Suzy Kassem: Killing People for Paycheck

Posted by admin on Saturday, January 6, 2018

Suzy Kassem Money Quote saying the military industrial complex also employs corporate killers to kill their own for a paycheck. Suzy Kassem said:
Mercenaries, corporate armies and unemployed killing their own people for a paycheck Quote

“Today, we have mercenaries in Africa, corporate armies from the western world, and unemployed men throughout the Middle East killing their own people – and people of other nations – for a paycheck” — Suzy Kassem


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In this quote, Suzy Kassem is making an observation about modern geopolitical conflicts and the role of paid violence. She notes there are “mercenaries in Africa, corporate armies from the western world, and unemployed men throughout the Middle East” who are all effectively wage-earning soldiers killing individuals in various nations and regions “for a paycheck”.

The interpretation is that Kassem is criticizing how financial incentives have replaced ideological motives in fueling warfare, with private contractors, covert corporate forces and destitute young men sometimes more driven by earning money than any political cause when committing violent acts abroad.

The overall message seems to be that Kassem views profit-seeking as an unfortunate replacement for principle that has helped commodify and propagate bloodshed around the world through paid forces operating across borders and allegiances primarily for economic gain.

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