Suze Orman: Investing in Stocks

Posted by admin on Friday, January 22, 2021

Suze Orman Money Quote saying unneeded money should be invested because it grows over time to fund retirement. Suze Orman said:
building a retirement fund. Since your goal is in the future, money for investing belongs in stocks Quote

“Money you won’t need to use for at least seven years is money for investing. The goal here is to have your account grow over time to help you finance a distant goal, such as building a retirement fund. Since your goal is in the future, money for investing belongs in stocks” — Suze Orman


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Suze Orman is saying that if your financial goal, such as retirement, is at least 7 years in the future, then you should invest money meant for that goal in stocks. Stocks have historically had higher long-term returns than other asset classes like bonds or cash.

Since you have many years until you need the money, you have time for your stock investments to recover from short-term market downturns. By investing in stocks now, your money will have more time to grow over the long run through gains in the stock market.

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