Posts Tagged ‘expenses’

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Leroy Hood: Medical Bankruptcies

Posted by admin on Saturday, January 13, 2024

Meaning of Leroy Hood Money Quote: saying the cost of medical treatments contributes to people claiming bankruptcy about two thirds of the time. Leroy Hood said:

Medical expenses contribute to two-thirds of all bankruptcies in the United States Quote

“Medical expenses contribute to two-thirds of all bankruptcies in the United States” — Leroy Hood


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In this quote, scientist Leroy Hood is pointing out that the majority of personal bankruptcies in the United States are caused by high medical costs and expenses. The best interpretation is that Hood is drawing attention to the significant financial burden that medical bills place on many Americans.

His statement suggests that the current healthcare system does not adequately protect people from the risks of steep medical costs leading to bankruptcy. The overall message seems to be that reform is needed to reduce the rate at which medical expenses are undermining individuals’ and families’ financial security in the United States.

Hendrith Vanlon Smith: Inflate Costs

Posted by admin on Monday, November 21, 2022

Meaning of Hendrith Vanlon Smith Money Quote: saying growing business income is necessary to cover growing expenses of inflation is critical. Hendrith Vanlon Smith said:
Inflation will make sure that expenses grow, so each business needs to make sure that it's assets are growing to at least compensate for those inflationary pressures Quote

“It’s important to always keep the business’ assets growing. Inflation will make sure that expenses grow, so each business needs to make sure that it’s assets are growing to at least compensate for those inflationary pressures” — Hendrith Smith


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Hendrith Smith is emphasizing the importance of continuously growing a business’ assets in order to counteract the effects of inflation.

The quote suggests that since inflation causes expenses to naturally rise over time, businesses must ensure their assets are also increasing just to maintain their existing value and purchasing power. Smith is advising that assets need to expand at least in line with inflationary pressures on costs, otherwise the business will fall behind financially.

The overall message is that stagnant assets leave a business vulnerable to erosion of profits and net worth from inflation eating away at the real value of their holdings. To stay competitive and profitable amidst rising prices, businesses must keep their asset base appreciating accordingly.

Thomas Jefferson: School Expenses

Posted by admin on Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Thomas Jefferson Money Quote saying school costs should be paid by those who benefit from the local educational system. Thomas Jefferson said:
The expenses of schools should be borne by the inhabitants of the county, every one in proportion to his general tax-rate. This would throw on wealth the education of the poor Quote

“The expenses of schools should be borne by the inhabitants of the county, every one in proportion to his general tax-rate. This would throw on wealth the education of the poor” — Thomas Jefferson


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This quote suggests that Thomas Jefferson believed the costs of public schools should be funded through local property taxes paid by county residents. He appears to be proposing that everyone contribute based on how much tax they already pay on their property, which would effectively mean wealthier landowners subsidizing the education of children from poorer families.

Jefferson seems to have felt it was appropriate for those with greater means (“wealth”) to help cover the schooling expenses of those in poverty, seeing basic education as a benefit that could be supported through redistribution of resources at a local level according to one’s assets. The quote conveys Jefferson’s view that property taxes were a justified way to generate educational opportunities for all socioeconomic classes in a community.

Birthday: April 13, 1743 – Death: July 4, 1826

Kamala Harris: Money in Pockets

Posted by admin on Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Kamala Harris Money Quote saying tax policy should address the needs and values of citizens rather than to the wealthy and corporations. Kamala Harris said:
We should put money back into the pockets of American families to address rising costs of childcare, housing, tuition, and other expenses, our tax code should reflect our values and instead of more tax breaks for the top 1 % and corporations Quote

“We should put money back into the pockets of American families to address rising costs of childcare, housing, tuition, and other expenses, our tax code should reflect our values and instead of more tax breaks for the top 1% and corporations, we should be lifting up millions of American families” — Kamala Harris


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In this quote, Kamala Harris is advocating for tax policies that support American working families rather than favoring the wealthy. She argues the tax code should reflect societal values like helping families afford crucial costs like childcare, housing, and education.

Harris implies current tax breaks disproportionately benefit the top 1% and corporations, and instead taxes could be used to directly aid millions of families by putting “money back into their pockets” through tax relief and benefits.

Her view is that lifting up ordinary citizens should be a higher priority through the tax system than further enriching those who need it least. Overall, Harris is pushing for an equitable tax framework that addresses the financial challenges facing average families through targeted relief rather than additional benefits for the highest earners.

Queen Isabella: Pawn My Jewels

Posted by admin on Saturday, June 29, 2019

Queen Isabella Money Quote saying she was willing to literally sell the family jewels to pay for Christopher Columbus to explore the globe. Queen Isabella said:
I will assume the undertaking for my own crown of Castile, and am ready to pawn my jewels to defray the expenses of it, if the funds in the treasury should be found inadequate Quote

“I will assume the undertaking for my own crown of Castile, and am ready to pawn my jewels to defray the expenses of it, if the funds in the treasury should be found inadequate” — Queen Isabella


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In this quote, Queen Isabella is expressing her strong support for financing Christopher Columbus’ proposed expedition to find a western route to Asia. When she says she is willing to “pawn my jewels to defray the expenses” if the royal treasury is inadequate, the Queen is conveying her determination and commitment to fund the voyage, even if it requires using her own valuable possessions as collateral.

The quote suggests Isabella considered Columbus’ proposed journey an important undertaking worth personally investing in, and shows her resolve to ensure it was properly financed through all available means. Overall, it demonstrates Isabella’s bold support and endorsement of exploration that helped enable Columbus’ historic voyage.

This is very likely the same Isabella who made that famous statement about pawning her jewels to fund Columbus’s voyage. The text describes Isabella I of Castile, who along with her husband Ferdinand II of Aragon, sponsored Christopher Columbus’s 1492 voyage that led to the European discovery of the Americas.

Specifically, the text mentions:

“Just three months after entering Granada, Queen Isabella agreed to sponsor Christopher Columbus on an expedition to reach the East Indies by sailing west (for a distance of 2,000 miles, according to Columbus). The crown agreed to pay a sum of money as a concession from monarch to subject.”

The exact quote about pawning her jewels, it is a famous statement attributed to Isabella regarding her support of Columbus’s expedition. The Isabella described here – Queen Isabella I of Castile who reigned from 1474 to 1504 and helped unify Spain – is definitely the same historical figure associated with that quote and with sponsoring Columbus’s voyages.

Birthday: April 22, 1451 – Death: November 26, 1504

Expenses Meeting Us Everywhere

Posted by admin on Sunday, May 15, 2016

Funny Money Quotes: expenses are waiting to greet us in every place and at any time, not sometimes, but always:
It's easy to meet expenses - everywhere we go, there they are Quote

“It’s easy to meet expenses – everywhere we go, there they are” — Anonymous


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In this humorous quote, the anonymous author is wryly commenting on the inevitability of expenses in life. They note that expenses are always “easy to meet” because expenses are constantly encountered, being virtually omnipresent wherever a person goes or whatever they do.

The implication is that rather than being difficult to find, expenses aggressively find you through daily costs of living, unforeseen bills, and other financial obligations. So while meeting expenses may not always be easy in reality due to limited funds, the author is joking that at least expenses are readily accessible since they’re impossible to avoid and follow us everywhere. It’s a lighthearted take poking fun at how expenses perpetually seem to track us down rather than the other way around.

J.R.R. Tolkien: Risk, Expense, Remuneration

Posted by admin on Tuesday, June 2, 2015

J.R.R. Tolkien Money Quotation in “The Hobbit” – recruiting participants in an adventure requires outlining return on investment (ROI) to participants. J.R.R. Tolkien said:

Risks, Expenses, Time, Remuneration Quote

‘I should like to know about risks, out-of-pocket expenses, time required and remuneration, and so forth’— by which he meant: ‘What am I going to get out of it? and am I going to come back alive?'” — J.R.R. Tolkien


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In this quote, Tolkien is describing someone asking another character practical questions about the risks, costs and payment involved in an upcoming journey or task, but doing so indirectly.

By asking about “risks, out-of-pocket expenses, time required and remuneration”, this character is essentially trying to understand what dangers and hardships they may face, how much money and time it will require of them, and what reward they stand to gain.

Tolkien notes that by “remuneration”, the character really means “what am I going to get out of it?”, and by the other questions, their underlying concern is “am I going to come back alive?”.

So the best interpretation is that the quote comments on someone circumspectly trying to evaluate the risks versus rewards of a perilous undertaking before committing to it.

National Tolkien Reading Day is celebrated annually on March 25th. It is a day set aside to honor J.R.R. Tolkien, the author of classic fantasy works like The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings trilogy.

On this day, fans of Tolkien’s books often reread or discuss their favorite passages. Some libraries and bookstores will host events like readings from Tolkien’s works or discussions about the themes and characters in his stories.

The goal is to celebrate Tolkien’s work and legacy as one of the most influential fantasy authors and to encourage others to discover his books if they have not already done so.

Birthday January 3, 1892 – Died September 2, 1973


Benjamin Franklin on Little Expenses as Risk

Posted by admin on Monday, August 5, 2013

Benjamin Franklin Money Quotation saying It’s the little things we don’t notice that add up to big problems for your bank account. Benjamin Franklin said:
Beware of little expenses. A small leak will sink a great ship Quote

“Beware of little expenses. A small leak will sink a great ship” — Benjamin Franklin


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Benjamin Franklin is advising to be wary of small, frequent expenses because they can add up and lead to bigger financial problems over time, just like a small leak that is left unaddressed can eventually sink an entire ship.

The quote means that small, everyday costs should still be paid attention to and not ignored, as they can collectively have major negative consequences if left unchecked. Franklin is encouraging people to watch their spending closely, no matter how minor any one expense may seem, to avoid facing large financial troubles down the road.

Birthday: January 17, 1706 – Death: April 17, 1790

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