Posts Tagged ‘corrupt’

Sally Rooney: Money Makes Real

Posted by admin on Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Meaning of Sally Rooney Money Quote: saying physical cash makes our existence real and creates a sexy corruption to those holding it. Sally Rooney said:

money makes the world real. There's something so corrupt and sexy about it Quote

“That’s money, the substance that makes the world real. There’s something so corrupt and sexy about it” — Sally Rooney


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This quote from Sally Rooney suggests that money plays a central yet complicated role in our lives and societies. Some key points in interpreting her perspective:

  • Rooney portrays money as what gives substance and reality to the world in a practical sense, as financial resources are necessary to participate in the economy.
  • She implies money has an alluring or tempting quality (“sexy”) likely because of its power and what it enables, though this power can also enable harms if abused.
  • Rooney’s reference to money being “corrupt” conveys the viewpoint that its influence is not always positive due to potential for prioritizing profits over people or enabling excesses.
  • However, money also supports important needs and opportunities when governed responsibly through prudent systems and compassionate policies.

Overall, while reflecting Rooney’s mixed view of money’s impacts, a balanced interpretation is that financial security, when balanced with other priorities through open-minded discussions, provides a foundation for individuals and communities to build purposeful lives according to their own values. Both opportunities and risks require consideration to optimize welfare for all in discussions of complex topics where reasonable people can disagree in good faith.

S.E. Cupp: Press Enemy of One Person

Posted by admin on Friday, August 17, 2018

S.E. Cupp Money Quote saying Donald Trump has repeated endlessly in speeches and tweets that the Press is the enemy of the people, but journalists are standing up to the corrosive and dangerous rhetoric. S.E. Cupp said:
The press is not the enemy of the people. The press is the enemy of the powerful, unaccountable and corrupt. The unjust, unethical, and dishonest Quote

“The press is not the enemy of the people. The press is the enemy of the powerful, unaccountable and corrupt. The unjust, unethical, and dishonest.” — S.E. Cupp


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In this quote, political commentator S.E. Cupp is defending the role of the press in a democratic society. She argues that rather than being “the enemy of the people”, the press is actually “the enemy of the powerful, unaccountable and corrupt” as well as “the unjust, unethical, and dishonest” – implying the important function of the press is to hold those in positions of power and influence accountable by investigating and reporting on any wrongdoings or lapses in ethics.

The overall interpretation is that Cupp believes a free and adversarial press plays a crucial role in keeping leaders and public figures honest by scrutinizing their actions and exposing any misdeeds or abuses of power. She sees this as a valuable service rather than an attack, as it helps maintain checks and balances within government and inform citizens according to Cupp’s perspective.


George Orwell: Not Victims But Accomplices

Posted by admin on Saturday, January 21, 2017

George Orwell Money Quote saying voters determine when corruptible politicians are elected and cannot blame anyone but themselves for bad actors ruling a democracy. George Orwell said:
A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves and traitors are not victims ... but accomplices Quote

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves and traitors are not victims … but accomplices” — George Orwell


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This George Orwell quote is criticizing voters who elect politicians that are corrupt, dishonest, or betray the public trust. Orwell is saying that if a population votes for leaders who are “imposters, thieves and traitors,” then the people sharing some responsibility or complicity for the actions of those leaders once elected.

By choosing corrupt officials, the voters are essentially accomplices because they empowered those officials to govern, even if the officials’ behavior turns out to be self-serving or harmful to the people. Overall, the quote suggests that citizens should be thoughtful in their selection of politicians and not view themselves purely as victims if bad leaders gain power through democratic elections.

Birthday: June 25, 1903 – Death: January 25, 1950

Ted Cruz: Zoning Waiver May be Corrupt

Posted by admin on Saturday, March 5, 2016

Ted Cruz Money Quote saying during the March 3 Republican Presidential debate that it would be understandably corrupt if Donald Trump was contributing to NY City commission as a real estate developer. Ted Cruz said:
write a check to a city commission because you’re looking for a zoning waiver on building a building. That may be corrupt, but you could understand real estate developers doing that Quote

“Listen, we could all understand if you write a check to a city commission because you’re looking for a zoning waiver on building a building. That may be corrupt, but you could understand real estate developers doing that” — Ted Cruz


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Ted Cruz seems to be acknowledging that while giving money to local politicians in exchange for favors like zoning approvals could be seen as corrupt, it is at least an understandable action from the perspective of real estate developers wanting to advance their business interests.

However, Cruz may not necessarily be condoning such behavior. His point appears to be that developers have financial motivations to try to curry political favor through donations, even if doing so blurs ethical lines.

Overall, the quote reflects a nuanced view that while such transactions could be corrupt, the pragmatic concerns of developers attempting to influence the process are also somewhat comprehensible, even if not fully justified.

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