Posts Tagged ‘gives’

Bryant McGill: Tally of Debts

Posted by admin on Sunday, June 18, 2023

Meaning of Bryant McGill Money Quote: saying Love gives and hate collects on debts forever. Bryant McGill said:

Love gives without expectation, while hate carries an endless tally of debts Quote

“Love gives without expectation, while hate carries an endless tally of debts” — Bryant McGill


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In this quote, Bryant McGill is contrasting the nature of love and hate. When he says love “gives without expectation”, McGill means that loving others involves caring for their well-being without desiring anything in return or keeping score of benefits provided.

However, he suggests hate functions opposite by maintaining “an endless tally of debts” – constantly tracking perceived wrongs done and maintaining resentment until theoretical repayment or atonement.

The quote conveys McGill’s view that love acts selflessly through unconditional care for others, whereas hate remains preoccupied with demands of retribution and repayment. He characterizes love as freely giving without strings attached, while hate remains mired in a cycle of score-settling and perceived slights to avenge.

Thomas S. Monson: Gives Himself

Posted by admin on Friday, January 13, 2023

Meaning of Thomas S. Monson Money Quote: saying it is something to give money, but far more is given when giving ourselves. Thomas S. Monson said:

who gives money gives some, he who gives time gives more, and he who gives of himself gives all Quote

“He who gives money gives some, he who gives time gives more, and he who gives of himself gives all” — Thomas S. Monson


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This quote by Thomas S. Monson seems to be suggesting that giving of one’s time and self is an even greater gift than merely giving money or material things. Some key points:

  • “He who gives money gives some” – Donating funds, while helpful, only provides a limited and finite resource.
  • “He who gives time gives more” – Contributing one’s hours and efforts through volunteering time is a more valuable offering that can achieve more impact.
  • “He who gives of himself gives all” – The most meaningful and impactful gift is giving of one’s skills, talents, compassion and personal commitment to helping others through service.

Overall, the quote conveys that non-monetary contributions like donating one’s time, energy and self through hands-on service can make an even more meaningful difference than simple financial donations alone. Giving oneself fully is considered the most significant and impactful gift of all.

Birthday: August 21, 1927 – Death: January 2, 2018

Richard Whately: Provide Children

Posted by admin on Monday, March 23, 2020

Richard Whately Money Quote saying it’s better for children to understand a work ethic than to be handed an inheritance. Richard Whately said:
A man who gives his children habits of industry provides for them better than by giving them fortune Quote

“A man who gives his children habits of industry provides for them better than by giving them fortune” — Richard Whately


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Richard Whately seems to be arguing that teaching children good habits of industry and work ethic is more important than simply providing them with money or material wealth.

His point could be that developing a strong work ethic helps children become self-sufficient and able to earn a living on their own, which may benefit them more in the long run than any inheritance or fortune. However, both good habits and some financial support from parents are valuable for children to have the best opportunities to succeed.

Overall, Whately’s quote emphasizes the importance of instilling proper values in children through the example of one’s own hard work and industriousness.

Birthday: February 1, 1787 – Death: October 8, 1863

Edvard Munch: Rich Man Steals

Posted by admin on Saturday, February 22, 2020

Edvard Munch Money Quote saying a rich man must steal to get rich and then steals mens hearts by giving. Edvard Munch said:
The rich man who gives, steals twice over. First he steals the money and then the hearts of men Quote

“The rich man who gives, steals twice over. First he steals the money and then the hearts of men” — Edvard Munch


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In this quote, Edvard Munch seems to be criticizing performative or transactional acts of philanthropy by the wealthy. By stating that the rich man who gives “steals twice over”, first by “stealing the money” through amassing wealth, and then “stealing the hearts of men” through conspicuous donations, Munch implies such charity is self-serving rather than altruistic.

The quote conveys Munch’s perspective that the wealthy can leverage donations to enhance their public image and reputation in a manner that feels exploitative rather than compassionate, like stealing both money and genuine goodwill.

Overall, Munch appears to be arguing that philanthropy by the affluent risks being more about self-promotion and less about selfless aid if not approached with humility and care for how gifts shape perceptions of both the giver and cause, rather than elevating the giver above all else through lavish donations that feel transactional.

Birthday: December 12 1863 – Death: January 23, 1944

Psalm 37: Borrows & Doesn’t Repay

Posted by admin on Sunday, January 19, 2020

Psalm 37 Money Quote saying bad guys borrow without intention to repay and good guys find ways to give to the needy. Psalm 37 said:
The wicked borrows and does not repay, But the righteous shows mercy and gives Quote

“The wicked borrows and does not repay, But the righteous shows mercy and gives” — Psalm 37:21


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This Bible quote from Psalm 37 suggests there is a distinction between those who genuinely need help and those seeking to take advantage. The “wicked” it refers to are likely those who borrow without intent to repay, while the “righteous” show compassion to those truly in need.

The overall message seems to be that Christians should lend support to others in a spirit of mercy and care, but also act judiciously to avoid being taken advantage of by those not facing real hardship.

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