Posts Tagged ‘industry’

Calvin Coolidge: Wealth From Industry

Posted by admin on Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Calvin Coolidge Money Quote saying working hard leads to wealth if not tossed away with extravagant spending. Calvin Coolidge said:
Wealth comes from Industry Waste Toil Quote

“Wealth comes from industry and the hard experience of human toil. To dissipate it in waste and extravagance is disloyalty to humanity” ~ Calvin Coolidge


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In this quote, Calvin Coolidge is emphasizing that wealth is generated through diligent human labor and industry rather than by chance or luck alone. He suggests that to squander wealth on frivolous excess or indulgence would be a betrayal of the effort and sacrifice of those who worked to create that prosperity.

Coolidge conveys the idea that wealth holds a responsibility – it represents the stored value of people’s industriousness and productivity over time. Therefore, to carelessly dissipate accumulated riches on wastefulness would show ingratitude for humanity’s ongoing toil to improve conditions through work.

The quote portrays prudent management and preservation of wealth as respecting the contributions of all whose combined efforts make advanced economies possible. Overall, Coolidge seems to be advocating for stewardship of prosperity as an obligation to past and future generations who strive for sustainable progress through dedicated work and innovation.

Birthday: July 4, 1872 – Death: January 5, 1933


Eli Siegel: Labor as Wealth

Posted by admin on Saturday, October 15, 2011

Eli Siegel Money Quotation saying if nobody does the work to create wealth, then no wealth is created. Therefore workers have the highest value in cash creation. Eli Siegel said:
The most important thing in industry is the person who does the industry, which is the worker ... Labor is the only source of wealth Quote

“The most important thing in industry is the person who does the industry, which is the worker … Labor is the only source of wealth” — Eli Siegel


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In this quote, Eli Siegel is emphasizing the crucial role and importance of workers/labor in generating wealth through industry. By stating that “the most important thing in industry is the person who does the industry, which is the worker”, Siegel is arguing that the individual laborers are the key factor in industrial production, more so than machinery, capital or management.

He then drives this point home by declaring unequivocally that “Labor is the only source of wealth”, meaning that wealth originates from and depends on the work of human beings.

The best interpretation of this quote is that Siegel sees workers as the true drivers and creators of economic value, wealth and prosperity in industry, not other inputs like technology or financial assets. He is attributing primacy and agency to labor over other industrial components.

Birthday: August 16, 1902 – Death: November 8, 1978

Benjamin Franklin: Being Frugal & Hardworking

Posted by admin on Friday, May 27, 2011

Benjamin Franklin Money Quotation saying hard work and with it frugality lead to the best outcome toward wealth according to a man who experienced it. Benjamin Franklin said:
Waste neither time nor money, but make the best use of both. Without industry and frugality, nothing will do, and with them everything Quote

“Waste neither time nor money, but make the best use of both. Without industry and frugality, nothing will do, and with them everything” — Benjamin Franklin


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Benjamin Franklin was advising that being industrious and frugal is the key to success. He is saying that if you waste your time and money, you will not accomplish anything. However, if you make the best use of both your time and money through hard work and savings, then you can achieve everything.

Franklin believed that industry, or hard work, and frugality, or not wasting resources, were necessary to obtain wealth and prosperity. His quote encourages people to be productive with their time and careful with their spending in order to get the most out of life.

Birthday: January 17, 1706 – Death: April 17, 1790

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