Suze Orman: My Liquid Net Worth

Posted by admin on Monday, September 20, 2021

Suze Orman Money Quote saying estimation of liquid funds by others may be close to the millions expected when it comes to net worth. Suze Orman said:
One journalist estimated my liquid net worth at $25 million. That’s pretty close. My houses are worth another $7 million Quote

“One journalist estimated my liquid net worth at $25 million. That’s pretty close. My houses are worth another $7 million” — Suze Orman


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In this quote, Suze Orman is providing context about her own net worth in response to a journalist’s estimate. When the journalist estimated her liquid net worth at $25 million, Suze Orman confirms that this estimate is “pretty close” but adds that her houses are worth an additional $7 million on top of that figure.

She is clarifying and quantifying her full net worth by including the value of her real estate holdings. This quote gives insight into Suze Orman’s personal financial situation by corroborating an estimate of her wealth and breaking down what portion is held in houses versus liquid assets.

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