Posts Tagged ‘earns’
Robert J. McCracken: Man Earns & Spends
on Wednesday, December 6, 2017Robert J. McCracken Money Quote saying Everything about our character is clarified by how we choose to make our income and then how we spend it. Robert J. McCracken said:
“Get to know two things about a man. How he earns his money and how he spends it. You will then have the clue to his character. You will have a searchlight that shows up the inmost recesses of his soul” — Robert J. McCracken
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In this quote, Robert J. McCracken is suggesting that a person’s character can be discerned by examining two key aspects of their financial life: how they earn their livelihood, and how they choose to spend their money.
By stating that understanding these two factors provides “the clue to his character” and acts as a “searchlight that shows up the inmost recesses of his soul”, McCracken implies that career choices and spending habits reveal inner qualities like work ethic, priorities, values and true nature.
The interpretation is that McCracken views a person’s approach to both generating and allocating funds as reflective of their integrity, motivations and essence. He presents earning style and monetary discretion as windows into a person’s core identity and nature.
The overall message conveyed is that for McCracken, closely examining how someone makes and spends their money provides important insight into their underlying character beyond just financial tendencies or lifestyle. These monetary behaviors seemingly illuminated innate traits in his view.
Birthday: March 15, 1874 – Death: May 16, 1934
Albert Einstein: Compound Interest Wonder
on Saturday, March 25, 2017Albert Einstein Money Quote saying Compound interest is a fascinating thing that pays those smart enough to make use of it. Albert Einstein said:
“Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it … he who doesn’t … pays it” — Albert Einstein
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In this quote, Einstein is expressing admiration for the power of compound interest. He refers to it as the “eighth wonder of the world”, suggesting it is as remarkable and impactful as the other famous Wonders of the World.
Einstein means that compound interest, where interest is earned on prior interest in addition to principal, has astonishing ability to generate returns over long periods of time.
His message is that those who take the time to understand how compound interest works will know how to earn it (such as by investing), whereas those who do not make the effort to comprehend it will end up paying it (for example, by taking out loans and paying interest).
In essence, Einstein is emphasizing the tremendous financial value and rewards that accrue to those who have insight into the mathematical magic of compounding returns over long time horizons.
Birthday: March 14, 1879 – Death: April 18, 1955