Steve Israel: Shark Tank Democracy

Posted by admin on Sunday, January 10, 2016

Steve Israel Money Quotation saying as New York Congessman finishing final term that money from the wealthy fueling campaign finance has destroyed politics. Steve Israel said:
This isn’t 'Shark Tank' This is your democracy. But as the bidding grows higher, your voice gets lower. You’re simply priced out of the marketplace of ideas. That is, unless you are one of the ultra wealthy Quote

“This isn’t ‘Shark Tank’ This is your democracy. But as the bidding grows higher, your voice gets lower. You’re simply priced out of the marketplace of ideas. That is, unless you are one of the ultra wealthy” — Steve Israel


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In this quote, Steve Israel is criticizing the influence of money in politics and how it drowns out the voices of ordinary citizens. He draws a comparison to the TV show “Shark Tank”, where entrepreneurs pitch their business ideas to wealthy investors.

Israel argues that politics has similarly become a “bidding” process where the “ultra wealthy” can essentially “buy” more influence over policymaking. By referring to the “marketplace of ideas”, he suggests democratic debate and civic participation are being undermined as the “bidding grows higher” through more political spending, effectively “pricing out” the voice of the public.

Overall, Israel is decrying the role of big money in politics from wealthy special interests, which he says marginalizes average citizens who cannot financially “outbid” them for access and impact on government decisions.

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