Posts Tagged ‘expensive’

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Dejan Stojanovic: Word Expensive

Posted by admin on Saturday, December 16, 2023

Meaning of Dejan Stojanovic Money Quote: saying Forever hold your peace to avoid paying expensive fee for uttering a word. Dejan Stojanovic said:

How many unuttered words died in the heads of those for whom a word was too expensive Quote

“How many unuttered words died in the heads of those for whom a word was too expensive” — Dejan Stojanovic


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Dejan Stojanovic is reflecting on how many insightful or meaningful ideas may have gone unexpressed throughout history because speaking up carried too high a cost or risk for some.

By referring to words as being “too expensive”, Stojanovic suggests that for oppressed, marginalized or vulnerable groups, voicing an opinion could endanger one’s security, livelihood or even life.

His quote implies that for those without power or protection, self-censorship was necessary for survival even if it meant inner thoughts were never shared.

Overall, Stojanovic appears to be lamenting the perspectives and wisdom lost to silence over the centuries, as circumstances prevented many from freely contributing to public discourse out of fear for what their words might provoke.

George Polya: Mathematics Least

Posted by admin on Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Meaning of George Pólya Money Quote: saying Math is the least expensive science, no expensive equipment. George Pólya said:
George-Polya-Mathematics-Cheapest-Physics-Chemistry-Expensive-Equipment.jpg Quote

“” — George Pólya


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In this quote, George Pólya is highlighting that mathematics is a relatively inexpensive field of study compared to other sciences like physics and chemistry. He notes that while subjects like physics require expensive laboratories and equipment to conduct experiments, mathematics can be practiced simply with a pencil and paper.

Pólya is emphasizing that the tools needed for mathematical work – writing and calculation tools – have very low costs compared to other disciplines. The quote suggests mathematics is an accessible science from a financial perspective, as its study and work can be carried out with only basic writing implements rather than pricey technology or facilities.

Overall, Pólya is pointing out the affordability and lack of exorbitant expenses involved in pursuing and advancing the field of mathematics.

Viet Thanh Nguyen: So Expensive as Free

Posted by admin on Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Meaning of Viet Thanh Nguyen Money Quote: saying there is not a thing that is as expensive as those things offered for nothing. Viet Thanh Nguyen said:



“Nothing . . . is ever so expensive as what is offered for free” — Viet Thanh Nguyen


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In this quote, Viet Thanh Nguyen seems to be saying that things which are offered for free or at no cost can often end up being more expensive in other ways. The quote suggests that what appears to be a good deal or bargain because there is no direct price tag may burden us through hidden or indirect costs.

Nguyen appears to be cautioning that we should not take something simply because it is labeled “free” and instead carefully consider what other expenses, obligations or compromises may come with accepting something at no monetary fee.

Overall, the quote emphasizes how the lack of an overt price does not necessarily mean an item, service or opportunity will not demand payment through other non-financial means.

Benjamin Franklin: Expensive Ignorance

Posted by admin on Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Meaning of Benjamin Franklin Money Quote: saying ignorance can be far more costly than a simple education. Benjamin Franklin said:

The only thing that is more expensive than education is ignorance Quote

“The only thing that is more expensive than education is ignorance” — Benjamin Franklin


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Benjamin Franklin seems to be suggesting that lack of education or knowledge has greater long-term costs than obtaining an education. While getting an education requires time, effort and money up front, being ignorant or uneducated will lead to greater expenses and disadvantages over one’s lifetime.

Someone who is uneducated may earn less money in their career, have fewer opportunities, make poor or misinformed decisions, and require remedial education later on to overcome their ignorance.

So while education involves initial costs, Franklin is arguing that in the long run it saves money and resources compared to a life lived without sufficient education and knowledge. The benefits of education, both financial and otherwise, outweigh the price of gaining it.

Birthday: January 17, 1706 – Death: April 17, 1790

Irving Stone: Dedication Expensive

Posted by admin on Monday, December 11, 2023

Meaning of Irving Stone Money Quote: saying the costliest thing is dedication, with or without talent. Irving Stone said:
Talent is cheap; dedication is expensive. It will cost you your life Quote

“Talent is cheap; dedication is expensive. It will cost you your life” — Irving Stone


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Irving Stone seems to be saying that while natural talent or ability may be common, true dedication and commitment to one’s craft requires immense effort, sacrifice and perseverance that can consume one’s entire life.

It implies that achieving greatness or mastery in any field demands an “expensive” level of dedication – one that demands total devotion and is willing to forgo other aspects of life.

The quote suggests that only those willing to pay the “price” of complete dedication over many years of hard work can hope to maximize their talents and achieve the highest levels of success.

Robert Orben: Education Expensive

Posted by admin on Sunday, December 10, 2023

Meaning of Robert Orben Money Quote: saying ignorance is far more costly than education – just try it. Robert Orben said:

If you think education is expensive, try ignorance Quote

“If you think education is expensive, try ignorance” — Robert Orben


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In this quote, Robert Orben is emphasizing the long-term value of investing in education and learning. Specifically:

  • He notes that while education requires significant expenses like tuition costs, it is ultimately far more “expensive” to remain ignorant over one’s lifetime.
  • By lacking knowledge and skills, one misses out on higher career earnings potential and opportunities that could provide a greater quality of life.
  • Additionally, ignorance can lead to costly mistakes, poor health choices, less productive use of one’s time, and other negative financial impacts.

Overall, Orben’s message is that formal schooling or ongoing self-education, though demanding up front costs, pays ongoing dividends that far outweigh the price of admission. It is a wise investment that generates returns in both personal and economic fulfillment. The quote succinctly encourages the prioritization of learning over remaining willfully uninformed.

Birthday: March 4, 1927 – Death: February 2, 2023

Naomi Novik: Justice Is Expensive

Posted by admin on Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Meaning of Naomi Novik Money Quote: saying Justice is costly and rare, and can be afforded only by those with money and power. Naomi Novik said:

Justice is expensive.  Enough money and influence to afford it Quote

“Justice is expensive. That is why there is so little of it, and it is reserved for those few with enough money and influence to afford it” — Naomi Novik


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In this quote, Naomi Novik is making a critique of the justice system. She suggests that true justice is “expensive” both literally and figuratively. Literally, legal representation and navigating the courts costs a great deal of money that many cannot afford. Figuratively, pursuing justice also requires influence and resources to overcome obstacles.

Novik argues this is why there is so little justice overall in society – it is largely reserved only for those who are wealthy enough to pay for quality legal support and advocacy. The quote implies Novik believes the system favors the rich and powerful over ordinary citizens, and a lack of money or influence can often impede someone from receiving fair treatment under the law.

Robin Williams: Divorce Expensive

Posted by admin on Friday, September 9, 2022

Meaning of Robin Williams Money Quote: saying divorce is quite expensive and may even take more than expected, both financially and emotionally. Robin Williams said:
Divorce is expensive. call it 'all the money,' but they changed it to 'alimony.' It's ripping your heart out through your wallet Quote

“Divorce is expensive. I used to joke they were going to call it ‘all the money,’ but they changed it to ‘alimony.’ It’s ripping your heart out through your wallet” — Robin Williams


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Robin Williams once joked that divorce is expensive, and it can take more than expected, both financially and emotionally. He said, “Divorce is expensive.

I used to joke they were going to call it ‘all the money,’ but they changed it to ‘alimony.’ It’s ripping your heart out through your wallet.” So, his divorce likely had a significant impact on both his wallet and heart.

Birthday: July 21, 1951 – Death: August 11, 2014

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