Posts Tagged ‘adriana lima’
Adriana Lima: Style or Money
on Wednesday, July 27, 2022Adriana Lima Money Quote saying you gotta have more than money and be more than stylish because she doesn’t care about them. Adriana Lima said:
“It’s wrong for a guy to have no personality, no heart. Because I don’t care about style or money” — Adriana Lima
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In this quote, Adriana Lima seems to be emphasizing that for her, genuine personal qualities like character, personality and compassion matter more in a partner than superficial attributes like physical appearance, possessions or wealth. Some key points:
- She states it’s wrong for a guy to lack “personality” and “heart” – implying she values inner traits like thoughtfulness, empathy and emotional depth.
- Lima then directly says that she herself “doesn’t care about style or money” in a partner.
- This conveys that factors like fashion sense, status symbols or financial means are low priorities compared to who someone is intrinsically as a person in her view.
Overall, the quote portrays Lima’s perspective that while “style and money” may impress some, for her developing a deep connection or relationship requires engaging personal qualities she deems more important to find in a partner than superficial or material qualities alone according to her priorities when it comes to what she finds truly meaningful in a relationship.
Adriana Lima: Work and Money
on Saturday, July 3, 2021Adriana Lima Money Quote saying people don’t put the same emphasis on money over working and money. Adriana Lima said:
“Here in the big city people spend their time thinking about work and about money; they don’t give some value to friendships and it can be depressing” — Adriana Lima
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In this quote, Brazilian supermodel Adriana Lima is contrasting life in a large, bustling city with a smaller town or community. She suggests that in big urban areas, it seems many residents become overly focused on their careers and financial goals, to the neglect of cultivating personal relationships and friendships. Lima implies this imbalance can be lonely and draining.
The quote conveys the idea that while professional success is important, true fulfillment comes from more meaningful connections with others. Overall, Adriana Lima seems to be encouraging maintaining perspective between work obligations and prioritizing quality time with loved ones, as mental health and well-being depend on both economic security and social interaction.