Posts Tagged ‘aid’

David Mitchell: Men Invented Money

Posted by admin on Monday, March 20, 2023

Meaning of David Mitchell Money Quote: saying men and women created different value propositions to answer their differing needs and wants. David Mitchell said:
Men invented money Women invented mutual aid Quote

“Men invented money Women invented mutual aid” — David Mitchell


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This quote by David Mitchell seems to suggest that men historically focused more on developing systems of currency and monetary exchange, while women placed greater emphasis on mutual cooperation and assistance between individuals and groups.

The quote implies that men centered on individual economic gain through money, whereas women centered on collective social support through mutual aid networks.

However, the quote is open to interpretation and does not provide much context, so it is difficult to say definitively what Mitchell meant by this statement.

Bill Gates: Dollars Per Life

Posted by admin on Thursday, September 1, 2022

Meaning of Bill Gates Money Quote: saying aid money is a good investment when it saves sufficient number of lives. Bill Gates said:
Well-spent aid money is saving lives for a few thousand dollars per life saved Quote

“Well-spent aid money is saving lives for a few thousand dollars per life saved” — Bill Gates


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This quote from Bill Gates refers to his view that money spent on international aid and health interventions can very effectively save human lives at a relatively low cost. By “well-spent aid money,” Gates seems to mean funding for programs and initiatives that directly improve people’s health, such as vaccines, disease treatment, and medical resources.

The quote suggests that when aid money is targeted toward life-saving health interventions, the cost per life saved is often only a few thousand dollars. So Gates appears to be arguing that international aid for health is a worthwhile investment that can have a high return in terms of human lives improved and extended.

James Buchan: Foreign Aid Workers

Posted by admin on Monday, August 8, 2022

Meaning of James Buchan Money Quote: saying that foreign aid people can overburden damaged economies by being consumers. James Buchan said:
By pouring money and goods into devastated regions, foreign aid workers Quote

“By pouring money and goods into devastated regions, foreign aid workers sometimes compound the disruption and debauch the survivors” — James Buchan


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In this quote, James Buchan seems to be cautioning that while well-intentioned, some foreign aid efforts in disaster or conflict zones can unintentionally do more harm than good. Some key points:

  • He notes that flooding damaged areas with a surplus of money and goods from aid workers can “compound the disruption” of the situation.
  • Buchan suggests this influx of resources without coordination or understanding of local needs/systems can increase chaos and disorder beyond what already exists.
  • The quote also implies the overabundance of aid can “debauch the survivors” – meaning corrupt their character or values through distorting local economies in an unbalanced way and fostering dependency.

Overall, Buchan appears to be conveying that foreign assistance requires careful planning and partnership with local groups to avoid exacerbating problems in crisis regions. Simply dumping excessive supplies can undermine recovery efforts if not properly tailored and integrated according to his perspective on ensuring aid does no unintended harm or damage to dignity. Strategic targeting is important to true help according to this view.

Henry David Thoreau: Spend Self

Posted by admin on Sunday, March 27, 2022

Henry David Thoreau Money Quote saying when giving to the poor, give of yourself at the same time. Henry David Thoreau said:
Give the poor the aid they most need. If you give money, spend yourself with it Quote

“Be sure that you give the poor the aid they most need, though it be your example which leaves them far behind. If you give money, spend yourself with it, and do not merely abandon it to them” — Henry David Thoreau


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In this quote, Henry David Thoreau is providing advice on how to best help those in poverty. When he says to “give the poor the aid they most need”, he means to consider what type of assistance will truly benefit and empower them rather than just providing temporary relief.

Thoreau then counsels that one’s “example” of self-sufficiency and industriousness may ultimately help the poor even more than mere monetary donations. He suggests modeling behaviors that “leave them far behind” by inspiring them to help themselves through hard work.

Finally, Thoreau cautions that if giving money, one should do so thoughtfully and ensure it is spent in a way that uplifts recipients, not just “abandoning it to them” without guidance.

Overall, the quote emphasizes the importance of empowering charitable aid through example, involvement and accountability rather than superficial or disengaged financial support alone.

Birthday: July 12, 1817 – Death: May 6, 1862

John Philip Sousa: Government Aid Impedes

Posted by admin on Tuesday, November 6, 2018

John Philip Sousa Money Quote saying that subsidies for music may help support routine expenses, it doesn’t contribute to musical value and suppresses brilliance. John Philip Sousa said:
Governmental aid is a drawback rather than an assistance, as, although it may facilitate in the routine of artistic production, it is an impediment to the development of true artistic genius Quote

“Governmental aid is a drawback rather than an assistance, as, although it may facilitate in the routine of artistic production, it is an impediment to the development of true artistic genius” — John Philip Sousa


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In this quote, John Philip Sousa is expressing skepticism about governmental aid and subsidies for the arts. He argues that while financial support from the government may help with regular artistic production and activities, it can actually hinder the development of true creative genius.

Sousa believes that when artists rely on government funding, it can become an “impediment” that discourages risk-taking, innovation and pushing creative boundaries for fear of losing subsidies. His view is that true artistic excellence is more likely to emerge when creators are independent and not beholden to any sponsor or subsidy program that could influence their work.

So in essence, Sousa is cautioning that governmental arts funding may facilitate routine output but could undermine the cultivation of transformative, groundbreaking artistic talent.

Birthday November 6, 1854


Benedict de Spinoza: Poor Care on Society

Posted by admin on Thursday, August 30, 2018

Benedict de Spinoza Money Quote saying individuals cannot help all the poor that need aid – so society must together offer to care for those in poverty. Benedict de Spinoza said:
To give aid to every poor man is far beyond the reach and power of every man. Care of the poor is incumbent on society as a whole Quote

“To give aid to every poor man is far beyond the reach and power of every man. Care of the poor is incumbent on society as a whole” — Benedict de Spinoza


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This quote by Benedict de Spinoza seems to be referring to the responsibility of society as a whole to help the poor, rather than expecting individuals to solve poverty on their own.

Spinoza notes that for any single individual, “to give aid to every poor man is far beyond the reach and power” of what they can do alone. However, he argues that “care of the poor is incumbent on society as a whole” – implying that by organizing support and resources collectively through the institutions of society, poverty can be addressed more effectively than relying solely on private charity.

The overall interpretation is that Spinoza is advocating for societal or governmental responsibility to help the less fortunate, rather than placing the entire burden on individual goodwill, as a unified societal approach is needed to adequately address poverty at a large scale according to Spinoza’s view.

Birthday: November 24, 1632 – Death: February 21, 1677

Eva Peron: Charity Perpetuates Poverty

Posted by admin on Monday, May 30, 2011

Eva Perón Money Quote saying The fuzzy line between short-term charity and long term development aid is clarified by real results only after the money is spent. Eva Perón said:
Almsgiving tends to perpetuate poverty; aid does away with it once and for all Quote

“Almsgiving tends to perpetuate poverty; aid does away with it once and for all” — Eva Perón


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Eva Perón seems to be making a distinction between temporary “almsgiving” or charitable handouts that tend to enable ongoing poverty, versus more substantive “aid” that can actually eliminate poverty permanently.

She appears to be suggesting that simply donating to those in need or giving alms in a piecemeal way does not resolve the root causes that perpetuate poverty, but that comprehensive aid programs have the power to end the cycle of poverty for good.

The quote advocates for aid over alms, implying the former takes a holistic approach that empowers individuals and communities in a way that lifts them out of poverty sustainably.

Birthday: May 7, 1919 – Death: July 26, 1952

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