Posts Tagged ‘doug pike’

Economic Recovery a Quarter Away

Posted by admin on Saturday, August 10, 2013

Recovery a Quarter Away

Funny Money Cartoon: Three months can be a long wait when you have only 25 cents to carry you through the economic recovery period. Doug Pike in Splattered on the Road to Wealth said:
The recovery is just another quarter away? I hope so, because that is what I'm down to Quote

“The recovery is just another quarter away? I hope so, because that is what I’m down to” — Doug Pike


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The comic strip is making light of the ongoing economic uncertainty by having a character express doubt about predictions of economic recovery.

Saying he hopes the recovery is just “another quarter away” because that’s “what I’m down to” is a play on words that humorously suggests the character is financially struggling, down to just one more quarter (three months) before facing difficulties.

This taps into anxieties many feel about their economic situation in a way that finds humor in an otherwise serious issue.

Doug Pike on Fortune 500 Dollar Stores

Posted by admin on Friday, August 9, 2013

Doug Pike Money Quotation saying Fortune 500 Stock at Dollar Stores stocked on shelves with other cheap commodities. Doug Pike in Splattered on the Road to Wealth said:
Dollar store, anything you need for a buck: shares of Fortune 500 companies Quote

“It’s a dollar store, anything you need for a buck: toys, toothpaste, shares of Fortune 500 companies” — Doug Pike


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This comic strip joke plays on the unrealistic expectation that a “dollar store” could offer shares of large, valuable Fortune 500 companies for only one dollar each. Fortune 500 companies typically have shares that trade for hundreds or even thousands of dollars on the stock market.

By suggesting their shares could be purchased for just a single dollar at such a store, it taps into the dream of getting an incredible bargain on something normally very expensive.

The absurdity and unrealistic nature of the claim is what makes it humorous, as it subverts the typical offerings one would actually find at a dollar store selling low-cost everyday items.

The humor comes from the incongruity between what one would realistically expect to buy for a dollar and the punchline about getting Fortune 500 company shares at that price.

Doug Pike on Shrinking List of Wealthy Americans

Posted by admin on Thursday, August 8, 2013

Funny Money Quotes: If only the list of wealthy Americans was actually shrinking this would be funny – but that list is growing faster than ever. Doug Pike in Splattered on the Road to Wealth said:
You know the economy's in trouble when the Forbes 400 list of wealthiest Americans only has 350 names on it Quote

“You know the economy’s in trouble when the Forbes 400 list of wealthiest Americans only has 350 names on it” — Doug Pike


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This comic strip joke plays on the idea that when economic times are difficult, even some of the wealthiest people in America lose significant amounts of their fortunes. The Forbes 400 list typically includes 400 of the richest individuals in the U.S. each year. By suggesting the list has only 350 names on it this time, it implies major wealth declines have pushed 50 people off the list altogether due to financial losses.

The humor comes from the ironic notion that economic trouble is so severe, it has impacted the fortunes of the very richest Americans who normally remain unaffected by downturns. Pointing this out in an exaggerated way through the punchline finds humor in larger economic anxieties.

Doug Pike: Breaking Investment Rules

Posted by admin on Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Doug Pike Money Quotation asking Is it possible using an investment rules mistake jar as market strategy could keep a frugal investor afloat in stormy financial seas?. Doug Pike said in Splattered on the Road to Wealth said:
Every time I break one of my investment rules, I put $10  in the mistake jar. Worth more than my portfolio Quote

“Every time I break one of my investment rules, I put $10 in the mistake jar. As of today, it’s worth more than my portfolio” — Doug Pike


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The humor comes from the irony of the situation. While the character intends the “mistake jar” as a penalty for breaking investment rules, the joke is that the money in the jar has grown to be worth more than their actual investment portfolio.

Even though they were trying to follow rules and invest wisely, their mistakes have paradoxically resulted in more financial success than their intended investments.

This taps into the relatable experience of not always making the best decisions even when trying to be prudent.

Doug Pike on Dept. of Labor Unemployment

Posted by admin on Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Doug Pike Money Quotation saying getting hired by unemployment is not something we aspire to unless looking for a chuckle at a bar. Doug Pike in Splattered on the Road to Wealth said:
I got hired by the Deparment of Unemployment after being fired by the Department of Labor Quote

“I got hired by the Department of Unemployment after being fired by the Department of Labor” — Doug Pike

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The humor in this quote comes from its absurdity and irony. Government departments generally don’t fire people, since they provide employment. And it’s nonsensical to be hired by the “Department of Unemployment” after being fired by another department, since that department deals with unemployment.

The joke plays with expectations by having someone get fired from their job at the “Department of Labor” – which is meant to promote employment – and then immediately find new work at the “Department of Unemployment,” which exists to help the unemployed.

This absurd scenario taps into people’s frustration with bureaucracy and taps into the fear of unemployment, making light of it through ironic exaggeration for comedic effect.

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