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Donald Trump: Tax Return Returns

Posted by admin on Sunday, April 16, 2017

Donald Trump Money Quotes collection saying he doesn’t understand why American public wants him to keep his word from campaign trail promise to release his taxes. Featured on the $100 Dollar Bill is Donald Trump tweeting in 2016 & a year later in 2017:
In interview I told AP that my taxes are under routine audit and I would release my tax returns when audit is complete, not after election! Quote

“In interview I told AP that my taxes are under routine audit and I would release my tax returns when audit is complete, not after election!” May 11, 2016 During Presidential Election Campaign
“I did what was an almost an impossible thing to do for a Republican-easily won the Electoral College! Now Tax Returns are brought up again?” April 16, 2017 following #TaxMarch — Donald Trump


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In these quotes, Donald Trump provides justifications for not releasing his tax returns during the 2016 election and after becoming President in 2017. Some key points in interpreting them:

  • In 2016, he cited an ongoing IRS audit as the reason, implying release would only come after its completion. However, audits do not preclude release.
  • In 2017, he touts his Electoral College victory while dismissing renewed calls for disclosure as unwarranted given he already won.
  • However, tax returns provide transparency and every major party nominee has released them for decades, so his refusal fueled speculation.
  • While defending his own choice, he does not address the legitimacy of public interest in a candidate’s potential conflicts of interest, business ties, effective tax rate, and charitable donations.

Overall, these quotes reflect Trump’s perspective on the matter but a balanced interpretation would also acknowledge the viewpoints of those arguing tax returns offer important insights into presidential candidates’ financial situation and are relevant to voters, even if their release is not technically mandatory. Reasonable people can disagree on this issue.


Donald Trump: I Released my Financials

Posted by admin on Saturday, April 15, 2017

Donald Trump Money Quote saying on May 11, 2016 that he would release his tax returns prior to the election and claimed that there wasn’t much to learn from them beyond what he’s already filed in financial disclosure paperwork which shows “very little debt”. Donald Trump said:
I’ve released my financials, and my financials show tremendous numbers, very little debt, you don’t learn very much from your tax returns Quote

“So the answer is before the election, I’ll release. And I’d like to release. But really, you learn very little from a tax return. You know, I’ve released my financials, and my financials show tremendous numbers, very little debt, you don’t learn very much from your tax returns” — Donald Trump


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In this quote, Donald Trump continues to justify not releasing his tax returns prior to the 2016 election. Some key points in interpreting his perspective:

  • He claims tax returns reveal “very little” and that his financial disclosures were sufficient, though many argue returns provide more transparency.
  • Trump suggests the audit prevented pre-election release, but experts say audits do not bar release and other candidates facing audits have released returns.
  • He focuses on minimizing what could be learned from returns rather than directly addressing legitimate interests and longstanding precedent around candidates’ disclosure.

However, a balanced interpretation would acknowledge both Trump’s viewpoint and the counter-perspective that tax returns do offer important insights and have been released voluntarily by candidates for decades, raising questions about why Trump did not follow suit. Reasonable people can disagree on this complex issue with valid points on both sides.

Donald Trump: Website Cost Me $3

Posted by admin on Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Donald Trump Money Quote referencing the website saying he could have gotten a better deal because his websites cost him less than anyone, possibly ever in the history of websites. Donald Trump said:
$5 billion we spent on a website, and to this day it doesn’t work. A $5 billion dollar website? I have so many websites. I have them all over the place. I hire people, they do a website. It costs me $3 dollars Quote

“And remember the $5 billion website? $5 billion we spent on a website, and to this day it doesn’t work. A $5 billion dollar website? I have so many websites. I have them all over the place. I hire people, they do a website. It costs me $3 dollars” — Donald Trump


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In this quote, Donald Trump is criticizing the federal government’s spending on, the website created to help administer the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Some key points in interpreting his perspective:

  • He disputes the reported $5 billion cost as excessive and wasteful compared to his own experience building websites for much less.
  • However, the $5 billion figure refers to total ACA implementation costs over multiple years, not just the website.
  • Government IT projects typically have more rigorous security, accessibility and scalability requirements than smaller private sites.
  • His tone suggests skepticism of large government programs, while overlooking complexities of nationwide healthcare exchange implementation.

Overall, Trump aims to portray the website as an example of inefficient spending. But a balanced interpretation would also consider the counterperspective that developing national public services faces unique technical and administrative challenges compared to smaller private sector projects. Reasonable people can disagree on this issue.

Donald Trump: No Cuts Medicare, Medicaid

Posted by admin on Monday, March 13, 2017

Donald Trump Money Quote making campaign claims was simple, delivering on promises is entirely more challenging for elected officials who care about promises. Donald Trump said:
I was the first & only potential GOP candidate to state there will be no cuts to Social Security, Medicare & Medicaid Quote

“I was the first & only potential GOP candidate to state there will be no cuts to Social Security, Medicare & Medicaid” — Donald Trump


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In this quote, Donald Trump claims to have been the first and only Republican candidate in 2016 to promise not to cut entitlement programs like Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid if elected. Some key points in interpreting his statement:

  • He portrays himself as uniquely committed to preserving these programs, which are important to many voters.
  • However, as President his budgets did propose cuts to Medicaid and the deficit increased under his administration.
  • “No cuts” is simplifying, as reforms could potentially impact benefits without being labeled cuts.
  • His tone suggests attempting to position himself as distinct from others in his party, but budgeting is complex with many valid approaches among reasonable people.

Overall, while Trump aimed to contrast his stance from rivals, a balanced interpretation would acknowledge both his perspective and that assessing economic policies requires considering proposed specifics and fiscal trade-offs over time, with reasonable experts disagreeing on optimal approaches. His quote captures one viewpoint in a nuanced debate.

Donald Trump: Save Social Security

Posted by admin on Monday, March 6, 2017

Donald Trump Money Quote saying he is the only one who can figure out how to preserve social security by tapping an unknown source for future funding. Donald Trump said:
I am going to save Social Security without any cuts. I know where to get the money from. Nobody else does Quote

“I am going to save Social Security without any cuts. I know where to get the money from. Nobody else does” — Donald Trump


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In this quote, Donald Trump claims to have been the first and only Republican candidate in 2016 to promise not to cut entitlement programs like Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid if elected. Some key points in interpreting his statement:

  • He portrays himself as uniquely committed to preserving these programs, which are important to many voters.
  • However, as President his budgets did propose cuts to Medicaid and the deficit increased under his administration.
  • His tone suggests attempting to position himself as distinct from others in his party, but budgeting is complex with many valid approaches among reasonable people.

Overall, while Trump aimed to contrast his stance from rivals, a balanced interpretation would acknowledge both his perspective and that assessing economic policies requires considering proposed specifics and fiscal trade-offs over time, with reasonable experts disagreeing on optimal approaches. His quote captures one viewpoint in a nuanced debate.

Donald Trump: Don’t Love Investments

Posted by admin on Saturday, March 4, 2017

Donald Trump Money Quote saying investment risk should be measured by willingness to lose the amount you invest, so hold on to what you love and can’t afford to say goodby to. Donald Trump said:
Never fall in love with your investments. Do that and you're in big trouble. To be a visionary and to be a billionaire, you have to chase impossibilities. Few ever get rich easily Quote

“How much money can you stand to lose? That’s how much risk you should assume. If you can’t afford to lose it, play it safe. Never fall in love with your investments. Do that and you’re in big trouble. To be a visionary and to be a billionaire, you have to chase impossibilities. Few ever get rich easily” — Donald Trump


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In this quote, Donald Trump provides some advice about taking risks with investments. Some key points in interpreting his perspective:

  • He suggests the level of risk one takes on should correlate to how much financial loss they can withstand, implying greater risk is acceptable for the wealthy.
  • Trump warns against becoming too emotionally attached to specific investments, as that could cloud objective decision-making.
  • He portrays pursuing “impossibilities” and not taking the easy path as traits of visionaries and billionaires like himself.

However, a balanced interpretation would note that risk tolerance varies significantly between individuals, and past successes are no guarantee of future returns. While ambition and calculated risk-taking can lead to rewards, overconfidence in long-shot bets could also result in loss.

A variety of factors beyond risk appetite determine both investment outcomes and business success over the long run. Overall, the quote reflects Trump’s outlook but a balanced view considers multiple reasonable perspectives on complex financial issues.

Donald Trump: Money Work At All Times

Posted by admin on Saturday, February 25, 2017

Donald Trump Money Quote assuming everyone has money to invest and that it should be working for your portfolio and not saved with low interest. Donald Trump said:
Your money should be at work at all times. Even in the worst economy, there is no excuse - Think Like a Billionaire Quote

“Your money should be at work at all times. Even in the worst economy, there is no excuse – Think Like a Billionaire” — Donald Trump


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In this quote, Donald Trump encourages taking a proactive approach to managing one’s finances even during difficult economic times. Some key points in interpreting his perspective:

  • He implies money should be invested and working to generate returns wherever possible, rather than sitting idle.
  • Trump portrays billionaires as always strategizing and finding opportunities, suggesting this mindset leads to wealth creation.
  • However, recessions involve true risks and not all have resources or risk tolerance for speculative investing in downturns.
  • “No excuse” is an oversimplification, as prudent caution and diversification are also part of long-term financial success.

Overall, while Trump aims to convey a growth-oriented outlook, a balanced interpretation recognizes both his viewpoint and that reasonable experts can disagree on optimal investment strategies depending on one’s goals, timeframe, resources and risk tolerance. A variety of reasonable approaches exist rather than any single definition of “thinking like a billionaire.”

Donald Trump: Not Enjoy Work – Wrong Job!

Posted by admin on Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Donald Trump Money Quote saying what many wealthy privilege holders say when those forced to work minimum wage jobs look for ways to improve their work life. Donald Trump said:
Don't take vacations. What's the point? If you're not enjoying your work, you're in the wrong job -- Think Like A Billionaire Quote

“Don’t take vacations. What’s the point? If you’re not enjoying your work, you’re in the wrong job — Think Like A Billionaire” — Donald Trump


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In this quote, Donald Trump suggests that if one is not deriving enjoyment from their work, they have chosen the wrong career or occupation. Some key points in interpreting his perspective:

  • He implies billionaires are passionate about their work so vacations are unnecessary, portraying a mindset of total work immersion and enjoyment of one’s labor.
  • However, balancing work with rest and leisure is also important for long-term health, productivity and life satisfaction according to most experts.
  • Not all find fulfillment in the same jobs or ways of working, and different people’s priorities and circumstances vary at different stages of life.
  • His perspective reflects his own experiences but does not necessarily apply to or resonate with all individuals and situations.

Overall, while Trump aims to convey his outlook, a balanced interpretation recognizes both his viewpoint and that reasonable people can disagree on optimal approaches to work-life integration, as what motivates billionaires may differ from others and vary throughout one’s lifetime according to personal and financial circumstances.

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