Posts Tagged ‘charles lamb’

Charles Lamb: Blindly Worshipped

Posted by admin on Thursday, March 10, 2022

Charles Lamb Money Quote saying money to worship and abuse when it could offer strength and health carried in pockets. Charles Lamb said:
O money, money, how blindly worshipped, and how stupidly abused! may rattle his pockets Quote

“O money, money, how blindly thou hast been worshipped, and how stupidly abused! Thou are health and liberty and strength, and he that has thee may rattle his pockets at the foul fiend! ” — Charles Lamb


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In this quote, Charles Lamb is commenting on society’s attitude towards money. The best interpretation is:

  • Lamb notes how foolishly and blindly money has been revered, suggesting its worth is often overestimated and pursued mindlessly.
  • He also says money is frequently misused in stupid or unwise ways, rather than being handled responsibly.
  • However, Lamb acknowledges money’s importance, saying it represents health, liberty, strength and independence.
  • He implies those with financial means can metaphorically shake their pockets in defiance of evil forces (“the foul fiend”), since money provides protection and freedom from certain vulnerabilities and hardships.

Overall, Lamb appears to be acknowledging both the downsides of an obsessive fixation on money as well as its very real benefits. Money is a tool that should not be idolized yet can confer important advantages if properly obtained and managed according to Lamb.

Birthday: February 10, 1775 – Death: December 27, 1834

Charles Lamb: Gifts No Real Value

Posted by admin on Sunday, December 19, 2021

Charles Lamb Money Quote saying there are those the give you worthless gifts to engatiate themselves. Those gifts are worthless. Charles Lamb said:
Gifts of no real value, to substantial gratitude. We thank them for nothing Quote

“Some people have a knack of putting upon you gifts of no real value, to engage you to substantial gratitude. We thank them for nothing” — Charles Lamb


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Charles Lamb is saying that some people give gifts not because of their value, but to make the recipient feel obligated to be grateful. The gifts have no real worth or meaning, they are just given to try to earn disproportionate thanks and appreciation from the recipient.

Lamb suggests we shouldn’t feel substantial gratitude for such worthless gifts, and it’s better to “thank them for nothing”. Overall, the quote criticizes people who give meaningless gifts just to make the recipient beholden to them, rather than out of true generosity or thoughtfulness.

Birthday: February 10, 1775 – Death: December 27, 1834

Money Quotes Daily