Posts Tagged ‘cash’

Money quotes and sayings discussing cash, money quotations on the subject of cash

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Dave Ramsey: Debt is Dumb

Posted by admin on Friday, July 28, 2023

Meaning of Dave Ramsey Money Quote: saying getting into debt is dumb and not being indebted has earned a new cache with those keeping up with the jones’s. Dave Ramsey said:

Debt is dumb, cash is king, and the paid-off home mortgage has taken the place of the BMW as the status symbol of choice Quote

“Debt is dumb, cash is king, and the paid-off home mortgage has taken the place of the BMW as the status symbol of choice” — Dave Ramsey


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The best interpretation of this Dave Ramsey quote is that he believes debt should be avoided, having cash savings is most important, and being debt-free, especially paying off a home mortgage, has become a new symbol of financial success and status. By calling debt “dumb” and referring to cash as “king,” Ramsey emphasizes the value of avoiding debt and having money in hand.

Additionally, by saying a paid-off home has replaced luxury cars as a status symbol, he suggests that financial independence through being debt-free, particularly paying off a large loan like a mortgage, is now seen as a greater achievement than displays of wealth through possessions.

Overall, Ramsey appears to be promoting a philosophy where being out of debt through saving cash is the wisest path and brings greater prestige than living on credit.



Solomon Northrup: No Credit, Debt

Posted by admin on Friday, July 21, 2023

Meaning of Solomon Northrup Money Quote: saying Offered Credit leads to accepting debt by tempting us – only cash avoids greater temptation. Solomon Northrup said:
No credit -- no debt. Credit leads a man into temptation. Cash down is the only thing that will deliver him from evil Quote

“No credit — no debt. Credit leads a man into temptation. Cash down is the only thing that will deliver him from evil” — Solomon Northrup


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This quote from Solomon Northrup suggests avoiding taking on debt through lines of credit and instead paying for purchases with cash upfront. Some key points in interpreting his perspective:

  • Northrup implies that having credit enables overspending by tempting people to buy items they could not otherwise afford in cash, leading them into “evil” or financial troubles.
  • He portrays a “cash down” or cash-only approach as the surest way to stay out of debt and its associated stresses.
  • However, reasonable people can disagree on this, as some debt taken on judiciously (e.g. for education) can enable greater earning potential in the long run if managed responsibly.
  • A balanced interpretation is that while reflecting Northrup’s caution around credit use, prudent personal finance requires moderation – neither credit nor cash alone optimizes well-being, as circumstances and priorities vary between individuals.

Overall, the quote conveys Northrup’s perspective promoting an unrestricted cash-only stance. But the best analysis also considers counterarguments and recognizes that for some, limited, short-term credit use as part of a holistic strategy including savings can make sense, while others prefer avoiding debt altogether according to their means and risk tolerance. Multiple reasonable viewpoints exist on these complex issues.

Dave Ramsey: Debt Normal

Posted by admin on Monday, July 17, 2023

Meaning of Dave Ramsey Money Quote: saying people believe that it is entirely routine to be indebted rather than paying cash to purchase without credit. Dave Ramsey said:

purchased outright with cash at the time of purchase no payment plan or use of credit cards Quote

“The fact is, most people in our nation today believe that debt is NORMAL, and in most cases, NECESSARY. They can’t imagine living a cash-and-carry life or a life in which all things they own are purchased outright with cash at the time of purchase — in other words, with no payment plan or use of credit cards” — Dave Ramsey


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The best interpretation of this Dave Ramsey quote is that he believes most people in modern society have come to view being in debt as the standard way of life and even see it as required to obtain things they need or want. By stating debt is seen as “normal” and “necessary,” Ramsey suggests the culture has shifted to where taking on debt is considered the default choice rather than an exception.

He implies that few people can envision managing their finances by only spending what they have in savings at the time of purchase without using credit plans or cards. Ramsey appears to be criticizing this prevailing mindset and promoting the alternative philosophy of only purchasing items with cash up front rather than financing purchases through debt obligations over time.

Warren Buffett: Cash is Oxygen

Posted by admin on Saturday, February 18, 2023

Meaning of Warren Buffett Money Quote: saying cash to a business is as essential as the air to breathe – when unavailable, business gasps. Warren Buffett said:

Cash, though, is to a business as oxygen is to an individual: never thought about when it is present, the only thing in mind when it is absent Quote

Cash, though, is to a business as oxygen is to an individual: never thought about when it is present, the only thing in mind when it is absent” — Warren Buffett


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Warren Buffett compared cash to oxygen for a business to emphasize how important cash is for a company’s survival and operations. Just as humans need oxygen to breathe, businesses need cash to pay expenses, purchase supplies and materials, meet payroll, and cover other costs needed to operate on a day-to-day basis.

Without sufficient cash reserves, a business risks running into financial difficulties and potentially failing if it is unable to pay its bills. Buffett’s quote aims to highlight that cash, though often overlooked when plentiful, becomes the primary concern when reserves run low.

Warren Buffett: Cash Legal Tender

Posted by admin on Friday, February 17, 2023

Meaning of Warren Buffett Money Quote: saying when it comes to paying bills, only cash is accepted. Warren Buffett said:
When bills come due, only cash is legal tender. Don't leave home without it Quote

“When bills come due, only cash is legal tender. Don’t leave home without it” — Warren Buffett


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Warren Buffett compared cash to oxygen for a business to emphasize how important cash is for a company’s survival and operations. Just as humans need oxygen to breathe, businesses need cash to pay expenses, purchase supplies and materials, meet payroll, and cover other costs needed to operate on a day-to-day basis

. Without sufficient cash reserves, a business risks running into financial difficulties and potentially failing if it is unable to pay its bills. Buffett’s quote aims to highlight that cash, though often overlooked when plentiful, becomes the primary concern when reserves run low.

Lemar: Receipt, Receipt, Receipt

Posted by admin on Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Meaning of Lemar Money Quote: saying cash is simple and preferred by many, but cards simplify receipt collection. Lemar said:
certain cards you get the full lists which you can then pass on to your accountant so you don't have to do the whole receipt, receipt, receipt thing as it's all itemized Quote

“I used to prefer cash but I’m more and more drawn to cards because with certain cards you get the full lists which you can then pass on to your accountant so you don’t have to do the whole receipt, receipt, receipt thing as it’s all itemised” — Lemar


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In this quote, Lemar is explaining his preference for using credit/debit cards over cash when making purchases. The best interpretation is that he finds cards more convenient for tax and accounting purposes because certain cards provide digital itemized lists of all expenditures.

This eliminates the need to manually collect and organize physical receipts (“the whole receipt, receipt, receipt thing”), as the full transaction history is easily accessible.

Lemar suggests cards streamline the process of reporting expenses to an accountant for tax filings. The quote indicates he appreciates how cards can digitally track and categorize spending, saving time and effort at tax time compared to relying solely on receipts when cash is used.

Marya Mannes: Cash Aphrodisiac

Posted by admin on Monday, June 6, 2022

Marya Mannes Money Quote saying that just because a woman is excited by money – it doesn’t necessarily benefit the carrier of the dough. Marya Mannes said:
Money is not an aphrodisiac: the desire it may kindle in the female eye is more for the cash than the carrier Quote

Money is not an aphrodisiac: the desire it may kindle in the female eye is more for the cash than the carrier” — Marya Mannes


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In this quote, Marya Mannes seems to be critiquing the notion that wealth alone makes a man desirable or attractive to women. Some key points:

  • She states that “money is not an aphrodisiac” – implying it does not inherently stir sexual interest or passion the way an aphrodisiac drug might.
  • Mannes acknowledges money “may kindle desire in the female eye” but qualifies that this interest is more for “the cash” or financial security/opportunities money represents, not necessarily the man himself.
  • The quote conveys Mannes’ perspective that any attraction related to a man’s wealth is often less about him personally as the “carrier” of money and more about the money itself and what it can provide.

Overall, Mannes appears to be challenging the assumption that possessing riches is enough to make a man sexually appealing or desirable in his own right to women. For some, any allure may be more about the money and what it affords rather than qualities of the man himself according to this feminist critique of simplistic views of what drives attraction and relationship dynamics.

Birthday: November 14, 1904 – Death: September 13, 1990

Orrin Hatch: Blow it on Drugs

Posted by admin on Saturday, April 23, 2022

Orrin Hatch Money Quote saying don’t give free money to ungrateful slouches who just want to get high rather than feed their kids. Orrin Hatch said:
giving cash to people who going to blow it on drugs and not take care of their own children Quote

“You know, we should not be giving cash to people who basically are just going to blow it on drugs and not take care of their own children” — Orrin Hatch


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In this quote, Orrin Hatch seems to be expressing skepticism about unconditional cash welfare programs. The best interpretation is that he believes direct money transfers from the government to individuals will in some cases be used irresponsibly, such as to purchase drugs, rather than on necessities for one’s family.

Specifically, Hatch suggests that some welfare recipients may “just” or simply spend the money carelessly rather than using it to properly “take care of their own children.” He implies cash benefits do not ensure the money goes toward meeting basic needs of dependents.

Overall, the quote indicates Hatch favored a more conditional approach to public assistance, where the money or resources are targeted and potentially monitored to confirm they are spent meeting essential needs like food, shelter, healthcare and childcare. He appeared to believe unconditional cash enables problems like substance abuse among some welfare populations.

Birthday: March 22, 1934 – Death: April 23, 2022

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