Posts Tagged ‘coin’

Shakespeare: Money By Vile Means

Posted by admin on Friday, September 23, 2022

Meaning of William Shakespeare Money Quote: saying not to earn dirty money rather sell body parts for cash. William Shakespeare said:
raise no money by vile means. By heaven, I had rather coin my heart, And drop my blood for drachmas Quote

“For I can raise no money by vile means. By heaven, I had rather coin my heart, And drop my blood for drachmas” — William Shakespeare


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In this quote, William Shakespeare seems to be expressing a strong aversion to obtaining money through dishonorable or corrupt methods, even if it would provide financial gain. Some key points:

  • He states that he cannot “raise no money by vile means” – implying he refuses to engage in unethical behaviors just to accumulate wealth.
  • Shakespeare then says he would rather “coin my heart” – meaning cut or carve up his heart, a metaphor for enduring deep emotional pain or anguish.
  • He also suggests he would be willing to “drop my blood for drachmas” – referencing the ancient Greek coin, again indicating enduring physical suffering over engaging in wrongdoing for profit.

Overall, the quote conveys Shakespeare’s perspective that personal integrity and morality are more important to him than any amount of money. He portrays himself as unwilling to compromise his principles or inflict harm even on himself just to enrich himself financially through disreputable schemes. Maintaining virtue and honor holds higher value than material gains through corrupt channels according to this view.

Birthday: c. 23 April 1564 – Death: April 23, 1616

Euripides: Gold Not the Only Coin

Posted by admin on Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Euripides Money Quote saying precious metals are not the only coin – virtue is seen as highly valuable everywhere. Euripides said:
Silver and gold are not the only coin; virtue too passes current all over the world Quote

Silver and gold are not the only coin; virtue too passes current all over the world” — Euripides


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In this quote, Euripides is saying that while money or precious metals like silver and gold are commonly used as currency, virtue and good character also have significant value that is recognized universally.

The best interpretation is that Euripides believes moral qualities like integrity, kindness and wisdom hold worth just like financial assets, as these virtues can open doors and gain trust for a person anywhere in the world regardless of location or culture.

His point appears to be that reputation and ethics effectively function as a form of non-monetary “coin” that facilitates interactions and opportunities across societies in much the same way that money does.

Birthday: c. 480 BC – Death: c. 406 BC

John Dryden: Time Valuable Coin

Posted by admin on Thursday, July 2, 2020

John Dryden Money Quote saying our time has more value than money but sometimes we allow others to spend our time for us. John Dryden said:
Time is the most valuable coin in your life. You and you alone will determine how that coin will be spent. Be careful that you don't let other people spend it for you Quote

“Time is the most valuable coin in your life. You and you alone will determine how that coin will be spent. Be careful that you don’t let other people spend it for you” — John Dryden


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In this quote, John Dryden seems to be emphasizing the importance and finite nature of time in one’s life. By referring to time as “the most valuable coin” and stating that you alone will determine how it is spent, Dryden implies that time is our most precious non-renewable resource.

His additional comment that we should be careful not to let others spend our time for us conveys Dryden’s perspective that if we relinquish control over our own time to outside demands, we risk wasting this limited and invaluable asset.

The quote portrays Dryden’s view that time is a currency we personally invest that, once used, is irretrievable, so we must manage it prudently according to our own priorities and values rather than defer to others’ agendas.

Overall, Dryden appears to be advocating taking ownership and agency over how we spend our hours each day, as time spent should align with our personal fulfillment rather than external expectations.

Birthday: August 19, 1631 – Death: May 12, 1700

Masha Gessen: Militant Incompetence

Posted by admin on Saturday, June 17, 2017

Masha Gessen Money Quote saying autocratic tendencies can be two sides of a bad penny because simple minds are accepting of forceful incompetence expressed by Trump. Masha Gessen said:
Trump's insistence on simplicity to rule like an autocrat. Militant iimcompetence and autocracy are two sides of a coin Quote

“It is Mr. Trump’s insistence on simplicity that makes him want to rule like an autocrat. Militant incompetence and autocracy are not in opposition: They are two sides of a coin” — Masha Gessen


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Masha Gessen is criticizing aspects of Donald Trump’s leadership style and approach to governance. The quote suggests that Trump’s preference for oversimplifying complex issues aligns with a desire to rule in an autocratic manner.

Gessen argues that “militant incompetence” – aggressively pushing simplistic policies without regard for nuance or expertise – enables autocratic tendencies, as it concentrates power in the leader rather than engaging in collaborative, informed decision making.

The message is that Trump’s penchant for reducing everything to basic terms makes democratic governance more difficult and lends itself to unilateral, authoritarian rule by the president.

Overall, Gessen sees Trump’s preference for simplicity and apparent incompetence as two sides of the same coin that undermine democratic norms and institutions.

#NationalSimplicityDay July 11


Francois Rabelais: Coin is Sinews of War

Posted by admin on Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Francois Rabelais Money Quote saying if a country begins a war without full coffers to pay for it in full will blow up without money. Francois Rabelais said:
War begun without good provision of money beforehand for going through with it is but as a breathing of strength and blast that will quickly pass away. Coin is the sinews of war Quote

“War begun without good provision of money beforehand for going through with it is but as a breathing of strength and blast that will quickly pass away. Coin is the sinews of war” — Francois Rabelais


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In this quote, Francois Rabelais is emphasizing the critical importance of financial resources and preparation for any war effort to have success. His interpretation is that entering into armed conflict without first ensuring “good provision of money” and the means to fund the war through to its completion is like only a temporary or superficial show of force that will quickly dissipate.

Rabelais’ view seems to be that money or “coin” acts as the very muscle, tendons and ligaments that give a military campaign strength, endurance and potency. His position is that financial readiness and backing are absolutely essential “sinews” or underlying factors determining whether a war can be sustained or will peter out inconclusively.

Birthday: between 1483 and 1494; Death: 1553

Carl Sandburg on Time, Coin of Life

Posted by admin on Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Carl Sandburg Money Quotation saying Coin of Life is spent best by us and not by others who would spend it for us. Carl Sandburg said:
Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you Quote

Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you” — Carl Sandburg


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This quote from Carl Sandburg emphasizes the importance of being intentional about how you spend your time each day. Sandburg refers to time as the “coin of your life” because it is our most valuable and limited resource. Just as we can spend money, we spend our time through the activities and choices we make each day.

Sandburg cautions that if we are not careful, other people or external factors may dictate how we spend our time rather than it being our own conscious decision. The best interpretation is that we each have responsibility over our own time and should spend it wisely on things we deem important rather than letting others control or influence how our days are filled. Making the most of our time is up to our own discretion.

Birthday: January 6, 1878 – Death: July 22, 1967

Tom Harkin: One Dollar Coins

Posted by admin on Friday, November 30, 2012

John Harkin Money Quote saying One dollar coins cost more to make than the paper bill, but last much longer – so the Iowa Democrat is seeking replacement of $1 paper currency. John Harkin said:
A paper dollar, Canada has a coin that's worth $2... Switzerland has one worth about $5... And yet, what have we got? We got a 25-cent piece Quote

“It’s way more efficient than a paper dollar, Canada has a coin that’s worth $2… Switzerland has one worth about $5… And yet, what have we got? We got a 25-cent piece” — Tom Harkin


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In this quote, Tom Harkin is expressing disappointment with the relatively low value of American coins compared to those of other countries. He notes that Canada has a $2 coin and Switzerland a coin worth about $5, while the highest denomination American coin is only 25 cents.

Harkin seems to believe this shows the U.S. monetary system is less “efficient” by requiring more coins of smaller values to complete transactions. The quote suggests Harkin thinks America should adopt higher value coins similar to other nations as a more practical way to handle commerce than relying primarily on paper bills and low denomination coins.

Overall, he appears to be advocating for modernizing the U.S. coin system to include coins of $1, $2 or $5 value to streamline transactions and bring American currency more in line with international standards.

John Adams: Credit Causes Distress

Posted by admin on Tuesday, November 23, 2010

John Adams Money Quotation saying failure to understand the banking system and workings of our financial system and credit machinations are at the core of American difficulties. John Adams said:
distresses in America not from Constitution, but ignorance of nature of coin, credit and circulation Quote

“All the perplexities, confusion and distresses in America arise not from defects in the constitution or confederation, nor from want of honor or virtue, as much from downright ignorance of the nature of coin, credit, and circulation” — John Adams


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John Wesley seems to be offering a philosophy or set of principles for financial responsibility and stewardship. The quote suggests one should aim to:

  • “Make all you can” – Earn or generate as much income and wealth as possible through diligent work and entrepreneurial efforts.
  • Save all you can” – Be prudent by putting away and preserving as much of what you earn as feasible, rather than spending it all immediately.
  • “Give all you can” – Once basic needs are met and savings secured, use surplus resources generously to help others through charitable giving according to one’s means.

The message conveys a balanced approach of industriousness, thriftiness and generosity. Wesley appears to be advising maximizing earnings while also maintaining self-sufficiency through savings as a foundation for then maximizing contributions to social and community well-being through philanthropy.

Birthday: October 30, 1735 – Death: July 4, 1826

#ConstitutionDay September 17


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