Posts Tagged ‘fees’

Dan Davies: Social Security Ponzi

Posted by admin on Saturday, November 4, 2023

Meaning of Dan Davies Money Quote: saying Financial services companies want a bit of Social Security in fees. Dan Davies said:

Social Security is a Ponzi scheme financial-services industry to charge fees on Quote

“The claim that Social Security is a Ponzi scheme is itself part of the basis for calls to dismantle it and replace it with something that’s easier for the financial-services industry to charge fees on” — Dan Davies


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In this quote, Dan Davies is criticizing characterizations of Social Security as a “Ponzi scheme” as a disingenuous argument that is partly aimed at dismantling the existing system in favor of private alternatives that would generate higher fees for financial companies. Some key points in interpreting his perspective:

  • Davies implies the “Ponzi scheme” accusation is an oversimplification that ignores how Social Security actually functions as an insurance program.
  • He argues this talking point is used strategically to undermine public confidence in Social Security and create an opening to replace it with privately-managed retirement accounts.
  • However, reasonable experts can disagree in good faith on appropriate reforms and there may be multiple motivations behind criticisms rather than solely financial interests.
  • A balanced interpretation is that while Davies aims to expose perceived hypocrisy, the issues involve complex policy trade-offs where knowledgeable people have differing viewpoints.

Overall, the quote reflects Davies’ skepticism of some calls for change. But the best analysis considers this perspective alongside other reasonable positions in the ongoing debate, as the optimal structure of retirement systems involves weighing multiple valid factors and no definitive consensus.

Stephen Hawking: Pay School Fees

Posted by admin on Saturday, August 7, 2021

Stephen Hawking Money Quote saying Cosmos was written to help pay for his daughter’s schooling. Stephen Hawking said:
My intention was partly to earn money to pay my daughter's school fees Quote

“I first had the idea of writing a popular book about the universe in 1982. My intention was partly to earn money to pay my daughter’s school fees” — Stephen Hawking


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In this quote, Stephen Hawking is explaining part of his motivation for writing his well-known popular science book “A Brief History of Time.” While his primary goal was undoubtedly to educate the public about complex cosmological concepts in an accessible way, Hawking acknowledges that another factor driving him was a practical one – to earn enough money through book sales to pay for his daughter’s private school tuition.

His statement suggests that financial security for his family was an important secondary consideration alongside his desire to share his scientific knowledge and passion for exploring the mysteries of the universe with broader audiences.

Overall, the quote provides insight into Hawking’s pragmatic side as well as his commitment to supporting his daughter’s education.

Tim Berners-Lee: No Internet Fees

Posted by admin on Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Tim Berners-Lee Money Quote saying that if he had tried to make money off his invention of the web that it would not exist as we know it today. Tim Berners-Lee said:
If I had tried to demand fees... there would be no World Wide Web. There would be lots of small webs Quote

“If I had tried to demand fees… there would be no World Wide Web. There would be lots of small webs” — Tim Berners-Lee


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In this quote, Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the World Wide Web, is reflecting on his decision not to seek patents or charge licensing fees for its use. He suggests that if he had demanded money for access, the web would never have become a globally unifying platform. Instead, it would have fragmented into many smaller, isolated networks.

Berners-Lee implies his choice to make the web freely open allowed it to spread universally, becoming the dominant digital medium it is today. Overall, the quote conveys Berners-Lee’s belief that making the core web technology available without financial barriers was key to enabling its widespread adoption and evolution into the immense global network that now interconnects much of humanity.

F. Lee Bailey: Legal Fee Punishment

Posted by admin on Thursday, June 3, 2021

F. Lee Bailey Money Quote saying that lawyers exorbitant hourly rates are enough punishment for the guilty as well as the innocent clients. F. Lee Bailey said:
I get paid for seeing that my clients have every break the law allows. But the guilty never escape unscathed. My fees are sufficient punishment for anyone Quote

“I get paid for seeing that my clients have every break the law allows. I have knowingly defended a number of guilty men. But the guilty never escape unscathed. My fees are sufficient punishment for anyone” — F. Lee Bailey


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In this quote, famous defense attorney F. Lee Bailey is explaining his view of his professional role and responsibilities. He acknowledges that he has defended clients who were guilty of crimes, but emphasizes that it is his job to ensure they receive the full legal protections and advantages they are allowed.

Bailey also suggests that while the guilty may avoid harsher punishment in the courts, paying his substantial fees serves as a form of punishment on its own. Overall, the quote conveys Bailey’s perspective that representing even culpable defendants zealously is justified, and the high costs involved in hiring him as counsel acts as a sufficient penalty for those who can afford his services.

Birthday: June 10, 1933 – Death: June 3, 2021

Aaron Klein: Slow-Clearing Bank Settlements

Posted by admin on Thursday, October 6, 2016

Aaron Klein Money Quote saying low-income consumers subsidize wealthy and must pay to use their own money. Aaron Klein said:
cash, prepaid cards or debit cards, get little to nothing and are in effect subsidizing the wealthy through the payment system. They also deal with a slow clearing and settlement system that causes additional expensive overdraft fees Quote

“Lower-income Americans, who disproportionately use cash, prepaid cards or debit cards, get little to nothing and are in effect subsidizing the wealthy through the payment system. They also deal with a slow clearing and settlement system that causes additional expensive overdraft fees” — Aaron Klein


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In this quote, Aaron Klein seems to be critiquing how certain payment methods and processes within the current financial system have inequitable effects and disproportionately burden lower-income individuals. Some key points:

  • He notes that lower-income Americans rely more on cash, prepaid cards and debit cards compared to higher-income groups.
  • Klein argues that this demographic “get little to nothing” in terms of rewards or benefits from the payment system, yet effectively subsidize wealthier customers through fees and merchant prices.
  • He also observes that the slower clearing times for checks and daily debit card settlement contribute to more expensive overdraft fees for those with limited funds.

Overall, the quote conveys Klein’s view that traditional payment infrastructure offers few advantages to low-income users while exposing them to greater costs, in effect transferring wealth upwards through an inequitable system that has not kept pace with technological capabilities to benefit all consumers more equally.

John Chiang: Wells Fargo Wanton Greed

Posted by admin on Wednesday, September 28, 2016

John Chiang Money Quote saying as California State Treasurer that Wells Fargo cheated and fleeced customers with disregard for institutional ethics and encouraged greediness. John Chiang said:
Wells Fargo's fleecing of its customers by opening fraudulent accounts for the purpose of extracting millions in illegal fees demonstrates, at best, a reckless lack of institutional control and, at worst,  a culture which actively promotes wanton greed Quote

“Wells Fargo’s fleecing of its customers by opening fraudulent accounts for the purpose of extracting millions in illegal fees demonstrates, at best, a reckless lack of institutional control and, at worst, a culture which actively promotes wanton greed” — John Chiang


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John Chiang seems to be strongly criticizing Wells Fargo’s actions that led to the fraudulent account scandal. He argues that by opening accounts without customer consent in order to charge fees, Wells Fargo showed either a failure to properly oversee its employees or a corporate culture that actively encourages greed and profit-seeking at the expense of ethical treatment of customers.

Chiang’s description of the bank “fleecing” and “extracting” money from customers portrays its actions as predatory. Overall, his remarks suggest Wells Fargo’s misconduct demonstrated a lack of principles that put shareholders and executives’ interests ahead of customers it had a responsibility to serve fairly and honestly.

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