Posts Tagged ‘andrew carnegie’

Andrew Carnegie: Dollar Bequeath

Posted by admin on Thursday, October 12, 2023

Meaning of Andrew Carnegie Money Quote: saying he believed that a child was burdened and crippled by wealth given. Andrew Carnegie said:

dollar bequeathed to a child is an almighty curse. No man has the right to handicap his son with such a burden as great wealth Quote

“The almighty dollar bequeathed to a child is an almighty curse. No man has the right to handicap his son with such a burden as great wealth” — Andrew Carnegie


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Andrew Carnegie is saying that leaving “great wealth” or a large inheritance to one’s child can be harmful rather than helpful. He believes it puts an unfair “burden” or “handicap” on the child by giving them too much money without having to work for it themselves.

Carnegie seems to think that children are better off learning the value of hard work and earning their own success, rather than having everything given to them through an inheritance.

The “almighty dollar” refers to money, and he calls receiving a large inheritance through no effort of one’s own an “almighty curse.” Overall, Carnegie felt that inheriting great wealth could spoil a child and prevent them from achieving fulfillment through their own accomplishments.

Birthday: November 25, 1835 – Death: August 11, 1919

Andrew Carnegie: Rich Death Unmourned

Posted by admin on Monday, July 18, 2016

Andrew Carnegie Money Quote saying those with wealth who fail to give their riches away before they die will pass without tears. Andrew Carnegie said:
The man who dies leaving behind him millions of available wealth, which was his to administer during his life, will pass away unwept, Quote

“The man who dies leaving behind him millions of available wealth, which was his to administer during his life, will pass away unwept, unhonoured and unsung no matter to what uses he leaves the dross which he cannot take with him” — Andrew Carnegie


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Andrew Carnegie believed that those who accumulate great wealth have a moral obligation to give back to society and help others. In the quote, he is saying that someone who dies as a very wealthy person without having donated or given away their riches during their lifetime will pass away without being mourned, honored, or remembered fondly after their death.

Carnegie felt that the truly wealthy should use their money to support philanthropic causes that improve people’s lives rather than just accumulating wealth for its own sake or passing it down to heirs.

Birthday: November 25, 1835 – Death: August 11, 1919

Andrew Carnegie on Nothing but Money

Posted by admin on Saturday, July 26, 2014

Andrew Carnegie Money Quotation saying we should have pity on those who are rich without a rich life. Andrew Carnegie said:
There is no class so pitiably wretched as that which possesses money and nothing else Quote

“There is no class so pitiably wretched as that which possesses money and nothing else” — Andrew Carnegie


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Andrew Carnegie is saying that having money alone, without other meaningful pursuits or interests, leads to a pitiable and wretched existence. He seems to be suggesting that true happiness and fulfillment in life cannot come from wealth alone, and that people need other sources of meaning, purpose and enrichment beyond just possessing money.

The quote implies that developing one’s character, intellect, relationships and other personal qualities is more important than solely accumulating wealth.

Birthday: November 25, 1835 – Death: August 11, 1919

Andrew Carnegie: Dying Disgraced

Posted by admin on Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Andrew Carnegie Money Quote saying keeping money to no benefit to those in need or failing to answer some portion of society needs when dying wealthy puts a pall on the rich man’s reputation. Andrew Carnegie said:
The man who dies rich dies disgraced Quote

“The man who dies rich dies disgraced” — Andrew Carnegie


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Andrew Carnegie said “The man who dies rich dies disgraced” because he believed that wealthy people have a moral obligation to give back to society and help those less fortunate. Carnegie felt that amassing a large fortune was acceptable, but that one had a duty to distribute their wealth through philanthropic works before death.

By dying rich, without having used one’s wealth to benefit humanity, one had essentially failed in their social responsibilities and died in disgrace as a result.

Birthday: November 25, 1835 – Death: August 11, 1919

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