Posts Tagged ‘buying’

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Benjamin Franklin: Buying Pleasure

Posted by admin on Sunday, July 19, 2020

Benjamin Franklin Money Quote saying we may believe that we are buying pleasurable experiences even though we are in fact selling our soul. Benjamin Franklin said:
Many a man thinks he is buying pleasure, when he is really selling himself to it Quote

“Many a man thinks he is buying pleasure, when he is really selling himself to it” — Benjamin Franklin


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In this quote, Benjamin Franklin is cautioning against becoming overly indulgent or addicted to pleasure and enjoyment. He suggests that when people spend excessively to obtain pleasure, they may feel as though they are “buying” it. However, Franklin warns that in reality they are “selling themselves” or losing their independence and free will to pleasure.

His view is that giving in to every desire can make one enslaved to chasing pleasure and compromise one’s principles. Franklin appears to be advocating for moderation and self-control rather than allowing oneself to be ruled by constant gratification according to this interpretation.

Birthday: January 17, 1706 – Death: April 17, 1790

Henry David Thoreau: Sell Servants

Posted by admin on Saturday, July 18, 2020

Henry David Thoreau Money Quote saying we lack the drive and belief in ourselves, so instead live as slaves to work. Henry David Thoreau said:
Through want of enterprise and faith men are where they are, buying and selling and spending their lives like servants Quote

“Through want of enterprise and faith men are where they are, buying and selling and spending their lives like servants” — Henry David Thoreau


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In this quote, Henry David Thoreau is criticizing how many people passively accept their circumstances in life and act merely as “servants” to the routines of commerce. When he refers to a “want of enterprise and faith”, he means a lack of initiative, ambition and self-determination.

Thoreau seems to believe that if people had more courage to explore new opportunities through “enterprise” and conviction in their own abilities through “faith”, they would not be so content to just “buy and sell” in service of others without advancing their own conditions.

The quote suggests Thoreau viewed passive participation in the economic system of his day, without efforts to achieve greater independence or fulfillment, as a wasted life spent in subservience rather than pursuing one’s potential.

Birthday: July 12, 1817 – Death: May 6, 1862

Arthur Schopenhauer: Buying Books

Posted by admin on Saturday, June 27, 2020

Arthur Schopenhauer Money Quote saying that books don’t come with the time it takes to read them but it isn’t likely so we pretend. Arthur Schopenhauer said:
the purchase of books is mistaken for the appropriation of their contents Quote

Buying books would be a good thing if one could also buy the time to read them; but as a rule the purchase of books is mistaken for the appropriation of their contents” — Arthur Schopenhauer


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In this quote, Arthur Schopenhauer seems to be commenting on the tendency to accumulate books as a sign of intellect or learning, without actually taking the time to read and absorb their contents.

By stating that buying books would be good “if one could also buy the time to read them”, but that typically “the purchase of books is mistaken for the appropriation of their contents”, Schopenhauer implies that amassing a large library does not equate to true knowledge if one does not dedicate the hours required to meaningfully engage with each text.

The quote conveys Schopenhauer’s perspective that collecting books superficially through purchase is not equivalent to gaining their insights, as reading takes significant investment of one’s time and focus to gain full understanding and edification from written works.

Overall, Schopenhauer appears to be arguing that possession of written materials does not necessarily correlate to erudition, which only deep reading of texts can provide.

Birthday: February 22, 1788 – Death: September 21, 1860

W.E.B. Dubois: Debt to Creditors

Posted by admin on Sunday, March 15, 2020

W.E.B Dubois Money Quote saying your creditors own a piece of you and have significant power over your financial life. W.E.B Dubois said:
If you are in debt, part of you belongs to your creditors. To whom you give your money, you give your power Quote

“Many a ruined man dates his downfall from the day he began buying what he did not need. If you are in debt, part of you belongs to your creditors. To whom you give your money, you give your power” — W.E.B Dubois


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This quote from W.E.B. Du Bois suggests that excessive spending on non-essential items can lead one toward financial ruin, and taking on debt obligations compromises one’s independence and autonomy by giving creditors influence over decisions. Some key points in interpreting his perspective:

  • Du Bois implies that purchasing luxury goods or experiences beyond one’s means is a path that often ends in debt difficulties and economic hardship.
  • He portrays debt as a type of relinquishment of self-determination, with lenders effectively wielding “power” over debtors through their financial leverage from loan balances.
  • However, reasonable experts also note that some debt, like low-interest student loans or mortgages, can enable important goals for some individuals if the terms are suitable and the debt is managed responsibly as part of a holistic financial strategy.
  • A balanced interpretation is that while reflecting Du Bois’ cautious viewpoint, personal finance requires moderation – neither excessive debt nor a complete avoidance of debt optimize well-being for all, as circumstances and priorities vary significantly between individuals.

Overall, the quote conveys Du Bois’ belief in avoiding non-essential spending and debt obligations that compromise independence. But the best analysis also considers counterarguments and recognizes that for some, limited, short-term debt can make sense in certain contexts if responsibly planned as part of a holistic approach, while others prioritize avoiding debt altogether according to their risk tolerance and needs over the lifetime. Multiple reasonable viewpoints exist in ongoing discussions of these complex topics.

Birthday: February 23, 1868 – Death: August 27, 1963

Groucho Marx: Alimony Buying Hay

Posted by admin on Saturday, January 25, 2020

Groucho Marx Money Quote saying paying alimony is equivalent to feeding a dead horse. Groucho Marx said:
Alimony is like buying hay for a dead horse Quote

“Alimony is like buying hay for a dead horse” — Groucho Marx


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In this quote, Groucho Marx seems to be making a wry comparison between alimony payments after a divorce and an illogical act. By likening alimony to “buying hay for a dead horse”, Marx implies that continuing financial support for an ex-spouse after a marriage has dissolved is nonsensical, since one cannot feed or benefit a deceased animal in the way a living one can be nourished. The joke plays on the absurdity of spending money on something no longer living or deriving sustenance.

Overall, the tone suggests Marx is satirizing alimony through absurdist humor, conveying his perspective that post-marital financial obligations to a former partner lack rationale once the relationship has concluded, much like purchasing food that cannot be consumed. The quote portrays Marx’s viewpoint through comedic metaphor rather than a literal argument, but implies alimony seemed illogical or pointless to him after a marriage terminated.

Birthday: October 2, 1890 – Death: August 19, 1977

Mokokoma Mokhonoana: Buying Romance

Posted by admin on Sunday, April 22, 2018

Mokokoma Mokhonoana Money Quote saying women get a romantic feeling from shopping or being shopped for – so buying is therefore romance defined. Mokokoma Mokhonoana said:
Buying is the foundation of most women's definition of romantic Quote

“Buying is the foundation of most women’s definition of romantic” — Mokokoma Mokhonoana


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This quote suggests that if nature or a higher power had any use for money, they would have offered eternal life or immortality to wealthy individuals in exchange for wealth a long time ago.

Mokokoma Mokhonoana seems to be pointing out that since money holds no intrinsic value beyond what humans assign to it, and since life cannot actually be bought with riches, it implies that nature and any creators do not recognize or require currency.

The quote further emphasizes how money ultimately can’t purchase what really matters – our finite time alive. According to this perspective, no amount of wealth can escape mortality, because life itself is not a commodity that can be bought or sold.

Nabil N. Jamal: Buying Lock & Keys

Posted by admin on Sunday, February 25, 2018

Nabil N. Jamal Money Quote saying when our protection is vulnerable to many, our valuables are not secure. A better lock is a good start to protect what is most important. Nabil N. Jamal said:
A key that opens many locks is worth buying. A lock than can be opened with many keys isn't Quote

“A key that opens many locks is worth buying. A lock that can be opened with many keys isn’t” — Nabil N. Jamal


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This quote from Nabil N. Jamal is drawing an analogy between keys/locks and people’s sexuality. It suggests that a person who is able to form relationships or attract many partners (“opens many locks”) has value and is desirable (“is worth buying”).

In contrast, a person who readily accepts or is influenced by many people (“can be opened with many keys”) lacks exclusivity and discernment, and therefore has little worth.

The quote promotes the idea that selectivity and commitment in relationships is preferable to promiscuity or a lack of boundaries. It encourages judging oneself and others based on the quality rather than quantity of their relationships and connections.

Jamie Dimon: Currency of Thin Air

Posted by admin on Thursday, September 28, 2017

Jamie Dimon Money Quote saying as JP Morgan Chase CEO rips Bitcoin as a currency that is entirely a fiction that will end abruptly for those investing in it. Jamie Dimon said:
The currency isn't going to work when you invent out of thin air Quote

“The currency isn’t going to work. You can’t have a business where people can invent a currency out of thin air and think that people who are buying it are really smart” — Jamie Dimon


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In this quote, Jamie Dimon is expressing skepticism about cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. By stating that the “currency isn’t going to work” and people can’t “invent a currency out of thin air”, Dimon is suggesting that cryptocurrencies are not true currencies and lack intrinsic value unlike national fiat currencies which are backed by governments.

He implies that buying cryptocurrencies purely as investments is not prudent since their worth is not concretely underpinned.

The overall interpretation is that Dimon views cryptocurrencies as unsustainable inventions without genuine currency attributes, and doubts their long-term viability given that new virtual currencies can endlessly be introduced without anchoring economic fundamentals. His perspective conveys skepticism about cryptocurrencies being a smart purchase for investors seeking stability compared to traditional assets and currencies.

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