Stephen King: Constipation of Cash

Posted by admin on Sunday, December 28, 2014

Stephen King Money Quotation saying creativity is stifled by the currency paid for it when financial needs come before dreaming up a story. Stephen King said:
Stephen King Money is great stuff to have, but when it comes to the act of creation, the best thing is not to think of money too much. It constipates the whole process quote

“Money is great stuff to have, but when it comes to the act of creation, the best thing is not to think of money too much. It constipates the whole process” — Stephen King


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In this quote, Stephen King is advising that when engaged in creative work or the “act of creation”, it is best not to overthink or obsess too much about financial aspects like making money. He says that thinking primarily about monetary issues can “constipate” or obstruct the entire creative process.

The implication is that creativity flows most freely when the artist or creator is focused internally on the work itself and self-expression, rather than externally on commercial success or profits. While money is certainly useful, King’s message seems to be that prioritizing creative vision over financial factors allows for the most organic and inspired end results.

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