Svetlana Alexievich: A Change Jar

Posted by admin on Friday, May 31, 2019

Svetlana Alexievich Money Quote saying her life was rich, then poverty-stricken over and over without moderation. Svetlana Alexievich said:
My life has always been like a change jar. It’s full, then it’s empty, then it’s full again, then it’s empty again Quote

“My life has always been like a change jar. It’s full, then it’s empty, then it’s full again, then it’s empty again” — Svetlana Alexievich


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In this quote, Svetlana Alexievich is likening her life experiences to a “change jar” that is constantly filling up and emptying out in cycles. She’s conveying that her life has gone through alternating periods of abundance and scarcity, just as a change jar accumulates coins until it is emptied and the process repeats.

Alexievich seems to be suggesting her life journey has involved times when she had more resources, opportunities or stability represented by the jar being “full,” as well as harder times when she had less to rely on and felt “empty” like the drained change jar.

Overall, the quote reflects how Alexievich views her life path as one with continual ups and downs, similar to the fluctuating levels in a receptacle used for collecting spare coins over time.

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