Posts Tagged ‘barack obama’
« Previous Page — Next Page »Barack Obama: Republican Trillion Taxcut
on Tuesday, September 11, 2018Barack Obama Money Quote saying even when Republicans control congress and the white house, they fiscal responsibility they propound and added 1 Trillion dolllars to the deficit with tax cuts for the wealthy. Barack Obama said:
“With Republicans in control of Congress and the White House, without any checks or balances whatsoever, they’ve provided another $ trillion in tax cuts to people like me who, I promise, don’t need it, and don’t even pretend to pay for them” — Barack Obama
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In this quote, Barack Obama seems to be criticizing the Republican tax cuts passed in late 2017. Some key points:
- He notes that with unified Republican control of Congress and the presidency, they faced no constraints or oversight on their agenda.
- Obama specifically calls out the $1 trillion+ tax cuts, suggesting the magnitude was excessive and unnecessary.
- He implies the cuts primarily benefited wealthy individuals like himself who were already very well off financially and did not truly “need” more tax breaks.
- Obama also argues the tax cuts were not offset or paid for, meaning they significantly increased budget deficits rather than being fiscally responsible.
Overall, the quote conveys Obama’s view that the Republican tax legislation represented an irresponsible use of unconstrained power to bestow massive, unfunded tax breaks that mainly benefited the affluent rather than spurring real economic growth or aiding those who would benefit most. For Obama, it reflected partisan overreach at the expense of fiscal prudence and middle/working class priorities.
Barack Obama: Top of Economic Pyramid
on Monday, September 10, 2018Barack Obama Money Quote saying the economic recovery has skewed the wealth even further toward the wealthy and those already at the top. Barack Obama said:
“As wages slowed and inequality accelerated, those at the top of the economic pyramid have been able to influence government to skew things even more in their direction” — Barack Obama
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In this quote, Barack Obama is criticizing how growing economic inequality and stagnating wages for many Americans have allowed those at the very top of the income scale to wield disproportionate influence over government.
He argues that as the pay gap between ordinary workers and the wealthy widened, the richest individuals have used their means to shape policies that further entrench their advantages. Obama appears to believe this skewing of rules and systems has occurred to the detriment of average citizens.
Overall, the quote aims to highlight how unequal growth in incomes and wealth has translated into an imbalance of political power that benefits corporate and financial elites over the general public according to Obama.
Barack Obama: Subsidize Taxpayer Dollars
on Sunday, September 9, 2018Barack Obama Money Quote saying Republicans are giving tax breaks to corporations with tax cuts and deregulating lenders who prey on vulnerable borrowers. Barack Obama said:
“They’re subsidizing corporate polluters with taxpayer dollars, allowing dishonest lenders to take advantage of veterans and students and consumers again” — Barack Obama
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In this quote, Barack Obama appears to be criticizing certain policies of the opposing political party. Some key points:
- He refers to “subsidizing corporate polluters with taxpayer dollars”, likely meaning industries that receive government funds despite contributing to environmental damage.
- Obama also mentions “allowing dishonest lenders to take advantage of veterans and students and consumers again”. This suggests a view that predatory lending practices were not being adequately checked.
- His reference to “again” implies Obama felt reforms had been rolled back that had previously curbed exploitative behavior targeting vulnerable groups.
Overall, Obama seems to be arguing that certain political decisions inappropriately use public money in ways that negatively impact taxpayers, such as by supporting industries that pollute or failing to enforce protections against predatory financial schemes targeting groups like military veterans and students. The quote portrays Obama’s perspective that such policies misallocate resources and enable harming certain communities.
Barack Obama: Corruption Plunders Away
on Saturday, September 8, 2018Barack Obama Money Quote saying corrupt politicians suggest they’ll clean up the mess and help the little guy, but then raid the coffers and give away the spoils to the wealthy. Barack Obama said:
“Demagogues promise simple fixes to complex problems. They promise to fight for the little guy even as they cater to the wealthiest and the most powerful. They promise to clean up corruption and then plunder away” — Barack Obama
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In this quote, Barack Obama seems to be warning about certain types of politicians, without directly naming any specific individuals. Some key points:
- He refers to “demagogues”, meaning political leaders who make inflammatory appeals to emotions rather than reason.
- Obama notes they promise simplistic solutions to complex issues, even though real problems often have multifaceted causes requiring nuanced responses.
- He suggests they claim to fight for average citizens but actually primarily serve the interests of the very wealthy and powerful special interests.
- Obama also argues they campaign on anti-corruption platforms but then engage in corruption and self-dealing once in office.
Overall, the quote portrays Obama’s perspective that some political figures employ populist, emotionally charged rhetoric to gain support but do not genuinely represent ordinary people’s priorities once achieving power. Instead, they cater to elites and violate their own purported ethics. Obama appears to be warning voters to scrutinize such “demagogues” who oversimplify issues and may not follow through sincerely on their pledges.
Barack Obama: Investing in Students
on Friday, November 17, 2017Barack Obama Money Quote saying we should be financially supporting students that can not afford college but have good grades and desire should be able to attend the best schools possible. Barack Obama said:
“We have an obligation and a responsibility to be investing in our students and our schools. We must make sure that people who have the grades, the desire and the will, but not the money, can still get the best education possible” — Barack Obama
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This quote by Barack Obama emphasizes the importance of investing in education for all students regardless of their financial means. It suggests that as a society, we have a duty to ensure people who have the ability and motivation to learn but lack monetary resources still have access to high quality schooling.
The quote argues that academic merit and willingness to learn, not money, should determine one’s educational opportunities. President Obama is making the case that governments and communities should support students and schools to enable any hardworking person can receive the best education possible through public funding, financial aid or scholarships if private means are insufficient.
#NationalHigherEducationDay #HigherEducationDay
Barack Obama: Rage About Deficits
on Tuesday, January 10, 2017Barack Obama Money Quote during his farewell address in Chicago saying We can’t accept hypocrisy of budget cutting childcare but not taxes cut for corporate welfare. Barack Obama said:
“How can elected officials rage about deficits when we propose to spend money on preschool for kids, but not when we’re cutting taxes for corporations?” — Barack Obama
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In this quote, Barack Obama seems to be criticizing the double standard of some elected officials when it comes to spending priorities and deficits. A few key points:
- He questions how politicians can express outrage over deficits when spending is proposed for programs like preschool education for children.
- However, those same officials often do not voice the same level of concern about deficits when proposing tax cuts for large corporations.
- Obama implies this is a hypocritical position, as both spending and tax cuts impact the deficit, yet one type of proposal receives more criticism than the other.
- He appears to be arguing that investments in education should be viewed as equally or more worthwhile in terms of economic and social impact compared to tax breaks for corporations.
Overall, the quote suggests Obama believes some officials selectively apply their deficit concerns based more on ideological preferences rather than fiscal responsibility, and that spending on areas like education deserves as much or more support than tax policies that primarily benefit large businesses.
Barack Obama: Corrosive Influence of Money in Politics
on Tuesday, January 10, 2017Barack Obama Money Quote saying during his farewell address in Chicago When faith in politicians is low we need to fight corruption in politics. Barack Obama said:
“When trust in our institutions is low, we should reduce the corrosive influence of money in our politics, and insist on the principles of transparency and ethics in public service” — Barack Obama
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In this quote, Barack Obama seems to be arguing that when public trust in institutions is low, it is important to take steps to increase transparency and ethical conduct in government. Specifically:
- He refers to “our institutions”, likely meaning political and governmental bodies, and notes that trust in them is low.
- Obama suggests one way to help restore trust is to “reduce the corrosive influence of money in our politics”. This appears to refer to limiting the role of money, especially large political donations, in the political process.
- He also calls for “insisting on the principles of transparency and ethics in public service”. This implies a need for more openness about political dealings and spending, as well as stronger ethical guidelines for elected officials and civil servants.
Overall, the quote conveys Obama’s view that rebuilding trust requires measures to curb the influence of money in politics through greater transparency and adherence to high ethical standards for those in power or seeking it. Such reforms could help address corruption and promote integrity, he seems to argue.
Barack Obama: Work for Every American
on Monday, August 1, 2016Barack Obama Money Quote saying during democratic national convention speech that economic justice needs dedicated work to make gains and resolve poverty. Barack Obama said:
“We’ve still got more work to do. More work to do for every American still in need of a good job or a raise, paid leave or a decent retirement; for every child who needs a sturdier ladder out of poverty” — Barack Obama
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In this quote, Barack Obama seems to be acknowledging progress made under his administration but also arguing more work remains to fully strengthen the economy and support all Americans. Some key points:
- He states “We’ve still got more work to do”, recognizing goals have not been completely achieved despite efforts.
- Obama lists specific challenges like those still needing a stable job/higher pay, paid leave from work, a secure retirement, or pathways for children in poverty to rise above hardship.
- The “sturdier ladder” metaphor suggests a desire for social mobility and opportunities for the less fortunate to climb higher socioeconomically.
Overall, the quote conveys Obama’s view that while headway was made in improving conditions, continued efforts are still required across policies and programs that empower workers, families and the disadvantaged to ensure widespread prosperity and a level playing field for all citizens to reach their full potential. More remains to be done to solidify economic gains and benefits inclusively.