Posts Tagged ‘euripides’

Euripides: Price for Base Profits

Posted by admin on Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Meaning of Euripides Money Quote: saying being a bad person and doing bad things for money leads to paying a further penalty. Euripides said:
Many have paid the price for base profits Quote

“Many have paid the price for base profits” — Euripides


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This quote from the ancient Greek playwright Euripides suggests that pursuing profits in an unethical or harmful way can have negative consequences.

Euripides seems to be warning that some people have suffered serious costs or losses as a result of prioritizing profits over integrity, morality or people’s well-being.

The “base profits” referred to are likely those gained through deceitful, dangerous or unjust means.

The quote conveys that short-term financial gain should not come at the expense of principles or of hurting others.

Birthday: c. 480 BC – Death: c. 406 BC

Euripides: Gold Not the Only Coin

Posted by admin on Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Euripides Money Quote saying precious metals are not the only coin – virtue is seen as highly valuable everywhere. Euripides said:
Silver and gold are not the only coin; virtue too passes current all over the world Quote

Silver and gold are not the only coin; virtue too passes current all over the world” — Euripides


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In this quote, Euripides is saying that while money or precious metals like silver and gold are commonly used as currency, virtue and good character also have significant value that is recognized universally.

The best interpretation is that Euripides believes moral qualities like integrity, kindness and wisdom hold worth just like financial assets, as these virtues can open doors and gain trust for a person anywhere in the world regardless of location or culture.

His point appears to be that reputation and ethics effectively function as a form of non-monetary “coin” that facilitates interactions and opportunities across societies in much the same way that money does.

Birthday: c. 480 BC – Death: c. 406 BC

Euripides: Youth is Best Time Rich

Posted by admin on Saturday, August 8, 2020

Euripides Money Quote saying that being young is the best whether rich or poor or many other things. Euripides said:
Youth is the best time to be rich, and the best time to be poor Quote

“Youth is the best time to be rich, and the best time to be poor” — Euripides


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In this quote, Euripides is suggesting that youth is the ideal time to experience both wealth and poverty. The best interpretation is that when one is young, having riches allows for enjoyment and adventure without major responsibilities, while being poor is more manageable since youth provides resilience and time to improve one’s circumstances.

His point seems to be that the downsides and stresses of each economic condition are lessened during youth, making it a phase of life well-suited for navigating both affluence and lack of resources.

Overall, Euripides appears to be acknowledging that youth grants a flexibility and ability to rebound that makes undergoing periods of both wealth and poverty most feasible at a younger age before the commitments of adulthood.

Birthday: c. 480 BC – Death: c. 406 BC

Euripides: Little Gold Wealth

Posted by admin on Sunday, July 5, 2020

Euripides Money Quote saying who we really are stays intact but wealth can pass without notice. Euripides said:
Wealth stays with us a little moment if at all: only our characters are steadfast, not our gold Quote

Wealth stays with us a little moment if at all: only our characters are steadfast, not our gold” — Euripides


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In this quote, Euripides is contrasting the transient nature of wealth and material possessions with the enduring quality of one’s character. The best interpretation is that he means riches and gold are fleeting or temporary, subject to change over time, while the character traits we cultivate – our virtues, values and reputation – provide a steadier foundation that remains with us consistently.

Euripides appears to be emphasizing that who we are as people in terms of our ethics and principles will persist even if our financial fortunes rise and fall, so we should focus on developing strong character over amassing possessions that may not last. His point is that while money comes and goes, our inner qualities and how we are judged by others endure much more reliably.

Birthday: c. 480 BC – Death: c. 406 BC

Euripides: No Rich or Poor if Stomach Full

Posted by admin on Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Euripides Money Quote saying once we are satisfied and not hungry, little matters to either wealthy or in poverty. Euripides said:
When a man's stomach is full it makes no difference whether he is rich or poor Quote

“When a man’s stomach is full it makes no difference whether he is rich or poor” — Euripides


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In this quote, the ancient Greek playwright Euripides is making the point that when a person is full and satisfied, their wealth or lack thereof no longer defines their experience in that moment.

The best interpretation is that Euripides believed that a satiated stomach provides a sense of comfort and contentment that temporarily equalizes the rich and poor – when a person is not hungry, their current material circumstances do not impact their feeling of sufficiency.

His quote suggests that physical nourishment can give a brief respite from worldly concerns about class or financial status. Overall, Euripides appears to be acknowledging that basic sustenance fulfills a human need that wealth alone cannot address.

Birthday: c. 480 BC – Death: c. 406 BC

Euripides: Money Wise Man’s Religion

Posted by admin on Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Meaning of Euripides Money Quote: saying those with any wisdom realize that we must study money and revere monetary principles. Euripides said:
Money is the wise man's religion Quote

“Money is the wise man’s religion” — Euripides


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In this quote, Euripides is suggesting that money acts as a kind of religion or guiding force for those who are wise. The best interpretation is that he means prudent, thoughtful people recognize the practical importance and necessity of having financial resources to support themselves and their goals.

For such sensible individuals, money takes on an almost sacred significance as something indispensable for living well and achieving one’s aims. Euripides appears to be acknowledging that while money may not be the highest priority for all, it plays a vital role for those who approach life’s challenges strategically and rationally.

His point is that the prudent recognize their need to generate and manage wealth in order to thrive.

Birthday: c. 480 BC – Death: c. 406 BC

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