Posts Tagged ‘giving’

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Damien Hess: Giving to Give

Posted by admin on Sunday, December 6, 2020

Damien Hess Money Quote saying to offer what isn’t required or when it isn’t required of us is known as service. Damien Hess said:
Service... Giving what you don't have to give. Giving when you don't need to give. Giving because you want to give Quote

“Service… Giving what you don’t have to give. Giving when you don’t need to give. Giving because you want to give” — Damien Hess


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Damien Hess talks here about the concept of service through giving without obligation. Hess is saying that true service involves giving something even when you are not required to, such as your time or resources, and giving when you personally don’t have any need for what you are providing.

The key part of the quote is that service means giving simply because you want to help others, not because it benefits you or is expected of you. Overall, Hess is promoting the idea that the most meaningful acts of service come from generosity extended freely without strings attached.

Francis of Assisi: Receive Giving

Posted by admin on Thursday, November 12, 2020

Saint Francis of Assisi Money Quote saying giving delivers satisfaction to the giver. Saint Francis of Assisi said:
For it is in giving that we receive Quote

“For it is in giving that we receive” — Saint Francis of Assisi


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The quote is attributed to Saint Francis of Assisi, who was a Catholic friar and preacher from Italy. The quote “For it is in giving that we receive” suggests that the act of giving to others or charity can be personally fulfilling and satisfying for the giver.

Suggesting that the act of giving to others is what truly enriches our lives. By focusing on helping and giving to others through acts of kindness, charity, or service, we receive intangible benefits like happiness, fulfillment and stronger relationships in return. His quote encourages people to find satisfaction and meaning not in receiving for oneself, but in selflessly giving to improve the lives of others.

Birthday: c. 1181 – October 3, 1226

Dylan Ratigan: Buy Up Assets

Posted by admin on Friday, May 8, 2020

Dylan Ratigan Money Quote saying funds from the Cares Act was given inappropriately to banks and investors to acquire assets of those losing them. Dylan Ratigan said:
This is not a bailout for the American people, this is giving cash to a small group of investors and banks so that they can buy up bankrupt assets from everybody else Quote

“This is not a bailout for the American people, this is giving cash to a small group of investors and banks so that they can buy up bankrupt assets from everybody else” — Dylan Ratigan


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In this quote, Dylan Ratigan is criticizing the 2008 bank bailouts as not truly being intended to help average Americans, but rather to benefit major financial institutions and wealthy investors. He argues that the bailouts were not about supporting the broader economy or people facing hardship, but rather served to provide large sums of cash to a small number of banks and investors so they could purchase distressed assets from others at reduced prices.

Ratigan portrays the bailouts as a way for large financial entities to profit further by using taxpayer money to take over troubled companies and properties on the cheap, rather than as an economic stimulus. The quote suggests the bailouts prioritized rescuing investors and banks from the consequences of their actions over assisting ordinary citizens struggling in the recession.

Overall, Ratigan conveys a skeptical view that the bailouts were more of a backdoor transfer of wealth to Wall Street rather than an effective means of stimulating the real economy and aiding Americans facing unemployment, foreclosure or other hardships.

Richard Whately: Provide Children

Posted by admin on Monday, March 23, 2020

Richard Whately Money Quote saying it’s better for children to understand a work ethic than to be handed an inheritance. Richard Whately said:
A man who gives his children habits of industry provides for them better than by giving them fortune Quote

“A man who gives his children habits of industry provides for them better than by giving them fortune” — Richard Whately


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Richard Whately seems to be arguing that teaching children good habits of industry and work ethic is more important than simply providing them with money or material wealth.

His point could be that developing a strong work ethic helps children become self-sufficient and able to earn a living on their own, which may benefit them more in the long run than any inheritance or fortune. However, both good habits and some financial support from parents are valuable for children to have the best opportunities to succeed.

Overall, Whately’s quote emphasizes the importance of instilling proper values in children through the example of one’s own hard work and industriousness.

Birthday: February 1, 1787 – Death: October 8, 1863

Mother Teresa: Love Not Satisfied

Posted by admin on Monday, August 26, 2019

Mother Teresa Money Quote saying don’t stop with just money, but also offer love when giving, wherever that takes you. Mother Teresa said:
Let us not be satisfied with just giving money. Money is not enough, money can be got, but they need your hearts to love them. So, spread your love everywhere you go Quote

“Let us not be satisfied with just giving money. Money is not enough, money can be got, but they need your hearts to love them. So, spread your love everywhere you go” — Mother Teresa


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Mother Teresa is saying that when giving to others through charity or donations, it’s not enough to just provide money or material goods.

She emphasizes that people also need love and compassion. By spreading love wherever you go, it means showing kindness, caring, and concern for others’ well-being in addition to any financial support.

Mother Teresa wants us to remember the human element – that those receiving help are people deserving of our empathy and affection, not just recipients of uncaring transactions. Giving with both money and love is what can truly help improve people’s lives.

Birthday August 26, 1910 Death: Sept. 5, 1997

Voltaire: Charity No Longer Belongs

Posted by admin on Friday, December 14, 2018

Voltaire Money Quote saying that once a man dies, he no longer owns anything to be able to give it to any charity. Voltaire said:

The man who leaves money to charity in his will is only giving away what no longer belongs to him Quote


“The man who leaves money to charity in his will is only giving away what no longer belongs to him” — Voltaire


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Voltaire said this because once someone has died, they no longer own or control their possessions and money. Anything left in a will is being given away after death, when the person can no longer benefit from or use the money and items themselves.

Voltaire was pointing out that charitable donations made in a will are not really a personal sacrifice, since the person is deceased and no longer has any ownership or need of the money or items. It is essentially giving away something that you no longer have any use for or claim to after death.

Birthday: November 21, 1694 – Death: May 30, 1778

John Lennon: Guilty & Wanted to Be Rich

Posted by admin on Tuesday, October 9, 2018

John Lennon Money Quote saying he was always interested in wealth, even though he propounded socialism in his lyrics. But he felt it was rooted in money guilt. John Lennon said:
I worked for money and I wanted to be rich. I'm a socialist. I used to be is guilty about money. I lost it by giving it away or by allowing myself to be screwed by so-called managers Quote

“I worked for money and I wanted to be rich. So what the hell — if that’s a paradox, then I’m a socialist. But I am not anything. What I used to be is guilty about money. That’s why I lost it, either by giving it away or by allowing myself to be screwed by so-called managers” — John Lennon


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In this quote, John Lennon seems to be reflecting on his past attitudes and experiences with money. Some key points:

  • He acknowledges that earlier in his career, he “worked for money” and “wanted to be rich” like many ambitious artists and entrepreneurs.
  • Lennon notes this could paradoxically make him a “socialist” by some definitions, though he says he doesn’t fully identify with any political label.
  • However, Lennon states he feels “guilty about money” – implying he regretted prioritizing it too much or in unhealthy ways like mismanaging finances.
  • He suggests this guilt either led to losing significant funds by “giving it away” charitably or being “screwed” out of money by untrustworthy “managers.”

Overall, Lennon appears to be conveying some level of regret over past money-driven mindsets and behaviors, though also an acceptance of lessons learned through both philanthropic and financially costly experiences. The quote reflects on Lennon’s evolving views on wealth and what truly mattered most to him.

Birthday October 9, 1940 – Death: 1980 (assassinated) in New York


Andy Borowitz: Government to Billionaires

Posted by admin on Saturday, August 18, 2018

Andy Borowitz Money Quote saying we fail to realize the massive amounts of government subsidies to companies that don’t need them, but instantly grouse about helping someone survive financially. Andy Borowitz said:
To all those opposed to government giving poor people free shit: start by opposing all the free shit government gives billionaires & corporations Quote

To all those opposed to government giving poor people free sh_t: start by opposing all the free sh_t government gives billionaires & corporations — Andy Borowitz


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In this quote, comedian Andy Borowitz is satirically criticizing those who oppose government assistance programs for the poor.

Borowitz suggests that before opposing things like welfare, food stamps or Medicaid that help impoverished citizens, people should start by opposing all the “free sh*t” that governments give to billionaires and large corporations in the form of subsidies, tax breaks and other financial benefits.

The implication is that wealthy individuals and huge companies routinely receive significant financial assistance from taxpayers via legislation, yet there is often little opposition to these kinds of government handouts compared to support for the disadvantaged.

Overall, Borowitz appears to be using humor and exaggeration to highlight what he sees as a double standard, where government aid is more acceptable when it benefits the rich rather than the poor according to his comedic perspective.

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