Sydney J. Harris: Counterfeit Men Made

Posted by admin on Thursday, March 9, 2017

Sydney J. Harris Money Quote saying some spend time to make fake dollars, while far more often real cash creates fake men. Sydney J. Harris said:
Men make counterfeit money; in many more cases, money makes counterfeit men Quote

“Men make counterfeit money; in many more cases, money makes counterfeit men” — Sydney J. Harris


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This Sydney J. Harris quote is suggesting that money can often corrupt and change people’s character in negative ways. Just as counterfeit money is fake currency, the quote implies that wealth and financial success may sometimes producecounterfeit men” – people who are inauthentic versions of themselves or have adopted values and behaviors simply because it benefits them financially rather than out of integrity.

The quote cautions that having money does not always make someone a better person and may even incentivize dishonesty or compromise of principles in many cases. It draws a parallel between counterfeiting currency and how gaining wealth can counterfeit or distort someone’s identity and priorities.

Birthday: September 14, 1917 – Death: December 7, 1986

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