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Barbie Day – Thinks I’m a Fascist?

Posted by admin on Saturday, March 9, 2024

Meaning of Barbie Money Quote #NationalBarbieDay: responding to another movie character, Sasha, about being called a Fascist and that Barbie didn’t have that kind of power. Barbie said:
She thinks I'm a fascist? I don't control the railways or the flow of commerce! Quote

“She thinks I’m a fascist? I don’t control the railways or the flow of commerce!” — Barbie


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In this quote from the Barbie movie, Barbie seems to be jokingly responding to being called a “fascist” by pointing out that she lacks the type of authoritarian control associated with fascism. By stating “She thinks I’m a fascist? I don’t control the railways or the flow of commerce!”, Barbie implies that as a toy, she has no real power over economic or governmental systems.

The lighthearted tone suggests Barbie is poking fun at the absurdity of being accused of fascism when she’s a children’s doll without any ability to dictate people’s lives or direct a country’s infrastructure and industries. Overall, the quote portrays Barbie using humor and exaggeration to dismiss being labeled as something as severe as a fascist, given her limited agency and role as a toy.

David Hume: Commerce Exchange

Posted by admin on Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Money is not one of the subjects of commerce; but only the instrument which exchange of one commodity for another. David Hume said:
Money is not one of the subjects of commerce; but only the instrument which exchange of one commodity for another Quote

“Money is not, properly speaking, one of the subjects of commerce; but only the instrument which men have agreed upon to facilitate the exchange of one commodity for another” — David Hume


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In this quote, David Hume is making an observation about the role and function of money in commercial exchange. The best interpretation is:

  • Hume states that money itself is not actually one of the goods or “subjects of commerce” that are directly bought and sold.
  • He describes money as simply an “instrument” or tool that societies adopt to more easily enable the trading of real commodities between parties.
  • Hume implies that at its core, commerce is about the exchange of material products and services, not money, which acts as a lubricant making these trades more practical.

Overall, Hume appears to be suggesting that money’s true purpose is as a facilitator for efficient barter, rather than being an end in itself. It provides a standardized medium that allows actual commodities and services to change hands, but is not itself one of the subjects being exchanged according to Hume’s perspective.

Birthday: May 7, 1711 – Death: August 25, 1776

Bill Nye: Bitcoin Commerce

Posted by admin on Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Bill Nye Money Quote saying electronic payments are inevitable for most forms of commerce, it might be bitcoin or not. Bill Nye said:
If it’s not bitcoin, it’ll be something. The future of commerce is going to be all electronic. The gold standard was a fine idea, but electronic changes of funds and credits will be the future Quote

“If it’s not bitcoin, it’ll be something. The future of commerce is going to be all electronic. The gold standard was a fine idea, but electronic changes of funds and credits will be the future” — Bill Nye


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Bill Nye is discussing the future of commerce and payments. He is saying that while bitcoin may not end up being the dominant form of electronic currency, some form of electronic or digital payment will likely take over most commerce transactions in the future.

He notes that the gold standard worked in the past but that going forward, commerce will shift to using electronic transfers of funds and credits between parties rather than physical currencies or assets like gold.

So in summary, Nye believes the future of how we pay for goods and services will be through digital and electronic means, whether that ends up being bitcoin or some other cryptocurrency or payment technology.

Mary Wollstonecraft: Tyranny of Wealth

Posted by admin on Sunday, September 17, 2017

Mary Wollstonecraft Money Quote saying when you replace abusive economic systems with shiny new egalitarian approaches have risks for those owning wealth to control finance. Mary Wollstonecraft said:
Tyranny of wealth is more debasing than wealth Quote

“England and America owe their liberty to commerce, which created a new species of power to undermine the feudal system. But let them beware of the consequences: the tyranny of wealth is still more galling and debasing than that of rank” — Mary Wollstonecraft


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In this quote, Mary Wollstonecraft acknowledges that the rise of commerce and trade helped weaken feudal systems of hereditary power and authority in England and America, allowing for the emergence of greater liberty and representative democracy. However, she also issues a warning about potential new threats to freedom.

By stating that the “tyranny of wealth is still more galling and debasing than that of rank”, Wollstonecraft suggests concentrated economic power poses dangers akin to or exceeding those of aristocratic dominance if left unchecked. She implies wealth can corrupt political systems and undermine democratic ideals by translating money directly into disproportionate influence.

The overall interpretation is that while Wollstonecraft recognized commerce as liberating societies from rigid feudal hierarchies, she also perceived threats to liberty from unchecked wealth being used to manipulate laws and governance for the benefit of monied elites.

Her perspective conveys a view that while trade helped curtail political tyranny of the past, vigilance is needed regarding wealth becoming a new tool of oppression through corruption of democratic processes and subjugation of the populace to plutocratic rule.

Birthday: April 27, 1759 – Death: September 10, 1797

Thomas Jefferson: Civilized Commerce

Posted by admin on Friday, December 5, 2014

Thomas Jefferson Money Quotation saying we transact and trade with finance and not with superior morals. Thomas Jefferson said:
Money, not morality, is the principle commerce of civilized nations Quote

Money, not morality, is the principle commerce of civilized nations” — Thomas Jefferson


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This quote suggests that Thomas Jefferson believed commercial dealings between nations were driven primarily by financial interests rather than moral concerns. He appears to be making the observation that in practice, “civilized nations” prioritized making money through trade and economic partnerships over other considerations like human rights, ethics or social impacts.

Jefferson seems to have felt that moral standards often took a backseat to the goal of profit or monetary gain when countries interacted and conducted business with each other. The quote provides an insight into Jefferson’s perspective that pragmatic monetary priorities tended to outweigh principles of morality in international commerce.

Birthday: April 13, 1743 – Death: July 4, 1826

George Washington: Cash Ruins Commerce

Posted by admin on Tuesday, August 19, 2014

George Washington Money Quotation saying his concerns over effects of paper money ruining business via fraud. George Washington said:
Paper money ruin commerce, open door to fraud & injustice Quote

Paper money has had the effect in your state that it will ever have, to ruin commerce, oppress the honest, and open the door to every species of fraud and injustice” — George Washington


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In this quote, George Washington is expressing strong skepticism about paper money and fiat currency not backed by precious metals like gold or silver.

His interpretation is that the use of paper money will inevitably lead economies to be “ruined”, with honest merchants and traders being unfairly burdened (“oppressed”), while at the same time enabling widespread corruption, deception and inequity (“every species of fraud and injustice”).

Washington seems to believe that removing the gold/silver standard behind a currency leaves it open to abuse and negative economic effects.

The overall message is one of Washington viewing paper money systems as prone to distorting commerce in harmful ways and benefiting the dishonest at the expense of the honest through a lack of inherent value and stability in an unbacked currency.

Birthday: February 22, 1732 – Death: December 14, 1799

Daniel Webster on Credit Value

Posted by admin on Friday, March 15, 2013

Daniel Webster Money Quotation saying access to capital through credit markets has extended value of workers, equipment and trade. Daniel Webster said:
Credit has done a thousand times more to enrich mankind than all the gold mines in the world. It has exalted labor, stimulated manufacture and pushed commerce over every sea Quote

“Credit has done a thousand times more to enrich mankind than all the gold mines in the world. It has exalted labor, stimulated manufacture and pushed commerce over every sea” — Daniel Webster


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Daniel Webster is praising credit for enriching humanity far more than gold mines. He argues that credit has elevated labor by enabling investment, stimulated manufacturing through loans to businesses, and expanded commerce globally by financing trade between distant markets over seas.

The quote recognizes the immense economic benefits that an accessible credit system provides by facilitating investment, production, and trade throughout society on a large scale.

Birthday: January 18, 1782 – Death: October 24, 1852

Thomas Jefferson on Gain of Commerce

Posted by admin on Friday, March 8, 2013

Thomas Jefferson Money Quotation saying there are no higher goals or purpose for business beyond financial growth and suggests it add goals for humanity. Thomas Jefferson said:
The selfish spirit of commerce knows no country, and feels no passion or principle but that of gain Quote

“The selfish spirit of commerce knows no country, and feels no passion or principle but that of gain” — Thomas Jefferson


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This quote suggests that Thomas Jefferson believed commerce and business tend to be guided primarily by self-interest and the pursuit of profit, rather than other loyalties or values. He appears to be saying that commercial enterprises are motivated mainly by the goal of financial gain above all else, with no real allegiance to any particular country or other principles.

Jefferson seems to have viewed the “selfish spirit of commerce” as prioritizing earnings and returns over nationality, ethics or other considerations. The quote conveys Jefferson’s perspective that economic or trade interests are largely driven by seeking monetary rewards with few other attachments or influences.

Birthday: April 13, 1743 – Death: July 4, 1826

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