Posts Tagged ‘edmund burke’

Edmund Burke: Parsimony Expense

Posted by admin on Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Edmund Burke Money Quote saying Being Miserly Does Not Make One Economical or Frugal. Large expenses may be core to being economical. Edmund Burke said:
Mere parsimony is not economy. Expense, and great expense, may be an essential part in true economy Quote

“Mere parsimony is not economy. Expense, and great expense, may be an essential part in true economy” — Edmund Burke


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In this quote, Edmund Burke is making a distinction between mere thriftiness or “parsimony” and true “economy”. He argues that while saving money and avoiding wasteful spending are important principles of economy, large strategic investments and necessary expenses can also be crucial components of sound financial management.

Burke seems to be saying that a policy of strict cost-cutting alone does not necessarily constitute good economy – sometimes substantial outlays are required to achieve greater cost-savings or returns in the long run.

This quote suggests that economy is not just about reducing expenditures, but making balanced choices about where and how much to spend in order to maximize efficient use of resources and minimize costs over the full scope of a project or business.

Birthday: January 12, 1729 – Death: July 9, 1797

Edmund Burke: All Riches Have Limits

Posted by admin on Thursday, October 13, 2016

Edmund Burke Money Quote saying that being frugal is based on the concept that wealth should be preserved rather than wasted. Edmund Burke said:
Frugality is founded on the principle that all riches have limits Quote

Frugality is founded on the principle that all riches have limits” — Edmund Burke


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In this quote, Edmund Burke is highlighting how the principle of frugality stems from recognizing natural limits on wealth and resources. By acknowledging that riches are finite, it encourages wise stewardship and moderation in spending rather than wasteful excess. Burke suggests that being frugal means living within one’s financial means since money and possessions cannot grow indefinitely.

The quote conveys the idea that frugality accepts the reality of limited riches in the world, in contrast to the mentality that wealth is unlimited and can be carelessly spent without regard to constraints. Overall, Burke views frugality as a practical philosophy that flows from understanding wealth’s inherent boundaries.

Birthday: January 12, 1729 – Death: July 9, 1797

Edmund Burke on Frugality

Posted by admin on Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Edmund Burke Money Quotation saying wealth has limits and can be squandered without taking care to practice frugality with your excess. Edmund Burke said:
Frugality is founded on the principle that all riches have limits Quote

“Frugality is founded on the principle that all riches have limits” — Edmund Burke


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This is a quote we’ve already discussed earlier in our conversation. To reiterate the best interpretation, Edmund Burke is highlighting how the principle of frugality stems from recognizing natural limits on wealth and resources. By acknowledging that riches are finite, it encourages wise stewardship and moderation in spending rather than wasteful excess.

Burke suggests that being frugal means living within one’s financial means since money and possessions cannot grow indefinitely. The quote conveys the idea that frugality accepts the reality of limited riches in the world, in contrast to the mentality that wealth is unlimited and can be carelessly spent without regard to constraints.

Overall, Burke views frugality as a practical philosophy that flows from understanding wealth’s inherent boundaries.

Birthday: January 12, 1729 – Death: July 9, 1797

Edmund Burke: Command of Wealth

Posted by admin on Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Edmund Burke Money Quote claims that freedom and money are the result when we control our riches rather than they controlling us.
If we command our wealth, we shall be rich and free; if our wealth commands us, we are poor indeed Quote

“If we command our wealth, we shall be rich and free; if our wealth commands us, we are poor indeed” — Edmund Burke


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In this quote, Edmund Burke is contrasting two different relationships one can have with wealth. He argues that if a person is able to manage and direct their finances in a prudent, self-determined manner (“if we command our wealth”), they will enjoy both riches and freedom.

However, if a person allows their wealth to dominate and control them (“if our wealth commands us”), obsessively pursuing more money at the expense of other priorities, then they are “poor indeed” – lacking true riches that come from living freely according to one’s own choices.

The quote conveys that true prosperity involves exercising control over one’s resources, not being controlled by a slave-like fixation on accumulating wealth. It emphasizes that freedom should take precedence over wealth accumulation itself.

Birthday: January 12, 1729 – Death: July 9, 1797

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