Suzy Kassem: Broken, Greedy & Needy
on Thursday, January 4, 2018Suzy Kassem Money Quote saying those with wealth can always find ways to entice those without it to do their bidding and to fight their war as long as the poor are seduced by cash. Suzy Kassem said:
“So as long as money continues to seduce the hungry, the hopeless, the broken, the greedy, and the needy, there will always be war between brothers” — Suzy Kassem
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In this quote, Suzy Kassem is making the point that as long as financial need and desperation cause people to act against their own interests or morality for the sake of money, there will be ongoing conflict and division in the world.
By referring to those who are “hungry, hopeless, broken, greedy, needy” being seduced by financial temptation, Kassem suggests that when people prioritize earnings and accumulation of wealth over unity, compassion or justice due to their vulnerable circumstances, it breeds hostility and “war between brothers” – meaning within communities and among people who should see each other as kindred spirits.
The overall interpretation is that the quote conveys Kassem’s view that as long as poverty, lack and selfishness inspire wrongdoing for the sake of profit, it will fuel discord and disharmony between affiliated groups who have been pitted against one another through the manipulation of their economic vulnerabilities and self-interest.