Posts Tagged ‘charity’

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Phil Donahue – Volunteer Charity

Posted by admin on Monday, August 19, 2024

The system of volunteerism is divisive. It pits one charity against the others for the charity dollar quote

“The system of volunteerism is divisive. It pits one charity against the others for the charity dollar” — Phil Donahue

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Phil Donahue’s quote highlights a potential issue within the charitable sector. The best interpretation of this statement could be:

  1. Competition for limited resources: Donahue suggests that charities must compete against each other for donations, creating a divisive environment.
  2. Inefficiency in resource allocation: This competition may lead to inefficient distribution of funds, as charities focus on marketing rather than their core missions.
  3. Potential neglect of less popular causes: Charities with better marketing or more appealing causes might receive more funding, while equally important but less visible causes suffer.
  4. Critique of reliance on private donations: The quote implies that a system based solely on voluntary contributions may not be the most effective way to address societal needs.
  5. Call for a more collaborative approach: Donahue may be suggesting that a more unified or systematic approach to charitable giving could be more beneficial for society as a whole.

Birthday: December 21, 1935 – August 18, 2024


Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Security Cost

Posted by admin on Thursday, December 22, 2022

Meaning of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy Money Quote: saying in a speech to joint session of US Congress, costs of war against Russia should be seen as investing in Global security. Volodymyr Zelenskyy said:
joint session of US Congress, costs of war against Russia should be seen as investing in Global security Quote


“Your money is not charity. It is an investment in the global security and democracy ” — Volodymyr Zelenskyy


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In this quote, Volodymyr Zelenskyy is making the case for continued international financial support for Ukraine amidst Russia’s invasion. When he says “Your money is not charity. It is an investment in global security and democracy”, Zelenskyy is arguing that aid to Ukraine should not be viewed as mere humanitarian assistance.

Rather, he asserts that supporting Ukraine economically is an investment that safeguards security on a global level by defending democratic values against aggression.

Zelenskyy appears to be appealing to other nations’ strategic interests beyond just goodwill, framing financial contributions as a way to protect international stability and democratic order rather than simply charity. Overall, the quote emphasizes Zelenskyy’s perspective that assisting Ukraine financially has wide-ranging benefits beyond its borders.

Stanley Hauerwas: Extend Charity

Posted by admin on Saturday, January 22, 2022

Stanley Hauerwas Money Quote saying it’s possible to extend charity to the poor, even without means of your own – offer friendship. Stanley Hauerwas said:
To be poor does not mean you lack the means to extend charity to another. You may lack money or food Quote

“To be poor does not mean you lack the means to extend charity to another. You may lack money or food, but you have the gift of friendship to overwhelm the loneliness that grips the lives of so many” — Stanley Hauerwas


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In this quote, Stanley Hauerwas is challenging the notion that only those with money or material wealth can extend charity to others in need. While someone who is poor may lack money or resources, Hauerwas argues that they still possess a valuable gift – the gift of friendship. He suggests that befriending others and overcoming loneliness with compassionate human connection is a form of charity in itself.

Even without tangible assets, the poor still have the ability to enrich lives through the charitable act of friendship. So Hauerwas views friendship as a kind of non-monetary wealth that the impoverished possess and can use to help lift “the loneliness that grips the lives of so many.”

Thomas Sowell: Donate to Charity

Posted by admin on Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Thomas Sowell Money Quote saying conservatives are more generous with their money than liberals and give more to charity. Thomas Sowell said:
conservatives donate money to charity more often than liberals. They donate more money and a higher percentage of their incomes Quote

“People who identify themselves as conservatives donate money to charity more often than people who identify themselves as liberals. They donate more money and a higher percentage of their incomes” — Thomas Sowell


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Thomas Sowell is claiming that those who identify as conservatives tend to donate to charity more frequently, in higher amounts, and as a larger percentage of their income compared to those who identify as liberals.

He could be suggesting that conservatives demonstrate through their own charitable donations that they genuinely want to help those in need, rather than simply advocating for government welfare programs as liberals may do.

However, charitable giving is a complex issue with many factors, and people across the political spectrum likely have good intentions to assist others. More data would be needed to fully evaluate this claim.

Birthday: June 30, 1930

Stacy London: Own 300 Shoes

Posted by admin on Monday, November 8, 2021

Stacy London Money Quote saying that when you own too much of something you can redeem yourself by selling some. Stacy London said:
sales from my closet and give the money to charity. It's my way of recycling Quote

“I own about 300 pairs of shoes. When I start to go over 300, I have mini-sales from my closet and give the money to charity. It’s my way of recycling; I feel like I can give back to the universe” — Stacy London


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In this quote, Stacy London seems to be describing her approach to managing her extensive shoe collection while also supporting charitable causes. Specifically:

  • London notes she has accumulated around 300 pairs of shoes, which she recognizes is a large quantity.
  • She states that when her collection exceeds 300 pairs, she holds “mini-sales” where she sells shoes from her closet to downsize.
  • London then donates the money earned from these shoe sales “to charity”, implying she sees it as a way to give back through her excess purchases.
  • She portrays it as a type of “recycling” that allows her hobby to also benefit others, giving her a sense that she can “give back to the universe” through her passion for shoes.

The best interpretation is London has found a way to responsibly maintain her shoe collection while also using her interest to financially support philanthropic efforts, providing a sense of balance and purpose around her sizable hobby according to her system of periodically selling shoes no longer worn to generate donations for those in need.

Booker T. Washington: Rich Giving

Posted by admin on Monday, April 5, 2021

Booker T. Washington Money Quote saying the need to seek donations from wealthy patrons who complain about wealth is pointless. Those who give, don’t deride others. Booker T. Washington said:
getting money for Tuskegee has taught me to have no patience with those people who are always condemning the rich because they are rich, and because they do not give more to objects of charity Quote

“My experience in getting money for Tuskegee has taught me to have no patience with those people who are always condemning the rich because they are rich, and because they do not give more to objects of charity” — Booker T. Washington


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In this quote, Booker T. Washington appears to be saying that his experience raising funds for Tuskegee Institute gave him little patience for people who routinely condemn wealthy individuals simply because they possess wealth or because they do not donate more to charitable causes.

Washington seems to suggest that condemning others or having unrealistic expectations of how much they should give is unfair and unproductive.

The best interpretation is that through his own fundraising efforts, Washington learned that wealthy benefactors should not automatically be criticized or viewed negatively just for being rich or not donating even more than they already do to philanthropic causes.

Birthday: April 5, 1856 – Death: November 14, 1915

Rush Limbaugh: Pursuing Money

Posted by admin on Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Rush Limbaugh Money Quote saying we all want to be wealthy and pursue money to live better – especially lawmakers. Rush Limbaugh said:
Everybody in life is pursuing money: left, right, charity, nonprofits, everybody's pursuing money. Everybody wants a raise. Everybody wants to improve their standard of living. Everybody wants to be rich, and especially those that go to Washington Quote

“Everybody in life is pursuing money: left, right, charity, nonprofits, everybody’s pursuing money. Everybody wants a raise. Everybody wants to improve their standard of living. Everybody wants to be rich, and especially those that go to Washington” — Rush Limbaugh


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In this quote, Rush Limbaugh seems to be suggesting that regardless of political ideology or type of organization, most people and groups are ultimately pursuing greater financial resources or wealth in some form.

He argues that those on the left and right, as well as charities and non-profits, are all seeking to obtain more money through various means like fundraising, donations, grants, or lobbying for increased budgets.

Limbaugh also contends that this pursuit of money and desire for improved living standards extends even to elected officials in Washington D.C. The best interpretation is that Limbaugh believes the drive for more money and wealth is a nearly universal human motivation that transcends political or organizational differences.

Birthday: January 12, 1951 – Death: February 17, 2021

Samuel Johnson: Recompense Labor

Posted by admin on Sunday, August 2, 2020

Samuel Johnson Money Quote saying it’s better to pay for work than to give money away for charity. Samuel Johnson said:
You are much surer that you are doing good when you pay money to those who work, as the recompense of their labor, than when you give money merely in charity Quote

“You are much surer that you are doing good when you pay money to those who work, as the recompense of their labor, than when you give money merely in charity” — Samuel Johnson


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In this quote, Samuel Johnson is contrasting paying others for their labor or work versus giving money as charity. He argues that providing monetary compensation to people “as the recompense of their labor” provides greater certainty that good is being done compared to simply giving money as charity or aid.

Johnson seems to believe paying wages for services rendered or products created treats the recipients with more dignity and empowerment by valuing their contributions, whereas charity can foster dependence and imply the recipients have done nothing to earn the money.

The quote suggests Johnson viewed fair compensation for work as a more ethical and effective way to help others financially than unconditional charity or handouts alone.

Birthday: September 18, 1709 – Death: December 13, 1784

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