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Catechism of the Catholic Church: Idolatry
on Friday, July 10, 2015In the first of the “ten commandments” God said: “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” Pope Francis referenced ‘idolatry of capital‘ in an address to Catholics in a speech in Bolivia on July, 10 2015. Catechism of the Catholic Church:
“Man commits idolatry whenever he honors and reveres a creature in place of God, whether this be gods or demons (for example, satanism), power, pleasure, race, ancestors, the state, money, etc.” — Catechism of the Catholic Church
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The Catechism of the Catholic Church defines idolatry as honoring and revering a creature or thing in place of God. Some examples it gives of idolatry are worshipping gods or demons (like in satanism), or excessively revering power, pleasure, race, ancestors, the state, money, and other things above God.
It quotes the Catechism as saying “Man commits idolatry whenever he honors and reveres a creature in place of God, whether this be gods or demons (for example, satanism), power, pleasure, race, ancestors, the state, money, etc.” So in summary, the Catechism sees idolatry as putting anything in the world above God in one’s worship, loyalty or reverence.