Posts Tagged ‘crime’

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George Bernard Shaw: Poverty Worst Crime

Posted by admin on Sunday, June 19, 2016

George Bernard Shaw Money Quote saying poverty is a crime perpetrated on those unable to resist it. George Bernard Shaw said:
The greatest of evils and the worst of crimes is poverty Quote

“The greatest of evils and the worst of crimes is poverty” — George Bernard Shaw


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George Bernard Shaw believed that poverty was a crime because it was often inflicted upon people through no fault of their own. In his view, poverty should not be seen as an individual failing but rather as a systemic problem in society.

He argued that those living in poverty often lacked the means and opportunities to escape their circumstances through no real choice of their own.

By calling poverty a “crime,” Shaw aimed to draw attention to societal inequalities and the responsibility of governments and communities to support citizens and reduce widespread hardship.

Birthday: July 26, 1856 – Death: November 2, 1950

Eli Khamarov: Poverty is Like Punishment

Posted by admin on Friday, June 17, 2016

Eli Khamarov Money Quote saying poverty is like a prison sentence imposed for no reason on those being punished. Eli Khamarov said:
Poverty is like punishment for a crime you didn’t commit Quote

“Poverty is like punishment for a crime you didn’t commit” — Eli Khamarov


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In this quote, Eli Khamarov is drawing a comparison between poverty and punishment. The implication is that poverty often strikes people through no fault of their own, similar to how punishment (such as imprisonment) is normally a consequence of something one is directly responsible for and chooses to do.

The best interpretation of the quote is that Khamarov sees poverty as an unjust hardship that people can find themselves subjected to through little or no responsibility of their own, much like receiving punishment for a crime they did not commit.

The quote conveys the notion that poverty should not be seen as deserved or a personal failing in many cases, but rather an unfortunate circumstance that can befall people independently of their own actions or choices.

Graham Greene: It’s All Related to Money

Posted by admin on Friday, January 23, 2015

Graham Greene Money Quote saying there is not one thing in our life experience that isn’t somehow related to moneyPolitics & war, to love and happiness. Graham Greene said:
Politics, war, marriage, crime, adultery. Everything that exists in the world has something to do with money Quote

“Politics, war, marriage, crime, adultery. Everything that exists in the world has something to do with money” — Graham Greene


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Graham Greene believed that “everything that exists in the world has something to do with money.” It quotes Greene as saying “Politics, war, marriage, crime, adultery. Everything that exists in the world has something to do with money.”

So Greene viewed money as being closely related to and influencing many aspects of life, including politics, war, marriage, and criminal activities. He seemed to think that financial factors underlie or are connected to these different spheres of human experience.

Birthday: October 2, 1904 – Death: April 3, 1991

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