Posts Tagged ‘hannah arendt’

Hannah Arendt: Power in Capital

Posted by admin on Monday, October 14, 2019

Hannah Arendt Money Quote saying in her book, The Origins of Totalitarianism that corruption is capital intensive. Hannah Arendt said:
Only the unlimited accumulation of power could bring about the unlimited accumulation of capital Quote

“Only the unlimited accumulation of power could bring about the unlimited accumulation of capital” — Hannah Arendt


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In this quote, Hannah Arendt is referring to the relationship between political power and economic capital. She argues that unlimited accumulation of power, meaning the ability of governments or political authorities to exercise control and influence without limits, enables the unlimited accumulation of capital in the hands of private interests.

Arendt suggests that when political power is concentrated and unchecked, it can be used to enact policies and laws that promote unrestrained economic growth and the amassing of vast private wealth. According to Arendt, unlimited political domination creates conditions that allow capital itself to accumulate without bounds in the hands of corporations and wealthy elites.

The quote reflects Arendt’s view that excessive power in the state and politics can facilitate excessive power in the private economy through deregulation and policies favoring business interests over public welfare.

Birthday: October 14, 1906 – December 4, 1975

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