Posts Tagged ‘assets’
Next Page »Matshona Dhliwayo: Rich Peace
on Friday, June 16, 2023Meaning of Matshona Dhliwayo Money Quote: saying what makes you wealthy is peace and contentment, not so much debt. Matshona Dhliwayo said:
“If you have debts, you are poor; if you have assets, you are fortunate; if you have money, you are privileged; if you have peace, you are rich; and if you have contentment, you are wealthy” — Matshona Dhliwayo
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This quote from Matshona Dhliwayo suggests that true wealth and prosperity are not defined solely by financial metrics like debt levels, asset holdings or monetary sums. Some key points in interpreting the perspective:
- Dhliwayo implies being debt-free is preferable to being indebted, but assets do not guarantee fortune, and money alone does not equate to privilege.
- She portrays having peace of mind and contentment as the hallmarks of being truly “rich” and “wealthy” rather than any monetary measure.
- Dhliwayo’s perspective conveys that well-being stems from inner qualities like tranquility and life satisfaction rather than external factors alone.
- A balanced interpretation acknowledges both Dhliwayo’s viewpoint promoting non-financial definitions of wealth, and the reality that reasonable people can disagree on what constitutes fulfillment since it depends on individual priorities and philosophies.
Overall, the quote reflects Dhliwayo’s belief that contentment, not balancesheets alone, define prosperity. But the best analysis considers this perspective as one of many valid stances, and recognizes that for many, prudent personal finance optimizes well-being by providing security to freely pursue life’s deeper meanings according to one’s own values and changing needs over time.
Hendrith Vanlon Smith: Inflate Costs
on Monday, November 21, 2022Meaning of Hendrith Vanlon Smith Money Quote: saying growing business income is necessary to cover growing expenses of inflation is critical. Hendrith Vanlon Smith said:
“It’s important to always keep the business’ assets growing. Inflation will make sure that expenses grow, so each business needs to make sure that it’s assets are growing to at least compensate for those inflationary pressures” — Hendrith Smith
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Hendrith Smith is emphasizing the importance of continuously growing a business’ assets in order to counteract the effects of inflation.
The quote suggests that since inflation causes expenses to naturally rise over time, businesses must ensure their assets are also increasing just to maintain their existing value and purchasing power. Smith is advising that assets need to expand at least in line with inflationary pressures on costs, otherwise the business will fall behind financially.
The overall message is that stagnant assets leave a business vulnerable to erosion of profits and net worth from inflation eating away at the real value of their holdings. To stay competitive and profitable amidst rising prices, businesses must keep their asset base appreciating accordingly.
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr: Inflation %
on Sunday, November 20, 2022Meaning of Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr. Money Quote: saying One business expense many owners fail to budget is inflation. Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr. said:
“You have to include inflation in your annual revenue and expense forecasts. You have to treat inflation as an annual fee your business pays into the economy. If inflation is 2% for example, that means the economy is charging your business a 2% annual fee and so you gotta make sure your income and total assets grow at minimum 2% annually just to keep up” — Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr
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Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr is advising businesses to account for inflation when planning their annual finances and growth. The quote suggests that if inflation is at a rate like 2% in a given year, that effectively means costs across the economy are increasing by 2% on average.
Therefore, Smith argues businesses need to factor this “annual fee” of inflation into their revenue and expense forecasts to ensure income and total assets increase by at least 2% just to maintain the same purchasing power and profitability. If a business does not grow more than the inflation rate, it is effectively losing value and falling behind in real terms.
The overall message is that smart financial planning requires incorporating expected inflation into projections, as rising prices can erode profits if not properly compensated for through revenue growth.
Michael Lee-Chin: Fund Managers
on Tuesday, August 23, 2022Meaning of Michael Lee-Chin Money Quote: saying that fund mangers need to risk more to increase the wealth of clients than be average. Michael Lee-Chin said:
“I’m making a case against how money managers are handling customers’ money. The objective of the customer is not being met if the fund managers are diversifying their assets into hundreds of businesses. If they do this, they are typically performing close to the indexes. But that’s not the way wealth is created” — Michael Lee-Chin
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In this quote, Michael Lee-Chin seems to be criticizing a common investment strategy used by many money managers. Some key points:
- He argues that widely diversifying clients’ funds across hundreds of companies results in portfolio performance that merely mirrors the overall market indexes.
- However, Lee-Chin states this approach does not truly meet the objective of the customer, which is presumably to generate wealth above index-level returns.
- The quote implies that merely tracking the market averages through extensive diversification is not an effective way to create meaningful wealth growth for clients over the long run.
- Lee-Chin appears to be suggesting money managers need to take on more idiosyncratic risks and concentrate holdings rather than overly diversifying, in order to outperform indexes and deliver above-average wealth creation for their investor clients.
Overall, the quote conveys Lee-Chin’s perspective that replicating broad market returns through vast diversification across many companies is not fulfilling investors’ objectives, and bolder, less diversified strategies are needed to generate true wealth rather than just matching average returns according to this view on active portfolio management.
Frank Eberhart: Retirement Goal
on Thursday, November 11, 2021Frank Eberhart Money Quote saying the point of retiring is to live on interest, not principal. Frank Eberhart said:
“The goal of retirement is to live off your assets – not on them” — Frank Eberhart
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In this quote, Frank Eberhart seems to be emphasizing the importance of financial planning and asset allocation for a secure retirement. Specifically, he suggests that the objective of retirement should be:
- To utilize one’s accumulated assets or savings as a source of ongoing income and spending money during retirement years through dividends, interest payments, and other returns (“live off your assets”).
- However, Eberhart cautions against drawing down the principal balance of those assets for basic living expenses (“live on them”), which could deplete the nest egg prematurely without replenishment.
The best interpretation is that Eberhart believed retirees should aim to structure their finances so their assets generate sufficient cash flow to cover costs, thereby preserving the assets’ long-term purchasing power. His view stresses the importance of investment strategies that provide retirees the ability to benefit from assets without steadily diminishing their value over time through careful spending in line with returns.
Donald Trump: Built Net Worth
on Wednesday, September 15, 2021Donald Trump Money Quote saying he enjoyed gathering assets and building his net worth through his company. Donald Trump said:
“I built a great company, one of the – some of the most iconic assets in the world, $10 billion of net worth, more than $10 billion of net worth, and frankly, I had a great time doing it” — Donald Trump
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This quote suggests Donald Trump takes pride in his business accomplishments and the significant wealth he accumulated as a real estate developer. Some key points in interpreting it:
- He touts building “one of the – some of the most iconic assets in the world”, referring to his globally recognizable real estate holdings.
- Trump emphasizes the monetary value, noting a net worth of “more than $10 billion”, which he views as evidence of his business success.
- He implies the work brought him personal fulfillment, stating he “had a great time doing it”, indicating he found meaning and enjoyment in the process of building his business empire over many years.
- However, his self-congratulatory tone could also be seen as boastful or lacking humility. His focus on wealth accumulation leaves out other metrics of success.
Overall, while Trump aims to portray himself as a highly accomplished businessman through this quote, a balanced interpretation would consider both his perspective and potential blind spots in self-evaluation.
Robert Kiyosaki: Assets In Pocket
on Monday, July 19, 2021Robert Kiyosaki Money Quote saying that assets add to the bank account while any liabilities drain the bank account. Robert Kiyosaki said:
“Assets put money in your pocket, whether you work or not, and liabilities take money from your pocket” — Robert Kiyosaki
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In this quote, Robert Kiyosaki seems to be distinguishing between assets and liabilities from a financial perspective. Specifically:
- Kiyosaki states that “assets” are things that generate ongoing income or value, such that they “put money in your pocket” even when not actively working through means like rent, interest, dividends or capital appreciation.
- In contrast, he describes “liabilities” as financial obligations that continuously “take money from your pocket” through expenses like loan payments, insurance costs or other drains on one’s resources.
The best interpretation is that Kiyosaki wants to convey the importance of accumulating wealth-generating assets beyond just savings, while minimizing liabilities that do not increase net worth over time. His perspective is that assets aim to produce passive income while liabilities deplete funds without building future value according to his view on optimizing long-term financial positioning through balancing these categories.
Dylan Ratigan: Buy Up Assets
on Friday, May 8, 2020Dylan Ratigan Money Quote saying funds from the Cares Act was given inappropriately to banks and investors to acquire assets of those losing them. Dylan Ratigan said:
“This is not a bailout for the American people, this is giving cash to a small group of investors and banks so that they can buy up bankrupt assets from everybody else” — Dylan Ratigan
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In this quote, Dylan Ratigan is criticizing the 2008 bank bailouts as not truly being intended to help average Americans, but rather to benefit major financial institutions and wealthy investors. He argues that the bailouts were not about supporting the broader economy or people facing hardship, but rather served to provide large sums of cash to a small number of banks and investors so they could purchase distressed assets from others at reduced prices.
Ratigan portrays the bailouts as a way for large financial entities to profit further by using taxpayer money to take over troubled companies and properties on the cheap, rather than as an economic stimulus. The quote suggests the bailouts prioritized rescuing investors and banks from the consequences of their actions over assisting ordinary citizens struggling in the recession.
Overall, Ratigan conveys a skeptical view that the bailouts were more of a backdoor transfer of wealth to Wall Street rather than an effective means of stimulating the real economy and aiding Americans facing unemployment, foreclosure or other hardships.