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Bono – God Isn’t Short of Cash

Posted by admin on Friday, September 15, 2017

Bono Money Quote saying from album titled ‘Rattle & Hum’ said to televangelist that raising money in God’s name is wrong when it enriches greedy preachers. Bono said:
The God I believe in isn't short of cash mister Quote

“The God I believe in isn’t short of cash, mister” — Bono


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In this quote, Bono seems to be responding critically to the notion that God would want or need money from humans. By stating “The God I believe in isn’t short of cash, mister”, Bono implies that the divine creator and sustainer of the universe is not financially constrained or dependent on human donations the way some religious organizations claim.

The interpretation is that Bono views appeals for tithing or donations with skepticism, since the omnipotent God does not lack resources and did not create humanity out of financial necessity. Bono’s perspective conveys that appeals to donate invoking God’s will or needs ring hollow, since the deity overseeing all creation would not be “short of cash” in any meaningful sense.

Overall, the quote suggests Bono doubts the validity of religious fundraising that implies God demands or is enriched by human money in any tangible way given God’s infinite power and provision over all things.

George Orwell: Money What God Used to Be

Posted by admin on Friday, February 3, 2017

George Orwell Money Quote saying We’ve elevated money to a religion that has replaced god and makes those who succeed good and those who fail evil – make good means make bank. George Orwell said:
Money is what God used to be. Good and evil have no meaning any longer except failure and success. Hence the profoundly significant phrase, to make good Quote

“Money is what God used to be. Good and evil have no meaning any longer except failure and success. Hence the profoundly significant phrase, to make good” — George Orwell


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George Orwell is commenting on how society has elevated money and financial success to the level of religion. He’s saying that in modern times, people see making a lot of money as “good” in the same way past societies saw obeying God as good. Likewise, financial failure is seen as “evil.”

So where societies once judged right and wrong based on religious teachings, Orwell argues that now people’s moral worth is often judged based on their financial success or failure. He’s making the point that money has become the new standard by which many define meaning, purpose and value in life.

Birthday: June 25, 1903 – Death: January 25, 1950

H.W. Charles: Jews Value Wealth

Posted by admin on Wednesday, September 21, 2016

H.W. Charles Money Quote saying proving that what we focus on grows, jews are taught that wealth is a gift and are real spiritual rewards from god. H.W. Charles said:
While many ethnic and religious groups are mainly focused on the afterlife and downplaying this world, Jews view wealth and success as a blessing and gift from God Quote

“While many ethnic and religious groups are mainly focused on the afterlife and downplaying this world, Jews view wealth and success as a blessing and gift from God” — H.W. Charles


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This quote suggests that H.W. Charles believes Judaism places more emphasis on prosperity and success in earthly life compared to some other religious traditions. He seems to be saying that in Judaism, achieving wealth and business accomplishments are seen positively, as blessings from God, rather than something to downplay or ignore in favor of focusing solely on the afterlife.

However, without knowing more context such as who H.W. Charles is and what work this quote is from, it’s difficult to fully evaluate the perspective or intentions behind the statement. Religions are complex with diverse interpretations, and overgeneralizations sometimes oversimplify differences in doctrines and practices.

Dan Millman: Money Neither God Nor Devil

Posted by admin on Sunday, May 8, 2016

Dan Millman Money Quote saying money is a mysterious substance which causes us to be more of who we already are. Dan Millman said:
Money is neither my god nor my devil. It is a form of energy that tends to make us more of who we already are, whether it's greedy or loving Quote

Money is neither my god nor my devil. It is a form of energy that tends to make us more of who we already are, whether it’s greedy or loving” — Dan Millman


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In this quote, Dan Millman is expressing a nuanced view of money and its relationship to human character and behavior. He states that money itself is neither inherently good nor bad – it is simply a form of energy or resource. However, Millman believes that having money tends to magnify and enhance traits that someone already possesses. For those with greedy tendencies, wealth may fuel more greed.

But for those with loving, generous natures, money provides greater means to express that love and generosity towards others. So in essence, Millman is arguing that money does not define one’s morality or values.

Rather, it acts as a sort of amplifier that reveals and strengthens the qualities someone held prior to acquiring wealth or dealing with financial issues. His perspective is that money is neutral and it is one’s inner character that determines whether it is used constructively or destructively.

Bank Job: Cup of Tea Dialogue

Posted by admin on Thursday, April 21, 2016

The Bank Job (2008) Money movie quote from Eddie Burton character in 2008 – sometimes relaxation and good tea is better than money ruling us like god. The Bank Job (2008) said:
Look, money may be your god but it ain’t mine, alright? I want a warm bath and a cup of tea Quote

“Look, money may be your god but it ain’t mine, alright? I want a warm bath and a cup of tea” — The Bank Job (2008)


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In this quote, Eddie Burton is responding to someone (Terry Leather) who is overly focused on money. The best interpretation is that Burton is saying that while money may be very important to others and essentially act as their god or master, it does not define or control him in the same way. For Burton, simple comforts like taking a warm bath and enjoying a cup of tea have value beyond just financial worth.

He seems to be implying that he does not live solely to pursue wealth and profit, but rather finds fulfillment and relaxation in everyday pleasures. The quote suggests Burton sees himself as less materialistic than his counterpart, finding contentment and meaning in life outside of the almighty dollar.

Cannot Serve Both God & Money: Matthew 6:24

Posted by admin on Friday, April 1, 2016

Matthew 6:24 Money Quote saying we can’t be fully involved in both money-making and fully serve god – we must choose one lifestyle to love. Matthew 6:24 said:
No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money Quote

“No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money” — Matthew 6:24


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This Bible verse from Matthew emphasizes that true devotion and loyalty can only be given to one master. Jesus is stating that wealth and materialism (“Money”) compete with allegiance to God for a person’s heart. The best interpretation is that the passage warns against allowing money and possessions to become idolized or prioritized above spiritual matters and the divine.

It suggests one cannot be fully committed to both God and the pursuit of riches, as the two “masters” will inevitably pull on a person in opposing directions. Overall, the verse promotes focusing primarily on service to the higher cause of God over service to the temporary cause of wealth accumulation.

Verse of the day… Matthew 6:24

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Ecclesiastes 5:19 – When God Gives Wealth

Posted by admin on Friday, February 26, 2016

Ecclesiastes 5:19 bible Money Quote saying wealth is given by god it is especially sweet because there is also the ability to relish and be happy with those riches. Ecclesiastes 5:19 said:
When God gives any man wealth and possessions, and enables him to enjoy them, to accept his lot and be happy in his work – this is a gift of God Quote

“When God gives any man wealth and possessions, and enables him to enjoy them, to accept his lot and be happy in his work – this is a gift of God” — Ecclesiastes 5:19


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This Bible verse from Ecclesiastes suggests that being able to derive enjoyment and fulfillment from one’s work and financial situation, regardless of wealth level, is a blessing from God.

The best interpretation is that the passage views contentment as more important than the actual amount of possessions or riches one has. It implies that true happiness comes from accepting our circumstances with gratitude and finding purpose in our labors, rather than constant craving for more.

Overall, the verse promotes appreciating the ability to derive meaning from our jobs and lives rather than fixation on monetary value alone. It teaches that prosperity of the soul is greater than any material abundance.

Ambrose Bierce: Mammon Leading God

Posted by admin on Friday, January 22, 2016

Ambrose Bierce Money Quote: Dictionary entry has Mammon as the current top God of World’s religions by popularity. Ambrose Bierce said:
Mammon, n.: The god of the world's leading religion Quote

“Mammon, n.: The god of the world’s leading religion” — Ambrose Bierce


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In this definition, Ambrose Bierce is satirically suggesting that the true “god” or driving force of the predominant world religion is mammon, which is commonly defined as wealth, money or material gain. By directly equating mammon with the god of the “world’s leading religion”, Bierce is criticizing how much prominence he feels is given to financial success, possessions and wealth accumulation even within religious doctrines and institutions.

His definition implies that the pursuit of prosperity and riches has in practice become prioritized over spiritual values for many. So in essence, Bierce is accusing the dominant faith of largely serving the idolatry of wealth through how it is often practiced, rather than purely upholding principles of faith, charity and humility as taught by religious texts. The definition characterizes mammon as the real object of worship for much of society in a critical tongue-in-cheek way.

Birthday: June 24, 1842 – Disappeared: c. 1914

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