Posts Tagged ‘hunger’
Ron Dellums: Alleviate Hunger & Poverty
on Monday, July 30, 2018Ron Dellums Money Quote saying it’s an honor to be known as a champion for humanitarian causes and ending poverty. Ron Dellums said:
“If it’s radical to want to alleviate poverty, hunger, disease, homelessness, and other forms of human misery, then I’m proud to be called a radical” — Ron Dellums
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In this quote, former U.S. Congressman Ron Dellums seems to be addressing those who criticize efforts to help the less fortunate as being too “radical”. Dellums states that if wanting to reduce problems like poverty, hunger, disease and homelessness makes one a “radical”, then he is proud to claim that label.
The interpretation is that Dellums believes strongly in ambitious social programs and policies aimed at alleviating human suffering for disadvantaged populations, even if some see such measures as extreme. By embracing the “radical” label, Dellums appears to be declaring that moral priorities like compassion for those in need should outweigh more cautious or incremental approaches according to his perspective expressed in this quote.
Former Congressman Ron Dellums, Armed Services Committee Chair, former Mayor of Oakland died of cancer July 30, 2018, Age: 82
Birthday: November 24, 1935 – Death: July 30, 2018
Pearl S. Buck: Hunger Makes a Thief
on Saturday, July 28, 2018Pearl S. Buck Money Quote saying anyone who would prefer survival to perishing will steal when hungry enough. Pearl S. Buck said:
“Hunger makes a thief of any man” — Pearl S. Buck
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This quote from author Pearl S. Buck suggests that hunger or the lack of access to food can drive anyone, no matter their character, to steal or take actions they otherwise would not in order to satisfy that basic human need.
The deeper interpretation is that extreme deprivation of necessities like food may compromise an individual’s ethics or moral principles in a moment of desperation. The quote highlights how hunger represents a powerful motivator that can override one’s normal inhibitions against theft or unlawful behavior as a last resort means of survival when all other options are exhausted.
It conveys how the experience of hunger may help explain if not excuse acts of theft committed solely to alleviate severe malnutrition when alternative means are unavailable.
Birthday: June 26, 1892 – Death: March 6, 1973
Mother Teresa: Hunger for Bread & Love
on Friday, July 27, 2018Mother Teresa Money Quote saying hunger for positive human interaction is another form of poverty suffered by those without money. Mother Teresa said:
“There is hunger for ordinary bread, and there is hunger for love, for kindness, for thoughtfulness; and this is the great poverty that makes people suffer so much” — Mother Teresa
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In this quote, Mother Teresa seems to be saying that while physical hunger for basic needs like food is certainly a form of poverty and suffering, an equally serious type of poverty is a “hunger” for non-material things like love, kindness and thoughtfulness from other people.
She appears to believe this emotional or psychological hunger caused by a lack of human warmth, care and consideration can make people suffer profoundly.
The best interpretation is that Mother Teresa felt inner poverty stemming from isolation, loneliness and indifference towards others could be as psychologically damaging as not having enough food or shelter. Both material and emotional/social needs are important for human well-being.
Birthday August 26, 1910 – Death: Sept. 5, 1997