Posts Tagged ‘financial crisis’

Elizabeth Warren: Donald Trump Swampier

Posted by admin on Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Elizabeth Warren Money Quote saying Donald Trump choosing cabinet that makes the swamp more murky and fills it with monsters. Elizabeth Warren said:
[Mnuchin's] selection as Treasury Secretary should send shivers down the spine of every American who got hit hard by the financial crisis, and is the latest sign that Donald Trump has no intention of draining the swamp and every intention of running Washington to benefit himself and his rich buddies Quote

“[Mnuchin’s] selection as Treasury Secretary should send shivers down the spine of every American who got hit hard by the financial crisis, and is the latest sign that Donald Trump has no intention of draining the swamp and every intention of running Washington to benefit himself and his rich buddies” — Elizabeth Warren


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In this quote, Elizabeth Warren is strongly criticizing Steven Mnuchin’s nomination as Treasury Secretary. Some key points:

  • She says Mnuchin’s selection should “send shivers down the spine” of Americans hurt by the financial crisis, as he worked for a bank involved in foreclosures.
  • Warren argues this shows Trump has no plans to “drain the swamp” and reform Washington as he claimed, but rather wants to “run Washington to benefit himself and his rich buddies.”
  • By appointing Mnuchin, who profited from the crisis, she feels Trump is not representing average Americans but wealthy elites.
  • Overall, the quote paints Mnuchin as the wrong choice and a sign that Trump plans to look out for the rich, not fix corruption as he promised, in Warren’s view.

Paul Fisher: Climate Change Risk

Posted by admin on Sunday, October 30, 2016

Paul Fisher, Former Deputy head of the Bank of England, Money Quote saying that changes in global weather patterns could trigger system-wide financial storm. Paul Fisher said:
Paul Fisher [Climate Change] is potentially a systemic risk, [that] could be the trigger for the next financial crisis quote

“[Climate Change] is potentially a systemic risk, [that] could be the trigger for the next financial crisis” — Paul Fisher


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In this quote, Paul Fisher is warning about the potential economic risks posed by climate change. By referring to climate change as a “systemic risk” and suggesting it “could be the trigger for the next financial crisis”, Fisher is arguing that the effects of global warming – such as rising sea levels, more extreme weather events, food and water insecurity, etc. – have the capability to severely disrupt global financial systems and markets if left unaddressed.

The interpretation is that Fisher views climate change as a major threat to global economic stability that could cause a worldwide recession or other serious downturn depending on how climate-related disasters and supply chain issues impact international trade, food/water supplies, infrastructure, and other areas integral to the functioning of the global economy.

Raghuram G. Rajan: Let Them Eat Credit

Posted by admin on Thursday, May 21, 2015

Food Prices by Randall Enos, Easton, CT

Food Prices by Randall Enos, Easton, CT


Professor of finance at Chicago’s Booth School and author of Fault Lines: How Hidden Fractures still Threaten the World Economy, Raghuram G. Rajan Money Quotation saying that political monetary policy allowing easy credit produced the economic crisis. Raghuram G. Rajan said:

Raghuram G. Rajan 'Let them eat credit' could well summarize the mantra of the political establishment in the go-go years before the crisis quote

“’Let them eat credit’ could well summarize the mantra of the political establishment in the go-go years before the crisis” — Raghuram G. Rajan


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In this quote, Raghuram Rajan is criticizing the political establishment’s approach in the years leading up to the financial crisis. “Let them eat credit” references Marie Antoinette’s infamous quote about the poor in France, suggesting the poor had no bread to eat.

Similarly, Rajan is arguing that in the pre-crisis period, rather than addressing economic issues like stagnant wages, the political establishment essentially told people to solve their problems through easily available credit and debt.

So the quote criticizes the overreliance on debt and lack of other solutions as a “mantra” that contributed to the conditions that led to the crisis.

Timothy Geitner: Raging Financial Inferno

Posted by admin on Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Timothy Geitner Money Quotation saying as United States Secretary of the Treasury, under President Barack Obama, from 2009 to 2013 that prosecuting bankers would not have been productive in saving the economy. Timothy Geitner said:
Timothy Geitner Old Testament vengeance appeals to the populist fury of the moment, but the truly moral thing to do during a raging financial inferno is to put it out quote

“Trying to mete out punishment to perpetrators during a genuinely systemic crisis – by letting major firms fail … can pour gasoline on the fire. Old Testament vengeance appeals to the populist fury of the moment, but the truly moral thing to do during a raging financial inferno is to put it out” — Timothy Geitner


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In this quote, former Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner is defending the government’s approach to addressing the 2008 financial crisis. His view seems to be that during a severe systemic crisis that endangers the entire economy, allowing large financial institutions to collapse through lack of bailouts could have made the situation far worse by further eroding confidence and stability.

Geithner implies that satisfying a “populist fury” demand for punishment and vengeance would have been short-sighted and risked fueling the crisis fire. Instead, he argues the ethical path was prioritizing containment and recovery by keeping major firms operational even if unpopular, as the “truly moral thing” was extinguishing the crisis flames, not exacting retribution.

The quote conveys Geithner’s perspective that in an extreme emergency, pragmatic solutions must take precedence over emotional reactions or demands for justice against individual actors.

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