Posts Tagged ‘borrowing’
Next Page »Henrik Ibsen: Borrowing & Debt
on Sunday, June 25, 2023Meaning of Henrik Ibsen Money Quote: saying there’s no beauty to a home that is built on borrowing & debt. Henrik Ibsen said:
“There can be no freedom or beauty about a home life that depends on borrowing and debt” — Henrik Ibsen
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This quote from Henrik Ibsen suggests that taking on debt obligations diminishes the freedom and appeal of domestic life. Some key points in interpreting his perspective:
- Ibsen implies that relying on borrowing to finance household costs inhibits autonomy and compromises enjoyment of the home due to repayment commitments.
- He portrays debt as undermining independence and placing strain on family relationships through inflexible payments.
- However, reasonable people can disagree on where to draw lines around prudent versus imprudent use of credit depending on individual situations and priorities.
- A balanced interpretation acknowledges both Ibsen’s caution and the reality that for some, limited, short-term debt can make sense as part of a holistic personal financial strategy if the terms are suitable and repayment is sustainable.
Overall, the quote conveys Ibsen’s viewpoint that debt obligations compromise the comfort and charm of home life. But the best analysis also considers counterarguments and recognizes that responsible use of credit combined with emergency savings works for some, while debt avoidance suits other temperaments and situations equally well according to personal risk tolerance, priorities and changing needs over the lifetime. Multiple reasonable viewpoints exist in ongoing discussions of these complex topics.
Birthday: March 20, 1828 – Death: May 23, 1906
Joe Moore: Borrowing From Friend
on Saturday, March 27, 2021Joe Moore Money Quote saying it’s important to figure out whether you want the friend or the money you lend them. Joe Moore said:
“Before borrowing money from a friend it’s best to decide which you need most” — Joe Moore
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This quote from Joe Moore is advising that before borrowing money from a friend, one should carefully consider whether their friendship or the money is more important to them. By borrowing from a friend, there is a risk that not repaying the money could damage the friendship. However, needing the money may be more crucial.
The quote suggests thinking through which outcome would be preferable in case repaying the loan causes issues – maintaining the friendship without the money, or getting the money but potentially losing the friend. Overall, Moore is recommending to thoughtfully weigh the costs and benefits to the friendship versus the immediate financial need.
Thomas Tusser: Borrowing Sorrow
on Saturday, March 6, 2021Thomas Tusser Money Quote saying that if you borrow, you’ll be sorry in a lyrical sounding way. Thomas Tusser said:
“He who Goeth a borrowing, goeth a sorrowing” — Thomas Tusser
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This quote from 16th century English writer Thomas Tusser seems to be advising caution around taking on debt. By stating that “He who Goeth a borrowing, goeth a sorrowing”, Tusser suggests that borrowing or going into debt often leads to stress, worry or other negative feelings.
The quote portrays debt as a burden that can weigh heavily on one’s mind. Overall, it appears Tusser is warning that relying on loans usually brings sorrow or regret, so it’s best to avoid borrowing if possible or only do so when truly necessary. The message seems to be that debt should not be taken on lightly, as it may come with emotional costs.
Birthday: c. 1524 – Death: May 3, 1580
Sonny Bono: Cling to Fame
on Tuesday, October 20, 2020Sonny Bono Money Quote saying being famous is fleeting – once you die, it’s gone. Sonny Bono said:
“Don’t cling to fame. You’re just borrowing it. It’s like money. You’re going to die, and somebody else is going to get it” — Sonny Bono
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In this quote, Sonny Bono seems to be conveying the transient nature of fame and fortune. By stating not to “cling to fame” because you’re “just borrowing it”, and comparing fame to money in that someone else will eventually “get it” once you’re gone, Bono implies renown and wealth are temporary conditions rather than permanent possessions.
The quote portrays Bono’s perspective that no matter one’s current status or riches, external measures of success will not last forever and are not truly owned by an individual.
Overall, he appears to be encouraging maintaining humility and perspective about life’s impermanence, even for the notable or affluent, since what one accrues in life will not be retained after death but pass to others instead.
Birthday: February 16, 1935 – January 5, 1998
Doris Lessing: Lending is Stealing
on Wednesday, August 5, 2020Doris Lessing Money Quote saying lenders are as good as thieves, stealing with interest. Doris Lessing said:
“Borrowing is not much better than begging; just as lending with interest is not much better than stealing” — Doris Lessing
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In this quote, Doris Lessing is drawing a parallel between borrowing/lending money and related but less socially acceptable behaviors. She suggests that borrowing from others is not much different than begging, as it still relies on receiving something of value from another without immediate compensation.
Similarly, lending money with the expectation of interest payments in return is comparable to stealing, as it involves profiting from another’s temporary need or lack without providing an equal service in exchange.
Lessing appears to be criticizing the practice of charging interest on loans as a means of deriving unearned income from those in difficult financial situations.
A deeper interpretation is that she saw both borrowing and lending with interest as exploiting power imbalances for personal gain in ways that are only marginally better than the more openly undesirable acts of begging and stealing.
Birthday: October 22, 1919 – Death: November 17, 2013
Warren Buffett: Trump Terrific at Borrowing
on Sunday, July 1, 2018Warren Buffett Money Quote saying Donald Trump is more interested in ostentatious display than equity and fairness in real estate and got overextended. Warren Buffett said:
“Where did Donald Trump go wrong? The big problem with Donald Trump was he never went right. He basically overpaid for properties, but he got people to lend him the money. He was terrific at borrowing money. If you look at his assets, and what he paid for them, and what he borrowed to get them, there was never any real equity there” — Warren Buffett
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In this quote, Warren Buffett is criticizing Donald Trump’s past business practices related to borrowing money. Buffett says that Trump became too focused on how much money he could borrow from lenders, without properly considering whether he would be able to repay what he owed.
According to Buffett, this over-reliance on borrowed funds, or “leverage,” ultimately led to some of Trump’s business failures. Overall, Buffett is warning about the risks of taking on too much debt without having a clear plan for how to service and repay that debt over time.
Ernest Hemingway: Live on Borrowed Money
on Thursday, September 15, 2016Ernest Hemingway Money Quote saying indefinitely living on debt and using credit endlessly is not possible, but many do it quite well for short periods. Ernest Hemingway said:
“It is usually impossible for a large body of people to support themselves indefinitely by borrowing money, although a few people enjoy a great success at it for a time” — Ernest Hemingway
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In this quote, Ernest Hemingway is commenting on the unsustainability of relying on borrowing money as a means of long-term support or prosperity. His interpretation is that while some individuals may have short-term success borrowing large sums, it is generally not possible for large groups of people, like entire nations, to support their livelihoods primarily through accumulating debt over an extended period.
Hemingway seems to be suggesting that borrowing is not a stable economic foundation and is not viable as a substitute for self-sufficiency or real wealth-generation through production, trade and earnings over the long-run for large segments of the population.
Hemingway Birthday July 21, 1899 Death: July 2, 1961
William Shakespeare: Loans Hurt Friendship
on Sunday, March 8, 2015William Shakespeare Money Quotation saying in Hamlet that losses on loans come to both parties when they start as friends. William Shakespeare said:
Neither a borrower nor a lender be; For loan oft loses both itself and friend, And borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry
– William Shakespeare
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In this quote, William Shakespeare is advising against both borrowing and lending money.
His interpretation is that borrowing can result in losing both the money loaned as well as damaging the friendship with the lender if it’s not repaid. Additionally, he suggests that borrowing dulls one’s motivation to be a good steward or “husbandry” of one’s financial resources.
The overall message seems to be that to avoid potential interpersonal issues and remain fiscally prudent, it’s best to neither lend nor borrow money from friends or associates when possible. The quote conveys that involvement with monetary loans can negatively impact both social relationships and one’s money management habits.
#TalkLikeShakespeareDay April 23
Birthday April 23, 1564 – Died April 23, 1616