is crucial for every American family’s economic well-being and security, as high and volatile inflation would negatively impact their cost of living, savings, and insurance policies by diminishing their real spending power and returns over the long run. Eisenhower sees maintaining a sound currency as vital to Americans’ financial welfare.
Birthday: October 14, 1890 – Death: March 28, 1969
Robert Hunter: Windfall Profits
on Sunday, May 3, 2020Robert Hunter Money Quote saying as director of insurance for the Consumer Federation of America that auto insurance companies should return excess profits to consumers. Robert Hunter said:
“Windfall profits for auto insurers and excessive auto insurance premiums should not be another harm visited upon consumers from COVID-19” — Robert Hunter
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In this quote, Robert Hunter is criticizing how some auto insurers have responded to the COVID-19 pandemic. He notes that while insurers have seen “windfall profits” due to fewer accidents during lockdowns when less driving occurred, consumers are still paying “excessive auto insurance premiums.”
Hunter appears to believe insurers should have lowered premiums proportionately instead of excessively profiting from the reduced risk of claims during the pandemic.
The quote conveys Hunter’s view that insurers’ profits and consumers’ premium costs during COVID-19 have become unfairly imbalanced, representing another “harm visited upon consumers” from the pandemic’s economic impacts according to this interpretation.
Mies van der Rohe: Castle Insure
on Monday, January 13, 2020Ludwig Mies van der Rohe Money Quote saying insurance is so costly on castles, that you can save up for a castle with unpaid insurance money. Ludwig Mies van der Rohe said:
“Simply by not owning three medium-sized castles in Tuscany I have saved enough money in the last forty years on insurance premiums alone to buy a medium-sized castle in Tuscany” — Ludwig Mies van der Rohe
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In this quote, architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe seems to be making a wry observation about the costs associated with maintaining significant real estate holdings. By noting that over 40 years, the money he saved by not owning three medium castles in Tuscany was enough just in insurance premiums to buy one castle, Mies van der Rohe humorously illustrates how expenses accumulate over time.
The quote implies that large properties entail substantial ongoing financial obligations, and focuses on insurance as one example cost. Overall, Mies van der Rohe appears to be using ironic understatement to comically comment on the long-term fiscal impacts of possessing very expensive real estate assets.
Birthday: March 27, 1886 – Death: August 17, 1969
Ezra Klein: Insurance Conglomerate Army
on Saturday, September 23, 2017Ezra Klein Money Quote saying the feds seem to be a giant insurance company that is protected on all sides by a big military. Ezra Klein said:
“If you look at how the federal government spends our money, it’s an insurance conglomerate protected by a large, standing army” — Ezra Klein
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In this quote, Ezra Klein is characterizing how the U.S. federal government allocates its budget and priorities. By describing it as “an insurance conglomerate protected by a large, standing army”, Klein is suggesting that much of government spending goes towards social insurance programs like Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid that provide economic security, while defense spending maintains America’s military forces.
The interpretation is that Klein views the government essentially functioning as a massive insurer of last resort for citizens, while devoting substantial funds towards maintaining national defense capabilities through ongoing armed forces. His perspective conveys the view that the government’s primary economic role has become socializing certain risks for the public through insurance schemes, while security remains central through military expenditures that allow for constant preparedness and global power projection.
Overall, Klein’s message portrays the government as having evolved principally into an entity that insures citizens against life’s uncertainties through social programs, while maintaining strength through a defense apparatus that secures America’s geopolitical interests and alliances through force of arms on a permanent, standing basis globally.
Stanley Victor Paskavich: Insurance to Die
on Friday, June 30, 2017Stanley Victor Paskavich Money Quote saying we’re worth much more in insurance money if we die than what we’re worth to live when hourly wages are the measure. Stanley Victor Paskavich said:
“You can get over a million dollars worth of life insurance in case you die, but only eight to ten bucks and hour to live” ~ Stanley Victor Paskavich
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In this quote, Stanley Victor Paskavich seems to be drawing a contrast between the high monetary value that can be obtained through life insurance policies in the event of death, versus the relatively low hourly wages many live on while alive.
By noting one can get over a million dollars of life insurance but only earn $8-10 per hour to live, Paskavich implies there is a mismatch between the worth assigned to people after death compared to during their living years.
The quote suggests society and financial systems place a higher economic value on individuals after they have passed on, rather than supporting them adequately when alive through a living wage.
Overall, Paskavich appears to be making a critical commentary on priorities and the disparity between life insurance payouts versus real-time earning power for many.
#NationalLifeInsuranceDay May 2
Brian Kiley on Burning Down Lemonade Stands
on Monday, July 22, 2013Brian Kiley Money Quotation saying Sometimes the way to make money is to give up and destroy it in hope of bigger rewards elsewhere. Brian Kiley said:
“I tried to make money as a kid. I had a lemonade stand for about six weeks. I made no money. I had to burn it down and collect insurance” — Brian Kiley
Brian Kiley seems to be jokingly recounting his failed attempt as a child to run a lemonade stand business and earn money. While many kids are able to profit from such stands during the summer, he humorously suggests his venture was so unsuccessful that after six weeks without any customers or sales, he resorted to the desperate measure of burning it down to fraudulently collect insurance money.
While certainly not endorsing insurance fraud, his anecdote appears meant to amusingly convey how even simple entrepreneurial ideas don’t always work out as planned for children learning life lessons. The quote reflects on early efforts to be financially independent that didn’t quite go as hoped.
Frank Richardson: Betting to Prevent Wins
on Saturday, May 21, 2011Funny Money Quotes: It’s a horse race with long odds your chances of winning are determined by more than your desire. Frank Richardson said:
“I know nothing about racing and any money I put on a horse is a sort of insurance policy to prevent it winning” — Frank Richardson
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Frank Richardson seems to be jokingly acknowledging that he knows very little about horse racing and has no real strategy for picking winners. His quote suggests that whenever he places a bet on a horse, it paradoxically insures that horse will lose the race since his complete lack of knowledge means he has no ability to evaluate the animal’s chances.
Richardson appears to be making light of how betting as an ignorant spectator almost guarantees the opposite outcome of whatever horse he chooses. Overall, the quote reflects a self-aware sense of humor about his inability to select winning bets due to his admitted lack of understanding of the sport.
Brian Tracy: Financial Security
on Wednesday, June 30, 2010Brian Tracy money quotation on Financial Security having three legs of reserves, investing and protection of money in his wise money advice.
“Financial security and independence are like a three-legged stool resting on savings, insurance and investments” — Brian Tracy
Brian Tracy is suggesting that true financial security and independence require having savings, insurance, and investments as complementary pillars of support. His view seems to be that no one element alone can provide a solid foundation, but rather like a stool needing three stable legs, long-term economic well-being rests on having savings for unexpected needs, insurance to mitigate risks, and investments to help savings and earnings grow over time.
The quote conveys Tracy’s message that a balanced and diversified approach incorporating these three elements is necessary to achieve lasting protection and autonomy in one’s financial affairs.