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Dennis Prager: Unhappy Money Fantasy

Posted by admin on Friday, July 28, 2017

Dennis Prager Money Quote saying those who are poor and have not been rich, fantasize that having money will make them happy, while those who’ve been wealthy know it doesn’t deliver happiness. Dennis Prager said:
Unhappy poor people at least have the fantasy that money will make them happy; unhappy rich people don’t even have that Quote

“Unhappy poor people at least have the fantasy that money will make them happy; unhappy rich people don’t even have that” — Dennis Prager


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In this quote, Dennis Prager is contrasting how the poor and rich may differ in their ability to find happiness. By stating that unhappy poor people can cling to the “fantasy that money will make them happy”, while unhappy rich people lack even this prospect, Prager implies that wealth alone does not guarantee fulfillment.

He suggests being poor maintains the hope that financial security may relieve unhappiness, whereas the affluent cannot console themselves with aspirations of riches since they already possess abundance.

The overall interpretation is that Prager views poverty as preserving the potential for happiness through monetary attainment, no matter how unrealistic. In contrast, he conveys that the rich have no such fantasies to buoy them if they remain unhappy, since material wants are already surpassed. Prager’s perspective promotes the idea that true contentment does not stem from wealth, as both impoverished and affluent can be discontent despite their financial circumstances.

Seneca: Wise Man’s Riches

Posted by admin on Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Seneca Money Quote saying it’s possible to be happy without riches, even when possessed and lost – because wisdom values the moment. Seneca said:
Riches are slaves in the house of a wise man, but masters in that of a fool. […] If one takes away riches from the wise man, one leaves him still in possession of all that is his Quote

“Riches are slaves in the house of a wise man, but masters in that of a fool. […] If one takes away riches from the wise man, one leaves him still in possession of all that is his: for he lives happy in the present, and without fear for the future” — Seneca


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In this quote, Seneca is contrasting how the wise man and the fool view and relate to riches or wealth. He suggests that for the wise man, riches are “slaves” – they are possessions that he commands and does not let command him. The wise man does not depend on or define himself by his wealth.

However, for the fool, riches are the “masters” – the fool is ruled by and finds his identity and sense of purpose in the money and possessions he has accumulated. Seneca further says that if you take away the wise man’s riches, he remains content and happy because he lives in the present and is not afraid of an uncertain future. He does not rely on wealth for his well-being or sense of self.

Birthday: c. 4 BC – Death: AD 65

Gary Vaynerchuk: Not Gonna Be Happy

Posted by admin on Saturday, December 26, 2015

Gary Vaynerchuk Money Quotation saying so many believe they will catch up with happiness if they get the money they have been after, but they will not get happiness even if they get the cash. Gary Vaynerchuk said:
People are chasing cash, not happiness. When you chase money, you're going to lose. You're just going to. Even if you get the money, you're not going to be happy Quote

“People are chasing cash, not happiness. When you chase money, you’re going to lose. You’re just going to. Even if you get the money, you’re not going to be happy” — Gary Vaynerchuk


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In this quote, Gary Vaynerchuk is cautioning against making the pursuit of money the sole or primary goal in life. While financial success is important for basic needs and security, focusing exclusively on acquiring wealth often does not lead to true happiness or fulfillment.

When happiness is defined by net worth or social status defined by possessions, it can be fleeting and one is constantly chasing more. True happiness comes from within through strong relationships, helping others, finding purpose and passion in one’s work or community involvement.

Money should be a means to an end, not the end itself, otherwise even achieving financial goals may leave one feeling unfulfilled or empty.

The best approach is to define success and happiness in non-monetary terms first, and allow financial prosperity to follow as a natural byproduct of one’s efforts rather than the primary driver or measurement of one’s self-worth.

Albert Camus: To Earn, Happiness Forgotten

Posted by admin on Thursday, November 19, 2015

Albert Camus Money Quotation saying to reach the end goal of being happy, we focus on the struggle to earn for that happiness instead. Albert Camus said:
A man wants to earn money in order to be happy, and his whole effort and the best of a life are devoted to the earning of that money Quote

“A man wants to earn money in order to be happy, and his whole effort and the best of a life are devoted to the earning of that money. Happiness is forgotten; the means are taken for the end” — Albert Camus


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In this quote, Albert Camus is critiquing the idea that earning money and attaining wealth will lead to happiness. He argues that in the pursuit of money as the ultimate goal, people lose sight of their deeper purpose in life, which is to find happiness. Camus suggests that for many, the pursuit of money becomes the sole focus and replaces happiness as the true end goal.

But by fixating only on the “means” of earning a living, people neglect the actual “end” of achieving fulfillment and joy. His view is that prioritizing money above all else warps one’s priorities and prevents them from experiencing true happiness, which comes from within and through human relationships, not material wealth alone.

Birthday: November 7, 1913 – Death: January 4, 1960


Albert Camus: Everything Can Be Bought

Posted by admin on Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Albert Camus Money Quotation saying the ability to be happy comes along with the ability to purchase time, so happiness is possible. Albert Camus said:
To have money is to have time. That's my main point. Time can be bought. Everything can be bought. To be or to become rich is to have time to be happy Quote

“To have money is to have time. That’s my main point. Time can be bought. Everything can be bought. To be or to become rich is to have time to be happy” — Albert Camus


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In this quote, Albert Camus is expressing his view that wealth provides one with a very valuable commodity – time. Camus seems to believe that money can essentially purchase extra time by relieving its owner from financial stresses and worries.

With sufficient funds and resources, people have more freedom and flexibility in how they spend their hours each day. Camus implies that wealth allows one to “buy” time that can then be used to pursue happiness, fulfillment and enjoyment of life.

His perspective is that attaining riches essentially grants additional time that can be filled with meaningful experiences and relationships rather than being spent working solely to survive or pay bills. Overall, Camus views accumulating money as a path to gaining more discretion over one’s schedule in order to “be happy.”

Birthday: November 7, 1913 – Death: January 4, 1960

Miley Cyrus: Money Won’t Make You Happy

Posted by admin on Monday, August 17, 2015

Miley Cyrus Money Quotation saying having virtually everything that matters to you and reaching every possible goal won’t make you happy. Miley Cyrus said:
Miley Cyrus Getting more money, having more hits, being the lead in the movie — those things might stimulate you, but they don't make you happy. I've experienced it all already, and I'm telling you firsthand, it doesn't quote

“Getting more money, having more hits, being the lead in the movie — those things might stimulate you, but they don’t make you happy. I’ve experienced it all already, and I’m telling you firsthand, it doesn’t” — Miley Cyrus


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Miley Cyrus defines happiness as having virtually everything that matters to her and reaching every possible goal, but those things don’t bring her lasting happiness. She has experienced it all and is sharing her firsthand experience that material wealth and success don’t lead to happiness.

Miley Cyrus is suggesting that material wealth and success do not lead to lasting happiness. She is saying that while achieving goals like getting more money, having more hits, or being the lead in a movie might provide temporary stimulation or excitement, it does not bring true happiness.

She is sharing her personal experience to emphasize this point, indicating that she has already experienced these things and found them to be lacking in terms of bringing her lasting fulfillment.

Bob Marley on Money & Happiness

Posted by admin on Sunday, January 18, 2015

Bob Marley Money Quotation saying numerical values measure everything but happiness and there is no end to monetary valuation. Bob Marley said:
Money is numbers and numbers never end. If it takes money to be happy, your search for happiness will never end Quote

Money is numbers and numbers never end. If it takes money to be happy, your search for happiness will never end” — Bob Marley


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In this quote, Bob Marley is pointing out that the pursuit of happiness through money alone can never truly be satisfied. He notes that money, which is represented by numbers, is essentially limitless and endless in its potential quantity.

Marley suggests that if a person believes they need constant financial gain to find joy, then their search for happiness will be perpetual and never-ending since there is no fixed amount of wealth that could fully deliver contentment.

His point seems to be that true happiness comes from within and from human relationships, not continued accumulation of money and possessions. By treating money as the path to happiness, one condemns themselves to a never-ending chase that may not lead to fulfillment in the end.

Scott Alexander on Hobbyist Happiness

Posted by admin on Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Scott Alexander Money Quotation saying enjoying money makes for happiness rather than money becoming a dull responsibility. Scott Alexander said:
Scott Alexander The best way to make happy money is to make money your hobby and not your god quote

“The best way to make happy money is to make money your hobby and not your god” — Scott Alexander


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In this quote, author Scott Alexander seems to be advising on how to develop a healthy relationship with money that avoids the pitfalls of either obsession or neglect. He suggests that rather than viewing money as one’s “god” to be worshipped above all else, or ignoring it altogether, the optimal approach is to make earning and managing finances into an engaging “hobby.”

This implies that by finding money matters interesting rather than intimidating, one can develop them as a fulfilling pursuit in moderation. The quote conveys Alexander’s perspective that “happy money” comes from properly balancing financial interests with other priorities in life, by cultivating money as an engaging secondary passion rather than the core focus or an afterthought.

Treating wealth creation as an absorbing personal endeavor may help optimize both profitability and life satisfaction.

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